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Topic: SS2 Four Hundred (400)
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shouldn't really matter, but why not. make sure to update properly, disable/remove the old 400 modfolder and create a new one for the latest build - do not pour the new files into the old 400 folder and overwrite (this is a general recommendation, not exclusive to the 400 mod).
shouldn't really matter, but why not. make sure to update properly, disable/remove the old 400 modfolder and create a new one for the latest build - do not pour the new files into the old 400 folder and overwrite (this is a general recommendation, not exclusive to the 400 mod).

That's good advice, thanks.


What dark timeline am I living in where you have to explicitly tell people, "Uninstall the old version. Install the new version."
Acknowledged by: K-Bone


just making sure, because I know people sometimes do that.


Imagine how stupid the average person is. Then realise half of them are stupider than that.
What dark timeline am I living in where you have to explicitly tell people, "Uninstall the old version. Install the new version."

To be fair, there are a lot of idiots about (i.e. me), and also many careless people too (that demographic includes me too), so it never hurts to issue a brief reminder of common sense things, just in case.

Imagine how stupid the average person is. Then realise half of them are stupider than that.
That's a George Carling quote, isn't it? He was brilliant, one of the very few genius comedians with the twin gifts of being able to (a) point out something that you've known about and taken for granted all of your life but he makes you realize how stupid it really is, and (b) being able to make his explanation somehow sound hilarious.


Acknowledged by 2 members: K-Bone, sarge945

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