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Topic: [HELP] Host Game - Doesnt Shows IP address Read 3284 times  

Hi everyone.

First of all, i wanna say hi to all of you... im seeing a lot of 80,s players like me, trying to have fun with this classic !!!! HI ALL[/i]


When i am on, Host Game, on multiplayer i see this. NO IP ADDRESS !!!

Image: http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s71/qpa809/01-1.jpg

My system:

Dell Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini-Card
windows 7 profesional
service Pack 1
Procesador:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5670 @1.80GHz
OS 32 bits

And i cant join or host a game.... I ALREADY TRY THIS!!!:

1. Install the SSTool and SS2MManager.
2. Unninstall the game, and install it, and running without install the SStool and SS2MManager.
3. Put all up the conection [Advanced Settings and stuff in network settings].
4. Disable internet conection,run the game, and go back and Enable it.
5. Unninstall, and Unable every protecction on my PC.
6. Copy and paste "a working copy" of sshok2 t my PC.

I READ all the Multiplayer guide here, and another sites... AND NOBODY HAS THE SAME PROBLEM  :( :paranoid:  :/

TNX FOR UR TIME.... and i apologize for my bad English xD...


« Last Edit: 08. February 2012, 02:25:54 by qpa85 »
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
The IP address you would see there is usually your LAN address and only helpful if you actually play in a Local Area Network. Most people these days play over the internet though.
To get your own external IP, look it up here: http://www.whatismyip.com/
This is the one you should give your friend so he can join you.

Now the fact that SS2 does not show any address might mean the game is blocked, eg by your firewall. Make sure that isn't the case.
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
I Unable all the ESET NOD 32 protection, and still doesnt have any IP address in that screen. I will uninstall the antivirus... xD

TNX for the Answer.

PD: I Will edit the original post for any try i do xD.
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
I do not suggest you uninstall your anti-virus program because of this.
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
Uninstall Antivirus = Doesnt Work !!!
Windows Firewall Unable = Doesnt Work !!!

!! What alse could be ?

Tnx for ur time...

PD: Dont worry i stalled it allready... xD
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
Ignore this for now. It may not be important.
Try to establish a game with your friend. Follow the advice I gave to you in my first post.
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
:( Sorry for me, it dosent work:

My Sis and a friend can do it, but i cant :(. With the same config of everything. We are using a VPN [hamachi and enable all the ports, we can play another lan games aswell], but im the only one who have the problem....

You know what im seeing ? - It looks like "The game" Doesnt recognice any NETWORK ADAPTOR, its like "it" doesnt be vinculated with none [hamachi or ethernet or wireless adaptor.]

for example: When i try to join, it IMMEDIATELY says "join failed"... it doesnt load a little bit or something, just say "join failed" fast...

i say this, cuz when my "sis" try to host/join, it take some time to show the another page [you know.. u click "next" and.... it loads]...


Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
Copy your sister's game folder to your own computer, eg with an USB stick.
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
Copy your sister's game folder to your own computer, eg with an USB stick.

:( i did it already... [we have the same install ] but the the freaking IP address doesnt show... they see their IP address and play fine... but i cant... it looks like some driver compatibility or some issue..

i play a lot of other games, on a VPN too... but this is the only one with this problem and the only one i wanna play now :(
Re: [HELP] Host Game - Dosent Shows IP address
Check if any compatibility modes are set on the shock2.exe. (Those would even survive overwriting the file with your sister's.) Turn them off.
Make sure your game folder is not in a protected folder like Program Files. Move it if necessary.
Check if any compatibility modes are set on the shock2.exe. (Those would even survive overwriting the file with your sister's.) Turn them off.
Make sure your game folder is not in a protected folder like Program Files. Move it if necessary.

it runs, without any, and with all of them, but the IP DOESNT SHOOWWW !!!! " im getting tired:/

¿¿¿¿ ANY IDEAS !!!! ????
Apparently something is blocking SS2's net access. It's not a problem with the game itself.
I suppose you're already running the game as admin and have allowed it in window's firewall?
Apparently something is blocking SS2's net access. It's not a problem with the game itself.
I suppose you're already running the game as admin and have allowed it in window's firewall?

Yes, off course... i execute the game as admin, in the firewall it is allowed aswell... and the IP Adress just dont show.

Another thing i did: Re install and update my Wireless and Ethernet Drivers... and nothing happend. SO WEIRD !!! :S

PD: I have to mention this, but i read in some post [i submit the link of the post] , where theres a problem similar when you wanna play in LINUX... [I have Windows 7 "repeat"], ¿¿¿ maybe its some similar problem dont you think ??? ...

http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2270 ... search "ctrl + f" for "Verify"... it shows u what i mean XD.


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