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Topic: SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN
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I'm having a crash to the desktop every time I try to get the elevetor up to UNN Gallo deck C. Any idea about how to fix this?

I'm hearing the "ghost sounds" from the crew quarters even in the elevator - maybe it's the reason for the crash? Is there any way to turn them off using the console?

I'm running SS2 with Rebirth, SHTUP, the Widescreen Mod and the new weapon models on WinXP SP2; I'm not using any mod manager but rather a manual install of the mod.
« Last Edit: 19. May 2010, 09:47:20 by Golan2072 »
I'm not sure about the exact nature of this problem but first thing to try would be to re-extract RttUNNv1.01_sky+spawn-patched.7z into the main folder. Also I'd highly recommend to use the mod manager.

EDIT: Way to sneak in through the backdoor G'len. Welcome back.
« Last Edit: 19. May 2010, 10:36:52 by Kolya »


I'm not sure about the exact nature of this problem but first thing to try would be to re-extract RttUNNv1.01_sky+spawn-patched.7z into the main folder. Also I'd highly recommend to use the mod manager.
The thing is that I intend to use ShockEd, which is incompatible with it. I'll re-extract the files first, though.

EDIT: Way to sneak in through the backdoor G'len. Welcome back.
Thanks :)


The thing is that I intend to use ShockEd, which is incompatible with it.
You could just have a separate installation for ShockED. That's what I always do.

665af279ebc3dNameless Voice

I'd say playing SS2 with mods is incompatible with ShockEd.
(Or, more specifically, it'll make an unsortable mess that you'll never be able to clean up.)

A separate install for ShockEd is highly recommended.


Ok, I've installed a separate SS2 installation for mods, used Kolya's SS2Tool on it and installed the mod manager. I'm not in the mood to start Return to the UNN once again, so I'm going to start playing Christine's Ponterbee Station soon.
You could always transfer the save games, but that's up to you.


I can't get this mission to work :coder:
Installed system shock by copying the SHOCk folder from the CD.
used SS2Tool_v2.9.1, SS2_DeutschPatch_1.4 and modmanager
Normal game starts fine...
...but when I activate the patched RttUNN via the modmanager the game crashes when I start a new game.

Made a second try and just extracted the files into a fresh installation(with the forementioned programms applied). Still crashing

I downloaded the Divx codecs, but I'm not sure if I did that right. Could this be the cause?
I just extracted the FM into my DataPermanentMods folder of my German SS2 installation. Worked fine, except that the wrong audiologs were playing because RttUNN has the logs in folders named "english". Renaming these or copying the logs to the parent folder should do the trick.

Anyway, no crashes or anything like that. Installing DivX should not be necessary if you have ffdshow. If you think the videos are causing the crash, renaming LGVID.AX (and hence disabling videos) would be the first thing to test.

EDIT: Confirmed that renaming the "english" audiolog folders to "german" makes the logs play normally.
« Last Edit: 27. May 2010, 13:39:11 by Kolya »



renaiming LGVID.AX did the magic :p
Very cool mission! I like how the player is rather helpless in the beginning and almost every step can mean sudden death.
But after some time the domination is taken over by the player(and he shoots the hell out of the annelids^^). Very well done!


renaiming LGVID.AX did the magic :p
Okay...but if that's all you did, then you merely identified the problem, you didn't fix it. Go here for a solution.
Only instead of installing the Indeo Codec, install ffdshow, as I said above. This FM uses DivX videos, not Indeo.
There is a strange problem that occurs only after you reach the UNN Gallo - the quick save and quick load functions become broken. Also you can't reach other decks on the Gallo because the quick save doesn't work. The game crashes on the desktop without an error message when you try to use the elevator or when you try to use quick load on Gallo. If you try to quick load from the main menu after restarting the game it will load the beginning of the Gallo level. I believe that means that your quick save gets written over every time you restart the game. However, you can use the regular save game function to save your progress on the Gallo. But still you can't reach the other decks because of the broken quick save.

I am using the Zombe's SS2 Mod Manager v.1.10 on WinXP SP3 and the patched version of this FM. I noticed that the game sets the write protect flag on the "current" folder every time. Is this a bug?
The current folder being write protected is normal. The problem is unlikely to be due to this FM.
The overwriting of quicksaves during level loading is in fact the game's default behaviour.
Quicksaves only become permanent with the SS2Tool's "Keybind Fix" or making the according changes manually. Loading one of the predefined keysets in the game, will change this back again.
Now this is still unlikely to keep you from entering other decks. A faulty game setup is more probable. SS2 Tech FAQ
The current folder being write protected is normal. The problem is unlikely to be due to this FM.
The overwriting of quicksaves during level loading is in fact the game's default behaviour.
Quicksaves only become permanent with the SS2Tool's "Keybind Fix" or making the according changes manually. Loading one of the predefined keysets in the game, will change this back again.
Now this is still unlikely to keep you from entering other decks. A faulty game setup is more probable. SS2 Tech FAQ

I doubt that the problem is with the game setup, because I've played other FM's with no problems (so far I've played through all the Christine missions). I have set up with the help of SS2 Tech FAQ.

Also the problem did not start at the beginning of this FM, but only after I reached the third map. So in the first two maps everything worked normal. Is it possible that this FM changes quick save to permanent some how in the middle of the mission?
As far as I know it's not possible and it certainly wouldn't be in the interest of the FM author.
Whichever way the quicksave got corrupted....here's how to fix permanent quicksaves.
Thank you for your replies and patience!

Whichever way the quicksave got corrupted....here's how to fix permanent quicksaves.

This did not fix the problem with the Gallo level in this FM (actually it is the 4th map - not 3rd, like I incorrectly wrote before). The game crashes if you try to make a level transition to Deck C or A. It will crash also if you use quick save and try to quick load after that. After restarting the game and loading the quick saved game you will be back to the beginning of the map with an empty inventory. And like I said, it did not occur before this particular map in this particular mission and has not occured with any other FMs.
« Last Edit: 31. August 2010, 07:54:40 by Kolya »


I have to admit, aside from the audio logs (which were kind of the weakest point of this fan mission), I absolutely loved the level designs.  They were incredible.  My favorite level is the part of the city with the TriOp building and Mall where its raining.  And the inclusion of the SS1 Elevator theme for the UNN Gallo's main elevator?  Epic.

It was great fun to explore and play through, and I also liked how the mission had two endings.  I may actually do a commentary of it at some point in the future.  Most likely I'll obsess over the level designs but who can blame me right?


I happened to be on the site and saw your comments. Thanks for the praise. :) When I designed everything, I think I had my sound bias messed up, so most audio logs ended up being too quiet or didn't achieve the effect that I wanted. Some of the logs are my favorites though, even more than some of the retail SS2 logs.

If you did a commentary, I'd personally love it since I'd get to re-visit all those areas that I built so long ago. I'm glad you liked the Tri-Op level, I really was going for a certain ambience and do something new that hadn't been done in SS2. I of course recognize that not all elements of the missions are up to studio standards, but I have to agree that the level design overall was pretty darn nice. :D


It may be a while before I do a commentary of it since I had planned to do the Christine fan missions first, but I might change priorities.  I also decided since the beginning of my first commentary (an system shock 2 one, on part 1 of episode 21 now) that I would be doing a psi-only run on Impossible, except in the fan missions I'll do it without hacking.

The thing I found a shame was that the fan mission didn't have a co-op mode.  Me and my bro were playing co-op on practically all the fan missions that had the option at the time (Ponterbee, Nightwalker, Polaris) and I think we managed to do it on your fan mission but we couldn't see eachother.  Kind of strange because we were able to talk to eachother via chat but the events were otherwise like a single player game.  I'm guessing its because the mission sees that area as the "training" area?

But look forward to the commentary.  I do plan to do it at one point or another, as long as I don't run into unseen complications.  X3

665af279ed845Nameless Voice

Multiplayer on RtUNN is something of a pain.  The NVMultiplayerHack script will enable multiplayer if you add it to the starting point and load NVScript.  However, some of the maps don't have multiplayer respawn markers, meaning you'll be dumped out to the main menu if you die.


Yeah, sorry about that guys, I kind of ran out of time and wasn't able to finish the multiplayer. I'm ok if someone wants to doctor-up the missions and get it working.

That reminds me of all the unintentional things that happened on that first mission too: weird sound schemas, buggy respawning, and other glitches. It's really strange because I never saw any of it on my machine as I tested the level and could never duplicate it. It's most likely since I messed with some 0,0,0 stuff when building it and never wanted to start from scratch after I learned better.

I even started the continuation missions at one point, and the level design was really cool ("earth" type level, in a city area near a hospital, during a bright orange sunset, with lots of interesting architecture, hidden grassy areas with trees and secret passages). Seems I lost the files though and I've never had the courage to jump back into DromEd. The hours and hours I spent on it are just too daunting.

665af279edad2Nameless Voice

I think I still have the version of RtUNN with multiplayer hacked in.  I don't remember if I fixed the multiplayer spawns or not (I think I did).

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