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Topic: SS2 Four Hundred (400) Read 565896 times  

Tags: °texture °MTL °SS2

F​our Hundred
Requires SS2 NewDark patch.

F​our Hundred is a mod for System Shock 2 that replaces the original terrain textures with 400% higher resolution, true-color images. Some textures also have glow maps and reflection maps added, where appropriate. The current version of F​our Hundred is Release 21U (Unauthorized Edition). This version was originally created for SCP Beta 5, but incorporates mostly general improvements, so it works great without SCP too. The last official version can still be downloaded below.

What's new in 21U:
  • Additional SCP Beta 5 (and beyond) support.
  • Various improvements to a few textures to more closely resemble the originals.
  • Reconciles conflicts with some SHTUP textures.
  • Removes alpha channel from textures that don't use it.
  • Palletizes textures that don't benefit from being true-color.
  • Reduces install size by 28 more megabytes.

Please report any of these issues you may see:
  • Differences between an original texture and the F​our Hundred version.
  • Wrong texture replacement.
  • Missing textures or glitches.
  • Any non-upgraded terrain textures.

Files on ACC's site:
  • More screenshots.
  • Release 20, the last official release by ACC.
  • Content removed due to conflicts with other mods (S​HTUP).
  • "I'm so proud of our 404 page." See it here. See it again and again.

F​our Hundred is best installed along with SHTUP-ND (upgraded object/UI/font/skybox textures) and the Shock Community Patch (SCP).
Permission to include this mod in any third-party mod packs IS NOT granted.
« Last Edit: 02. September 2024, 18:23:15 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by 4 members: hemebond, TheSarcasticCanadian, 3RDplayer, Godlike
Re: Four Hundred
A terrain texture mod? Looks really good. :)


Re: Four Hundred
Yes, very nice indeed. I can see the increase in detail and the style is faithful to the original.
Acknowledged by: RocketMan


Re: Four Hundred
not bad, not bad at all. could use a better name though (or am I missing some reference here?).


Re: Four Hundred
I have 36 .crf files, not 16...
Re: Four Hundred
(or am I missing some reference here?).
The replacement textures are 400% the original texture's size.
I have 36 .crf files, not 16...
Move them along to "res", that should do the trick.


Re: Four Hundred
After doing everything stated in the readme, I can't start the game.  Like the application won't even load. =Z


Re: Four Hundred
works for me (they are in an extra folder, which I have added into install.cfg with top priority).
Re: Four Hundred
After doing everything stated in the readme, I can't start the game.  Like the application won't even load. =Z
I suppose you had an error dialog box saying "The Instruction at 0x referenced memory at 0x The memory could not be read". This means the engine tried to access data it couldn't load in the first place.
Make sure "resname_base" in install.cfg points to the correct directory; In the readme, it's specified as "C:\Program Files\SShock2\res". "res" is the directory you created and put all of yours CRF files, "C:\Program Files\SShock2" is the supposed directory where Shock2.exe is located. Make sure you point to the new location of your CRF files.
Also, make sure you didn't include the quotes when copying the line. Once install.cfg is saved, try to run shock2.exe again.


Re: Four Hundred
I didn't get any dialog box or error.  The game just doesn't load.  I'm pretty sure I have it directed at the right area.

Thing is, there were two res folders, one of which was inside the Data folder.  I deleted the latter after copying all the crf files from it and put them in the former.  Then I followed the rest of the instructions.
Re: Four Hundred
Wow, okay. I'm going to think "aloud", anyone corrects me if I'm wrong because I'm a noob when it comes to SS2 modding.
Try to get back to your previous settings (if you already did, skip this part), that would be:
1. Move "res" back to "Data"
2. Move the CRF files to the main Shock2 directory
3. If you backed up install.cfg, it's easy (restore it); if you didn't, I guess you could just set "resname_base" to "c:\program files\SShock2" (or wherever shock2.exe is)

This way I'm pretty sure Shock2 will start. However, I'm not sure your mods will, start Shock2 to see if it works like it did before or not (if it does, then I expect the "data" directory to be specified in "cam_mod.ini", so everything should be fine, go to "now it works").

It doesn't work:
1. Your data folder was linked inside "install.cfg". Using "resname_base c:\program files\SShock2+c:\program files\SShock2\Data" should make it work again.

Now it works:
1. Create a new directory, for instance "hello".
2. Copy the "fam" directory from Four Hundred inside "hello" so you get "c:\program files\SShock2\hello\fam".
3. Edit "Install.Cfg", find the line starting with "resname_base" and add "+c:\program files\SShock2\hello" at the end of the line. Save and try again.

I hope it works.
Re: Four Hundred
Works fine if you simply unpack the archive to the "DataPermanentMods" folder. Like every other mod.


Re: Four Hundred
Well I just put the res folder back into Data, and used a copy of my bro's install.cfg file to overwrite my old one.  Game's working again.


Re: Four Hundred
This is amazing!
I like the fact that everytime I surf to sbf there is something to make System Shock 2 a bit better, more interesting and shinier :thumb:
Re: Four Hundred
Works fine if you simply unpack the archive to the "DataPermanentMods" folder. Like every other mod.
Thanks, I wish I knew about that before...

(updated, WIP)


Re: Four Hundred
Just don't put it in the "DataMods" folder.
Re: Four Hundred
Do you plan to update all textures eventually? Work so far looks great.
Re: Four Hundred
Just don't put it in the "DataMods" folder.
There's no such thing.


Re: Four Hundred
Yeah, isn't that weird?


Re: Four Hundred
ACC, since this is a WIP, can we assume you're expanding this to include more textures in the future?  That'd be swell :)
Re: Four Hundred
Do you plan to update all textures eventually? Work so far looks great.
ACC, since this is a WIP, can we assume you're expanding this to include more textures in the future?  That'd be swell :)
I planned nothing at all, but I will make more and tweak some of the few I started. I have no idea if I could make them all (because I start a lot of things and finish only a few... plus the resources are a mess  - I just noticed the "shared" texture between models and world).
Re: Four Hundred
Yeah, isn't that weird?
Jeez, I know you're taking issue with that folder's name but there already has been some confusion above on how to install this mod and you're making it worse. Not the right time or place. Start a new thread if you want to discuss this or PM me.
Re: Four Hundred
By the way, anyone tried the uv_mod spin shader? can't get the pivot to work properly... at all.
(also, the medsci logo rotates to the left, should go the other way)

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