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Topic: audio transcription + spanish dubbing Read 29548 times  

(this post is updated in oct 2015, thanks kolya for the merge)

hi... sorry for the long time i didn't came here, but i felt the need to update some info i should done at first...

maybe you know i have a spanish dubbing project (could be any other language later), for this purpose i wrote a webapp ... this project never had been dead, i do it with some friends, even i had some collaborators from here (remarkably unn_atropos)

kolya: please dont be angry, the page just lacked visitors but works and never was shutted down .. all this time had been available to anyone that want to collaborate  ... if you like i can give you the complete page with the code and files

all this time the page had stayed online it runned in my own webserver (a linux xeon 4 cores with my ftth line) so i don't spend a dime on webhosting and the page go with me whethever i live, that means it never will be shutted down ..  i have about 90% of english audio transcriptions, and about 70% of spanish audio translations, thanks to collaborators

probably some of you had visited the page but felt is not so friendly, so i decided to post a little tutorial...  it is really simple, is like an online multimedia and text file explorer, i invite you to explore and try

i dont have experience leading projects like this ... but i think to maintain some order it has to be done in some steps:

  • English audio transcription
  • English text translation (spanish in this case, to do scripts for voice actors)
  • Audio dubbing (with volunteers, coordinated by someone)
  • Audio editing by someone, i'll give him all audio files
  • Implementation, testing and release

for this i wrote a web application that could help to do this collaboratively, once all english transcription will be made the applicacion can be easily adapted for any language... if somebody got interested and thinks could lead the project better than me please contact me


  • Choose some character from the top (personaje) to see the directories in which he has speech files
  • Pick some directory from the left (directorios), the speech files (archivos) will be shown in the area next
  • The files on the list could have one or more of these icons:
    • English flag: the audiolog has an english transcription (texto en ingles)
    • Spanish flag: the audiolog has a spanish translation (texto en español)
    • Exclamation mark: the audiolog has a comment in the last entry (registro de cambios)
  • Pick some file to load, will be marked with brackets,  you can hear the spoken dialog on top player and read the texts on the boxes to the right
  • You can listen the audio and transcribe it in the "texto en ingles" area
  • Before post you can write some comments right below the corresponding text area and will be posted in changelog (registro de cambios)
  • Post your transcription (with optional comments) clicking the corresponding save button (guardar).. it keeps an internal history
  • Maybe you need to login before at the top (usuario: inciar sesion)... just write your name, it wont ask you for a password, i trust you (only letters accepted)
  • Now you can see your updated text... you can continue with next, or do the spanish translation if it has english text
  • To get help on project or discusss some transcription / translation click the help link (ayuda), it will open the related theme on my forum ... please post project related messages there... i wish it grows enough to be finished, but i don't intend my work to be more important than kolya's one as he is the master

i am not a native english speaker (i am chilean), sometimes it cost me to hear the speeches clearly... i need some help on this

please visit and explore the page at http://netgamer.cl/ss2/translation/
also take a look to the project forum if you wish
check my spanish audiologs, a complement of official one with some additions and corrections
« Last Edit: 01. November 2015, 18:29:34 by AT-HE »
Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
You've been talking about creating a Spanish dub for more than two years but haven't made it any further than putting up a broken version of our audiologs page on your server and now something that you call a web application. But frankly it looks like a more severely beaten up version of our audiologs site again.

Here's a tip: You don't need any of these websites. All you need are some friends and a microphone. Because the Spanish translated texts exist already. They just need to be spoken and recorded.
Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
take it easy .... i am talking about spanish dubbing of ALL speech files like ambience, sfx videos and triggers, not only audiologs

i think i need at least 10 people because i cannot record all dialogs with same voices, besides they need to .read. other texts too, and these texts must be done already, that is for i wrote new audio transcription/translation page.. somebody can have a nice voice, but can know no english so he cannot do the translation and dubbing on the fly (for do audio edition and packaging later), i wish to do the best i can

yes, i was talking this about 3 or 4 years but i had personal troubles (studies, job, etc., server crash included) and yes NOW I CAN do it, but i am afraid i am losing contact with some people so it is very hard to me now

dont judge me so hard, i made (or -merge-) .alone. a spanish audiolog page based on yours and arkero99's translation, it was a hard work for me too (excel, scripts with regexps, etc),  that i will give it to you if you wish, i saw you have a french audiolog now, why not a spanish too :) .. i think we are a community and i dont want to -steal- the work of others, just combine, organize, share, etc

i dont want to get the glory taking your audiologs, this is complementary and i always knew yours is first and better, i always mention you and your website on the credits, dont ban me

tip: take a look at google's mp3 online flash player.. you can simply invoke it with htttp://path/to/google/mp3/player.swf?audioUrl=my.mp3&autoPlay=true or download player locally (i don't know if there are some license issue)

p.s.: i haven't yet finished spanish audiolog (left comments and cutscenes) but you can download if wou want here and merge with yours (i wish to put spanish audio some day :) ), it is compatible with yours

again, if somebody are readning this and get interested in SS2 transcription and spanish translation audio files, <--- please visit the site
« Last Edit: 01. September 2015, 19:49:14 by AT-HE »


Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
I see that you have a lot of soundfiles in your application that does not feature spoken language. Maybe you can get rid of those, so you have a more precise list of whats to be translated.
Also you could already fill in the english text for vLogs and vEmails.
Do I see it correct that one has to be registered to contribute in the application?
Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
I see that you have a lot of soundfiles in your application that does not feature spoken language. Maybe you can get rid of those, so you have a more precise list of whats to be translated.
Also you could already fill in the english text for vLogs and vEmails.
Do I see it correct that one has to be registered to contribute in the application?

yes, there is a lot of audio files that are pure sfx with no speech ..  i extracted audio files from game and did a bulk mp3 encoding, then i deleted some... but many remain left :)  ..  maybe would be nice to do a list in the forum (netgamer) so i can delete later

there is NO NEED TO REGISTER, just log in transcription/translation page to start contributing .. but i encourage you to register in netgamer forum so we know who you are and can discuss misheards and other things :)

i need to update help topic, patience and thanks
« Last Edit: 19. October 2012, 07:25:15 by AT-HE »
Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
All the language dependent sound files should be in folders named "english" (or "german" if you have the German version). What's to translate about SFX?
Anyway, I know I came off a bit cranky and I'm sorry for that. Yesterday wasn't such a great day for me. And there is this long tradition of people in the SS2 community (probably in any modding community) that talk and talk about that grand project of theirs and often build elaborate websites for it, but never get to actually do what they set out to do. I hope you won't become one of these persons. I think a fully translated Spanish version is actually a good idea (French would also be good, hint hint!) and I hope to see it someday. The more the merrier.


Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
And there is this long tradition of people in the SS2 community (probably in any modding community) that talk and talk about that grand project of theirs and often build elaborate websites for it, but never get to actually do what they set out to do.
Damn! How did you find out about my Latin version of the game: "System Shock: Et tu, Xerxes?"  :P :)

Anyway. Just made the english text for the midwife (And learned that she can smell me apparently. Guess I'll invest a few nanites into soap then^^). In a few cases I wasn't sure exactly, so I made comments. All files with no marks should be sound only.
Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
Quote by Kolya:
Anyway, I know I came off a bit cranky and I'm sorry for that ...

nevermind, we all had have bad days ;) (anyway you are my hero for keep this wonderful site and its tools working) ... i wish (or dream) to finish this project and totally enjoy a fully spanish version, and show it to my spanish spoken friends.. so meanwhile i keep and going, sometimes i get very tired to my home because of my job but i do the best i can

this game is -so good- that i think it should surpasses language barriers and would be available in all possible languages, so everyone can know and enjoyed it ... too bad a project like this requires a lot of people, so this is why we should tell everyone we think may get interested .. moreover when english transcriptions were finished, it will serve to do a french, or chinese or martian translation and dubing :) ... i can't get it alone, but i can give you the t aools, the more people involved the faster better and sure work

Quote by unn_atropos:
In a few cases I wasn't sure exactly, so I made comments. All files with no marks should be sound only.

the page reads the last line of log, and  if it has comment, it will display a question mark ...  so if you made a transcription or translation that you believe is ok dont put a comment, or if you correct something dont put a comment to ...  we should check all trans(cription|lation) with a question mark

i need to update help topic (at netgamer.cl) ... please register there and have a centralized, dedicated meeting point to discuss trans(crip|la)tions .. promote this project here, but let's organize there and let this site for other important ones too

(how the heck can i disable spell check? i know i am not so brillant at writing english cause is not my native lang, hehe)
« Last Edit: 19. October 2012, 13:53:49 by AT-HE »
Re: spanish audio dubbing project (doblaje de audio al español)
current status:

- extracted and encoded audio files from game (cutscenes included)
- design and write a simple web application for english transcription/spanish translation, NO NEED TO REGISTER
- clean audio files with no speech
- almost all english audio files transcripted (thanks to unn_atropos too)
- many files translated into spanish (ayuda plz) (*)
- added drop down list to filter files from characters
- edit internal labels for filtes to work

any collaboration will be greatly appreciated, take a look at http://netgamer.cl/ss2/translation

> por favor cuentenle a sus amigos para que colaboren


(*) los emails y audio logs se basaron en el trabajo de SMA SS2 audiologs por kolya y lorax1284, y la traduccion de system shock 2 por arkero99 y sus amigos de clandlan.net
« Last Edit: 28. November 2012, 20:51:51 by AT-HE »
deleted message because same content as updated starting topic

go to the TOP
« Last Edit: 01. November 2015, 03:08:30 by AT-HE »
I restored the first post (which you had accidentally deleted by your own account) and merged your threads.
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