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Topic: Windows 7 64 Bit Issues Read 981 times  

6666d9288fb23The Overmatt

Hey guys,

So, I've read through the Installation FAQ and all existing FAQs I can find and none of them have solved my issue.

Basically, I installed the game, used the SS2Tool and the Mod Manager, and at first the game ran perfectly. I got through the tutorial, got to picking my Years, and the first 2 of 3 years worked fine, cutscenes and all. However, when now when I try to go to my 3rd Year, the cutscene skips, the sound for the whole game cuts out, and then when it loads the next cutscene the game just crashes. Not only that, but now it crashes when starting a New Game, which it didn't before. However, replaying the Intro still works.

I've tried every fix I was able to find. Changing the LGVID.DX didn't do anything, for some reason when I open the task manager to switch it to one CPU my computer tells me that it can't do that, and all of the things I've found to switch it to one CPU permanently don't seem to work.

I'm at my wits' end and running on 2 hours of sleep because of agonizing over this all night. Any help you guys can give me would be appreciated.


When you ran SS2Tool, did you let it do ALL the fixes it supports? You shouldn't have to be messing with core affinity if you did.
What happens if you disable videos entirely? Like, just rename the folder that the videos are in?

I've been running SS2 on Windows 7 64-bit myself, and with the SS2Tool fixes the actual game works perfectly.

6666d9288ff23The Overmatt

I did indeed install all of them. I haven't tried renaming the video folder, might give that a shot in a bit. As I said, I found it weird that one second it was working perfectly and then all of a sudden things that worked no longer do. Might just try to re-install it.
Have you rebooted since installing the SS2Tool?
Reinstall and run the full SS2Tool over it again. Start a new game.
Do not save before you have reached the Von Braun.

6666d9289041bThe Overmatt

AHA! The save file was the culprit! Thanks a million Kolya, works great now!  :D


Hey, since you're running the same OS I am, would you mind attempting to reproduce a crash I've been experiencing with DDFix? Just open up ddfix.ini in Notepad, and set "Enable=1" in the PostProcessing section. Then leave SS2 running in game mode for a while. On my system, this generates a crash in about 5-10 minutes.
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