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Topic: SS2 Four Hundred (400)
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it has just expired, most likely. a feature I'm not too fond of, actually - basically, if you are inactive for some time, you'll get a warning email, if you miss it, you're out.


Hmmm. Maybe a separate "400 - SCP Edition" then?


that's slightly less bad, but seeing how many times people mess up when installing RealSG (getting the vanilla version when running Rebirth and vice versa), still not exactly optimal.

as mentioned, I really wouldn't be afraid of just adding that handful of SCP specific files to the main package, calling it v20a or something, and replacing the v20 download completely. no reasonable mod author should have a problem with that - it's not like we are replacing half the textures with pink unicorn and carebear wallpapers.


My concern is, it's not just additions. For example, the coolant tubes green goo texture should have a directional flow in SCP, because SCP fixes the alignment of all those textures. But 400's version of that texture just kind of floats around, which looks good in vanilla.
Acknowledged by: hemebond


unless the new/fixed texture breaks vanilla somehow, I wouldn't see it as a problem either. most mods I make/maintain are geared towards SCP (as that basically is vanilla but fixed, and you want to work with the most recent/least broken stuff wherever you can), and it would be difficult to see that as a bad thing.

SHTUP-ND works the same way - some places will not look correct with vanilla maps, as they are not textured properly sometimes (not obvious with vanilla textures, but apparent with the hires ones). trying to make the mod work better with broken resources at the expense of the proper ones is a bad idea, I think.
Isn't there some DML magic that detects whether it's SCP or not?


there is, but I don't think we can activate a different set of textures with a dml.

anyway, if I understand correctly, the only problem here is that the already incorrect flow of the textures on vanilla maps will be incorrect in a different way? if that's the case, then again, I see no real problem - vanilla people are already getting tons of unfixed stuff as far as world textures go, one more or one less is not going to make a dent.
« Last Edit: 25. March 2019, 15:54:04 by voodoo47 »


Yah, definitely not. DMLs only work with objects, and a select few gamesys properties.


SCP (as that basically is vanilla but fixed
I was under the impression that SCP also made changes to item and weapon placements. Is that not correct?


99% no (off the bat, I can remember one exception, or rather, an addition).


SCP changes the placement of lots of things, but (almost) never very much. Just movement within the same general area to make an object's placement more natural, or more challenging to reach, or to reward exploration.


if you mean stuff like a bunch of nanites now not stuck in a bench half way, but placed properly next to it, then that's pretty much just a fix. I was thinking more along moving a gun to the other side of the level, and I don't believe that has been done anywhere (there have been a few additions though).


I was thinking more along moving a gun to the other side of the level
That's what I was thinking of. I've watched a few streams where SCP was being used and, from memory, I thought there were a few weapons moved to earlier parts of the game.


there are a few extras, but nothing has been moved in that fashion.

anyway, lets get back on track - apart from the rad pipes, any other SCP specific textures that could potentially cause problems on vanilla maps?


I want to ask, if I could use some of the textures from this mod for changes.
I'm working on an update for Ponterbee Station and in the old version I'd change some of the original textures.


ACC is gone from the forums, and not sure whether it's possible to contacted him via other means (would check those links in the first post). generally, people are fine with other people reusing their resources as long as proper credit is given.

also, Ponterbee update? nice - maybe check the dml bugfixes, merging them into the new version probably wouldn't be a bad idea.


Yeah, a Ponterbee Station update in NewDark could get rid of that hackish animated sky on the Colony level and replace it with a proper NewSky.


also, fixing those parts of the geometry that are way, way too tall (and some objects that are placed way too high on the walls) would be great.


I didn't found a contact adress for ACC.

ZylonBane - but it was the only animated Sky, even Thief1/Gold fM's didn't have one   :D  I set up the NewSky a few days ago...

voodoo47 - I checked the dml files, some of the changes I had already made. For the hybrid/Shotgun-thing: should I include the dml-file?


you mean RealSG and player shotgun muzzle flashes? don't merge that in I think, with the latest ND release, I should be able to cook up an universal RealSG build that will autodetect vanilla/SCP/Secmod/FMs/whatever and activate all the required bits accordingly (cshock2.gam.dml, lines 67-219, those are some real duct tape and chewing gum shenanigans right there, not something you want saved in your gamesys. feel free to rip the proper setup from SCP if you want proper player shotgun muzzle flashes in your fan missions). I would also omit the snippet that modifies the cig size, I was just playing with that, and didn't really like it in the end.

making the rick turrets corpse properly would be advisable though (again, check the SCP setup). the map fixes are also worthy of a look.
« Last Edit: 27. November 2019, 20:29:21 by voodoo47 »


Could someone please verify that, when using 400, the purple wall stripes on command2 are present?


400 top, vanilla bottom.
[deep_purple.jpg expired]


Thanks. Apparently I've messed something up in my 400 install.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


There's a typo in the file Fam/_ACC/MW0004.INC. This line:
Code: [Select]
texture FAM\_ACC\MW004Should read:
Code: [Select]
texture FAM\_ACC\MW0004Not a huge problem since it's for an unused texture, but should be fixed eventually.

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