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Hi, i'm trying to translate SS1 to spanish and i wonder if there is some way to add some special characters i need ñ ¿ ¡ á é í ó ú to texts of the game. I saw that the guys who made the translation to polish managed to add some of their characters but i'm looking through cybstrng.res file with an hex editor and the translation tool Gigaquad made (very useful, thanks) and if there's one file where SS1 store the characters the game can use, i just can't find it. Could someone explain to me how to make it, please?

Thanks in advance.

See the first extractor to extract individual letters as bitmaps. I don't think it will be too helpful for your cause, but it's something.
You will probably want to find another extractor that can extract the complete font bitmap.
Thanks, Kolya, that was very helpful... and intriguing. It seems that most of the characters i need are already on the font bitmap! But they refuse to appear. The only one that it does is the í. Besides,  the game replaces the ñ with the german ß. This is weird, isn't it? I mean, if they're already in the font there shouldn't be any problem. 
Probably a wrong codepage being used for the string files. Try the "OEM 850" character set in Notepad++ (See Main-Menu->Encoding->Character Sets->Western European).
Also see this thread, which is about SS2 but I think the font system wasn't changed much from SS1-SS2.
Yes, that was the problem. Now i only need to figure out how to add ¿ and ¡ to the font -i can't even find a tool to extract it- so it's going to be very tricky. I must confess i'm not a techie and i get lost very easily with these things. But anyways, this is a massive improvement and now i can make a proper translation without too much hassle. Thanks for your help, Kolya.  :thumb:
For future reference the completed translation can be found here.
1 Guest is here.
It was in 1992 and they acted on strict government orders. That's all the information I can provide you with at the time.
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