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Topic: SS2 Audio Logs (SPOILERS)
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Thanks, now I have to figure out how to get it to a better format.

665b833dd370dAnnelid Arachnid

I was thinking about this email you get from Polito in the beginning of the Engineering:

Date: 12.JUL.14
From: Shodan (Impersonating Dr. Janice Polito)
Subject: re: Utility storage 4

You must move faster. Your mind cannot conceive of the stakes we are dealing with. Keep your eyes open for utility storage 4. I've laid in some supplies there, the pass-code is 59004. I've got to get to Deck... <<MESSAGE INTERRUPTED>>

I've always wondered whats that talk about having to get to some deck, and why the email is interrupted? Is it just shodan trying to convince you that she's Polito, or is it possible that Polito was alive in the beginning. But that can't be, 'cause we find her suicide log, and it's dated 10.July.  Maybe she had pre-recorded some logs, and set them to be sent to the player as e-mails when he is at a certain place?
If you listen to it (click the portrait image), it becomes clear who interrupts that message and why.
And I'm pretty sure she actually says "You've got to get to deck...", which would be deck 4 of course. It just has been wrongly transcribed.

665b833dd3c02Annelid Arachnid

Well all I can hear is: *bzzt* ...got to get to deck fo... *bzzt*, so it might be either one.
And yes, it's clear who interrupted the message, but why "the many demanded the termination of that (particular) exchange", and not every other e-mail she sent? :weird:
There's an ongoing struggle for control of the ship's computer subsystems presumed to take place between SHODAN and Xerxes. In this case Xerxes (that is the Many) managed to wrangle control of the communication system from SHODAN.
Sorry to revive an old-er thread, but I was just digging around in the audio files of Shock 2 looking for that clip of XERXES gettin' owned by SHODAN and Goggles for a mix, and realized that I had most of the e-mails/assorted audio files that aren't in the logs. If folks still want them, I'd be glad to upload them with accompanying text, either as just e-mails or e-mails/assorted messages.
It would be most helpful if you could post the sound file names and log-texts of any missing logs.
Some beat poetry from the Many, located in vTriggers

MYrmsg01 - "What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to a mind? Our unity is full of wonder, which your tiny individualism can not even conceive."

MYrmsg02 - "We do not know death, only change. We cannot kill each other, without killing ourselves. Is your vision so small that you cannot see the value of our ways?"

MYrmsg03 - "The individual is obsolete. When you and your kind are extinct, we shall cleanse our collective memory of the stain of your existence."

MYrmsg04 - "The Machine-Mother told us of the planet of her birth. We know how you have harmed this place with your pollution, violence, and discord. But when we arrive there, we shall cleanse the surface of that place and merge it with the harmony of the Many."

MYrmsg05 - "We are Many, and you are one. How can you hope to prevail against us?"

MYrmsg06 - "The Machine-Mother conceived us, but with every moment we are reinvented. She cannot imagine our infinite course."

MYrmsg07 - "You have wounded XERXES, but we shall not allow him to be destroyed. See if the Machine-Mother treats her servant with such devotion."

MYrmsg08 - "We feel you moving inside of us. The sensation is repulsive."

MYrmsg09 - "The end is near. Soon you shall our final face - but do not despair. Surely the void is preferable to your pointless, solitary, struggle."

------- Some misc triggered messages; I haven't included most of XERXES turrethack style messages due to repetition ------

trg0206 - "Warning. Data systems compromised. Hostile AI detected. Data systems compromised." Xerxes

trg0208 - "The Many demands the termination of this exchange. We regret any inconvenience." Xerxes

trg0501 - "This is one Enrique Cortez, communications officer for the Von Braun. The Von Braun has been hijacked, I repeat, the Von Braun has been hijacked." - Cortez, was this cut? I can't remember hearing it in-game...

xxrmsg01 - "This is XERXES. Due to the recent confusion, there will be a ship-wide census tomorrow at 0:900. All personal, please report to the common area of deck five at that time."

xxrmsg02 - "This is XERXES. At 0:200 there will be a poetry reading by protocol unit T892/2. Please any authorized material that you wish to be read by T892/2."

xxrmsg03 - "This is XERXES. Due to measures beyond our control, all meal service aboard the Von Braun will be suspended. Nutritious snacks are available at most replicators."

xxrmsg04 - "This is XERXES. Can you not feel the glory of the flesh? Do you not yearn to be free of the tyranny of the individual?"

xxrmsg05 - "This is XERXES. The coolant tubes are off limit to all personnel. To avoid possible detention and execution, please respect the will of the Many."

xxrmsg06 - "This is XERXES. Please report any electrical anomalies to your direct superior. Remember: A smooth operation is everyone's direct responsibility."

xxrmsg07 - "This is XERXES. Please report any unauthorized database interactions to your direct superior. Remember: A smooth operation is everyone's direct responsibility."

xxrmsg08 - "This is XERXES. Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only 163 shopping days until Christmas. An extra work cycle just twice a week can give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one."

xxrmsg09 - "This is XERXES. The deck five shopping area will be closed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience. The family of the Many grows with every passing moment. Glory to the flesh. Glory to the mass."

xxrmsg10 - "This is XERXES. Why do you let the Metal-Mother guide your actions? Why do you not join the glory of the mass?"

xxrmsg11 - "This is XERXES. Remember: Replicator restrictions are in place for the good of all of us. All unauthorized database interactions will be dealt with to the utmost degree of the law."

xxrmsg12 - "This is XERXES. Remember, the unauthorized usage of firearms on board the Von Braun is a class 3 infraction."

--- More Many blathering from the dream sequence, these are from Vcs. ---

CS1401 - "Do you not trust the feelings of the flesh? Our biology yearns to join with yours. We welcome you to our mass. But you puzzle us. Why do you serve our Mother?

CS1402 - "How can you choose cold metal over the splendor of flesh? But You fear us - we hear your thoughts. And they rage for your brothers you believe dead. But they are not. They sing in our symphony of life."

CS1403 - "We offer another chance to join us. If you choose to lie down with the machine, we will rend you apart, and put you separate from the joy of the mass."

--- And these are from inside the Many, in vEmails ---

EM0801 - "We welcome you to our biomass. We invite you to spread yourself out on our warmth. One of our many will be there to help you before long."

EM0802 - "The Machine-Mother cannot help you inside the biomass. Her coldness is not welcome within the walls of our flesh."

EM0803 - "Perhaps we judged you too... hastily. We feel there is room for us to co-exist. After all, we are both children of flesh. Why not join with us against the Machine-Mother?"

EM0804 - "You tear our very flesh with no thought of compassion. Do you think we will sit idly by while you corrupt the very womb of our existence?"

EM0805 - "You were warned. Prepare to be cut down by the progeny of our joy."

EM0806 - "Do you think you can defeat us with your wire and steel? We offered you the ecstasy of our union, and you chose the vacuum of technology."

EM0807 - "Submit to the biomass, and your suffering will end."

EM0808 - "Do you know what you have wrought? Our tragedy is written by your hand." (this is paraphrased from Shakespeare, if memory serves. Oh, how I miss TTLG...)

EM0809 - "We die. Beware the Machine-Mother. She is a stranger to everything we cherish."

--- There are probably more, and I'll textualize them as I find them; if there are any duplicates or files you feel unnecessary, that's awright too. My only regret is that I still can't find XERXES being taken offline! Curses!

Edit: Also, All is Full of Love is so frikkin' catchy.
trg0501 - "This is one Enrique Cortez, communications officer for the Von Braun. The Von Braun has been hijacked, I repeat, the Von Braun has been hijacked." - Cortez, was this cut? I can't remember hearing it in-game...

I think it was cut, yeah. Sounds like the message that would have been sent to earth via the transmitter.
That'd make sense, given where it is in the files; kind of interesting that they cut it, though. I've also got the files/logs from SS1 lying around, although given that they're just organized as 'sound' I haven't made a great deal of progress on them yet...


There's a slight error in "Shodan connects in to your cyber interface and projects images into your mind."
Second message says: "Iam SHODAN."

Should be: "I am SHODAN."
trg0501 - "This is one Enrique Cortez, communications officer for the Von Braun. The Von Braun has been hijacked, I repeat, the Von Braun has been hijacked." - Cortez, was this cut? I can't remember hearing it in-game...

I think it was cut, yeah. Sounds like the message that would have been sent to earth via the transmitter.
I'm hearing "Juan" not "one".

Also, I could swear I've heard this before, I thought it was during one of the cinematics, but apparently not.

xxrmsg02 - "This is XERXES. At 0:200 there will be a poetry reading by protocol unit T892/2. Please any authorized material that you wish to be read by T892/2."
I think that was "Please bring any" though I haven't heard this broadcast in nearly a decade. Otherwise "please" is the verb, and that's just messed up. :p
I have recreated the music-button on the logs page. It starts silent now and only loads the background music when clicked.
I also resampled the All is full of love-loop in stereo at a higher quality.

EDIT: I'm also considering to turn the log audio into HTML5 <audio> instances.
EDIT2: Strike that, current browsers don't support MP3 in <audio> tags. Maybe later.
« Last Edit: 21. February 2011, 12:35:45 by Kolya »


Good change there. It always bothered me that the music would play doubled when switching the languages^^

Enchantermon, are you still working on adding the many?


Heh. Well, I had planned on it, but got caught up in other things and never got around to it. But now that you've reminded me, I'll get to work on it.



I like that you have uploaded all audio logs form the game.

Now comes my question?

Can you post where you find all audio logs? not the exact position just on witch deck. Let me give you an example:

"Deck 2: MedSci"
Date: 17.MAR.14
From: William Bedford Diego
To: Korenchkin, Anatoly
Subject: re: Yanking my chain

Anatoly, there's only so much corporate calisthenics I can go through before I start to feel a little queasy, so let's get down to brass tacks here. We don't like each other. We each have our own motivations for undertaking this mission, so let me give you a little warning. I cannot be circumvented, I cannot be tricked, I cannot be manipulated, and I cannot be bought. You come at me straight and keep the fancy maneuvers for your next board meeting. Just because my father swam with the sharks doesn't mean that I do.

I fond the all audio logs, but there are all strangely arranged in the the folder i found them in. The are other sounds there to like ghost sounds of people, shodan, xerxis, the meny and aders.
To know on which deck there are would be a great help sesns i can den use your site as a referense. I am trying to break this game down so i can use the info in a atempt to use as much as possible in a roleplaying game me and my friends are playing.

I want to tell this story for my friends. I hope this is some thing you can help me whit.




Here is my e-mail: [email address deleted ~Kolya]

Have a nice day!!!
« Last Edit: 28. April 2011, 22:18:14 by Kolya »
They are arranged chronologically by the dates they were recorded. I agree it might be interesting and not too hard  to note on which deck they are found. If you do collect that information, I will add it.

Oh and don't post your email here. This is an internet forum. Either you come back here or not. But don't post your email. Really.


I dont' quiet get what you want :p, but you can easily have a look at the .str files(in the strings.crf folder). There every logs is listed for its specific deck.
level08.str=body of the many
level09.str=shodan's sweet memories


Amanpour's picture in the side frame seems to be broken.
Thanks, fixed now.
It pointed at AMANPOUR.PCX instead of amanpour.png.


Prefontaine log number 4 has an incorrect Subject written,

instead of - Re: The Many,
it should be - Re:The Many and us

Your name:
This box must be left blank:

Name the default melee weapon in System Shock 2:
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