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Topic: SS2 Straylight ADaOB v0.3.0
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Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Please try loading an original keybinds-set from the game's options -> controls -> load -> default
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Is there a reason to reset keybinds?  Would that cause a crash?

Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Keybinds can get corrupted. You can save your current set before resetting.
« Last Edit: 19. October 2009, 23:18:05 by Kolya »
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
I will try the keybinds, but it doesn't happen all the time when I press 'u'.  When it does happen, the log does play - I also get a shower of bullet caps at the same time.
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
I think I know where the shower of bullet caps/casings is coming from.

I had hacked a turret.  When it fired, the shells that it fired was falling off of my body - even though I wasn't even in the same room.

Is it related to the crash?  I don't know.  But I reset the keybinds back to the default and my GUI left mouse stopped working again.
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Mmh, reverse to the saved set then. That turret problem sounds familiar. But I'm sure we had removed that. Have you made sure you're using the latest version of ADaoB?
Otherwise we'll have to take a look at that again.
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
So I reverted to the defaults, and it still crashed.  Also there were a few times when a turret fired that it didn't spew casings off of my body.  It seems like the casings rain off of me more often when I have the GUI/HUD open.

I am pretty sure I used the latest ADoaB (I am at work and can't see my files, if I didn't use the latest I will let you guys know).

I reinstalled it again without ADoaB to see if it's ADoaB or something else.  It ran for an hour last night without a crash, but the Med/Sci area worked fine for me last time too.
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
The new NVScript.osm fixed the bug right up! Thank you Nameless Voice.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
A couple things:

First of all, I just remembered this, and a run into Engineering with the mod active confirmed it: in Cargo Bay 1A, right across from the doors which lead you into 1B, there is an aisle of boxes lined with five Protocol Droid crates and some goodies on a box at the end. There's a tripwire on the top of the box with the goodies that releases four of the droids, however if you mantle the box and grab the goodies without stepping forward, you won't spring the trap. This is probably also circumventable with Psi Pull, though I haven't tried it.

Second, as I was making my way to the Cargo Bays, I encountered the bug where moving items in your inventory changes the object icon to a keycard (or nanites, CMs, or nothing) and then crashes the game. Was there ever a reason found for that? It only happened in Engineering 1, disappeared when I changed levels, and reappeared when I came back. Replacing your eng1.mis with the original eng1.mis fixed it.

Third, I also encountered the bullet casings falling off of the player when a hacked turret was firing.

666647b6abf97Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
1) Using Psi Pull to avoid a trap seems fair.  I guess I could make the tripwire a little bigger?

2) A bug in the way SS2 handle memory for graphics - it's freeing the memory for the cursors while it's still using it, causing a crash.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
1. That or scoot it closer to the edge. Either should do the trick.

2. Ah. That makes sense, as further testing showed it happening when there were a lot of textures on the screen. Unfortunate, but relatively avoidable. Pretty much breaks my regular junk storage in Engineering, though.

Since I have a game going, I'll go ahead and finish it out, letting you know if I find anything else. A couple more surfaced, actually.

In Grassi's e-mail to Polito in the Mess Hall on Ops, the first word, "Doc," is not present in the audio recording.

Also, I've always thought it strange that the Red Assassins, whom Malick instructed to "stay away from strangers," would come looking for you if you corner them and run away. It seems to me that his log would indicate that he programmed them to run and defend themselves if cornered, but not to pursue. I know Thief servants can be (and usually are) set to flee to a designated point and cower there; couldn't the same be done for the Reds?

666647b6ac215Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
2. Telliamed wrote a patch to stop the crashes, but it was unfinished.  I must ask him what happened to it.

If the assassins were set to flee, then they wouldn't attack at all.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
2. Cool, thanks. :)

Hmm. I know you can change metaproperties with tripwires; is there not a way you can set them to flee to a designated point and then when they reach it, defend their position from where they stand?
If not, what about making them attack, but then keeping them from traveling a certain distance from the flee point (or keeping them from leaving a designated area)?
« Last Edit: 26. October 2009, 06:35:41 by Enchantermon »

666647b6ac452Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
All three assassins already run away when they see the player?  They only stop to fight when you chase them down?

The first assassin runs to the room with the conference table, the second assassin runs into the room with the falling barrel traps, and the third assassin runs to the control room past the brig?


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Yes. But after you chase them down, if you pop into their sight and then duck behind a column or a doorway, they'll come looking for you, allowing you to ambush them. The way Malick's log reads, they shouldn't be coming after you at all. The should want to stay away from you.
Take the one in the conference room, for example. You chase him down and he runs into the corner of the room. You step into the doorway, let him see you and start throwing stars, then duck outside of the doorway. He will come to find you. From Malick's log, it seems as if he would stay put, only attacking if someone steps into the room.
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Staying in the same room after you saw them would make the assassins static and lifeless. Also you have to know where someone is, to hide/stay away effectively.

666647b6ac746Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
People can't find you if they're dead.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
Staying in the same room after you saw them would make the assassins static and lifeless.
If that's the case, then what I'm asking would seem to be impossible. I didn't know if it was or not, which is why I asked.
Also you have to know where someone is, to hide/stay away effectively.
True, but each of the assassins flee to a dead end with only one entrance, so even if they fled to one spot and stayed there, even if they don't know where an enemy is, they know that if they cannot see him, he's not there. When he enters, becoming visible to the assassin, that would trigger a defensive posture in the form of fighting and/or trying to flee around the threat.
People can't find you if they're dead.
True. If you're trying to conserve ammo, though, it's hard to get up close to an assassin, especially when you have to maneuver around things like the conference table, making you defenseless until you reach your target. The current setup makes it easier to just camp outside the door until the assassin comes to you.
Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
I have played this game for quite a bit without ADoaB, and no crashes.

Next time I will play with ADoaB but without the ADoaB tacticool pistol replacement.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
In Pod 1 on the Rickenbacker, there's a card-locked door behind which is a hallway that takes you to Nacelles A and B and Pod 2. The locked card slots on each side of that door are both automatically green instead of red.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.2.9
Nice to see this mod is still going strong after all those years.


"-broken shotgun ammo moved to hybrid inventory (so you don't have to drop your gun when your inv. is full)"

Best.  Mod.  Ever.

I stole that idea from SecMod, IIRC. :)
(Admittedly, it was my idea in the first place.)
But one of you two implemented it in ADaOB, I just explained the steps.

I totally claim credit for this! :thumbwink:

Quote by weirwood
How about letting the shotgun hybrids simply drop 1 slug, instead of the broken shotgun? Because having to empty those shotguns is just an annoyance for the player, especially when you don't have much space in the inventory.(...) Or, alternatively, let them retain the shotgun, but make it empty and put a seperate slug in their inventory.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
By the way...why is it that every time you hack one of the Rick's ceiling-mounted turrets Xerxes spouts off two different numbers at once? Ignoring the fact that Xerxes shouldn't really be in control of the Rick's systems anyway, it makes no sense for him to give two different numbers at once, especially since he doesn't do it when you hack the floor-mounted turrets on the Rick.

666647b6adaa9Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
I totally claim credit for this! :thumbwink:

Hah, go ahead, though I'm quite sure I came up with the idea as well, after unloading dropping one of my guns to pick up a hybrid's shotgun and take the shell out before dropping it again and picking my own gun back up, for the umpteenth time.

By the way...why is it that every time you hack one of the Rick's ceiling-mounted turrets Xerxes spouts off two different numbers at once?

Because someone forgot to tick "don't inherit", so they have the Turret script twice!  Will be fixed in the next release.


Re: SS2 Straylight ADaoB v0.3.0
That was a great change :thumbwink:

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