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Topic: SS2 ImpyNickers RebirthSkins Read 39631 times  


Tags: °texture °SS2

EDIT: Added Version 2
Created a quick  re-skin of CyberBlutch's Hybrid Face Texture (Shotgun, Pipe). It was a modification of his original work, which was more detailed but less like the original hybrid. I wanted to use his highly detailed models, but always felt like the aesthetic of the original game was sacrificed a bit. I feel this skin is a bit closer to what I wanted. I also colour matched the body, but haven't had time yet to modify it in any way. It was mainly the head I was interested in.
This is my first time texturing anything, so feedback/advice is encouraged.

Version 1

Version 2


« Last Edit: 29. June 2019, 22:09:10 by Moderator »
Nice, just going by the screenshots I really like these. I attached the textures as a mod archive to your post and made you an uploader so you can manage your own attachments. I would propose splitting this off into its own thread, if you plan to make more textures.

Edit: I was a bit misled by you saying that you textured the pipe hybrid as the textures apply to the the other hybrids as well. See shotgun hybrid in the top left and bottom right of this screenshot.
« Last Edit: 09. October 2012, 18:09:47 by Kolya »


I would mess the faces up some more - to lessen the "army of clones" feeling.


Funnily such is my inexperience that I didn't realize they used the same head. The game just flips them I guess. Just added  a colour corrected version of the shotgun body up top. Ill add it to the archive too.

I see what you mean. Im thinking on how creatively to do that while retaining some detail on the texture. The great benefit of the original system shock textures was that they could get away with a lot just by keeping things blurry. I loved how the original hybrid face was almost unidentifiable. Ill play around with things when I have time.
« Last Edit: 09. October 2012, 21:04:43 by ImpyNickers »


I think your faces are a step in the right direction. I also don't care much for the rebirth faces and wish we could have more of that original feel. The original art is great because it's a blend of an expressful sad, creepy yet vacant face instead of the face of a brainless zombie, which really doesn't create the same effect at all.
It's a step in the right direction but they still look too much like neanderthals on crack than the soulless husks of the original. But that's expected if you only change the textures.


If we had access to the original files I could maybe fix that but I don't know if that'll ever happen.  When I tried to reverse engineer the model, the mesh was so badly broken that I didn't want to touch it.  Mind you I don't know whether my version of max was doing it or whether it was the model itself. 
I like the smeared red lipstick, that's always a plus. And I think the original hybrids are being a bit overrated here, or more exactly they aren't seen so much for what they are, but the feelings they once evoked. Strangely one extremely important aspect of them has never been modded and that's their sounds. They still say the same things in exactly the same way and situation. A mod that would tackle this could go a long way in bringing back some of the old fear.


About lipstick:
Any chance that there also could be some girl hybrids? Yeah, I know that most of them became busty midwifes.
But just think about this: you are walking down a corridor in the medical section and suddenly you hear a grunting, contorted, formerly woman voice and a misshaped, deformed woman hybrid attacks you! "We seek, we seek...shoes".

Turnbull turned into a hybrid by her own accounts ("I can feel this thing inside of me, chewing, growing fat..."). So there isn't any gender restriction on that in the game. It's solely a technical restriction.


Much more satisfied with version 2. Feels a little more detailed, though I am still nitpicky. Been trying to work on the human textures too, though I am finding it hard to hide everybody's chubby thigh's with textures. I know those are supposed to be pockets, but it looks like they got a ghetto booty.


I could be wrong but I don't see any eyeballs in v2.  The eye sockets are nicely bloodshot but I think the eyeballs should take up more real estate on the face and be a bit easier to discriminate.  Also the nose is a bit nicer in your rev1.  I'm not saying the nose should look pretty but the proportions seem more correct from the shots you took.


I see what you mean about the eyeballs. They are there, but very very faint. I had trouble getting the eyes to look right. Certain tones that would show up when working on it would look completely different in the game and look wierd. Sometimes I just don't know how something is going to look until I boot it up. I guess I really need a better grasp of how the game treats textures. Its also hard to guess which way the texture bends around the model. Lots of trial and error since I am not using a model viewer or anything. I used cyberblutch's orginal textures as a kind of reference. Is there a easier way to go about this I am missing? Wish I knew more about this stuff.  I also have no background in art, just what is self taught. I just liked the idea of impacting the look of the game in an interesting way.
Textures often get distorted on a model by UV mapping (which stretches/contracts the texture over parts of the model). This may make it impossible to draw accurately in some areas without tocuhing the model, because the modeler set up UV mapping to fit his own texture.
If you don't want to get into this, then staying closely with the original placement of eyes and other features is the only option.
Great man! Nice skins, it made the hybrids much more scarier. It would be nice if it would work also with the grenade hybrid. I can't wait for your human skins.

Again, good job!!!


We need a vote, I reckon, on best individual textures for individual characters, then somebody combine it into one, complete mod. Something nice and hi-res. For the midwife I'd like something based on this:

Image: http://pp.kpnet.fi/jussila/misc2/midwife_03.jpg


Another noob question from me :) I copied the files from this mod into "DataPermMods\mesh\txt16\" and I noticed that I now have files with the same name but different extension:
many_hd.gif - old file, from Rebirth, I suppose.
many_hd.png - new file, from this mod, I presume.

So how will the game "know" which file to use? Should I delete the gifs, or leave them be?


no need to do anything, the game "knows".
How do you install this? I put the mesh folder in the DataPermanentMods folder but it didn't work. Then I created a DataPermMods folder to see if that would work but it didn't. I also tried putting it in DataTempMods folder. I'm playing on GOG version of SS2. I'm using 6 or 7 other mods and they all work fine.
Well im a Full Noob on mods, but im writing this just for other noobs like me, i just deleted the same name files from Mesh/txt16 folder and after that put the new fles on it. i really like this mod the skin is more like original faces are so cool! thank you!!!!


while this may work, I would not recommend deleting anything, especially if you are a beginner. using the DataTempMods folder (has the highest mod priority) should be enough.

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