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Topic: SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN
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If I was any good at those kinds of programs, I'd probably try my hand at finishing up the sequel.  I do aspire to be a video game designer someday so it'd be good training.

Another thing I liked about the fan mission, even if it's not quite suitable for SS2 (since using the option would effectively make you skip lots of goodies) was the log you can find at the end that tells you the code for level select.  A pretty gimmicky and neat little treat, since sometimes I had the urge to skip to the TriOp city area -w-

Although I have one question; how did the Many get on board the UNN Gallo?


Alright, I've encountered a problem when attempting to do my run of the mission.  It seems that it's extremely biased towards guns and melee weapons; for example, I couldn't find a single psi hypo anywhere at the UNN Titus area and yet had a psi amp with some skills already unlocked for it.  Therefore, I was left completely defenseless with practically no speed advantage.  What that means is that I cannot kill the cyborg assassin who has the key card and even a pipe hybrid is significant threat that can outrun me and swipe me down if I make even a small turn.

Also, I'm playing this on Impossible (or was trying to) but there isn't really anyway I can do a Psi only-run with the circumstances as they are.  I'll probably have to do something entirely different.


There's a good chance that not many have done a PSI only run, and even less on Impossible, so the balancing might be out of whack. Maybe just this once you could summon_obj a few hypos? :D

I definitely don't want it to be broken, but to be honest, I also made the missions a little tough so that people could again feel that sense of fear and vunerability.


Well I know what you mean by making it pretty tough.  Pretty neat experience for SS2 veterans -w-

And if I do end up doing something like summoning psi hypos (unfortunately I dunno the summon name for those) i'd have to ask viewers how many I should have at the start.

Might be a bit of a delay unfortunately -w-;
Hey! Valet2 here. I remember when I started playing this mod years and years ago it crashed every time i tried to save the game. And I thought that the save feature is disabled, so I practices many-many times and probably was able to complete the first lever. After that I figured out that there MUST be a folder named "current" in the directory to save the game. So I created one and completed the second lever that was tooooooo hard even for playing with multiple save-load. But I didn't expect that the next levels would be SO CRAZY! It's 2012, I'm old and bald, but I cannot forget the madness of this fan-mission!


Okay, first things first: this was one hell of a fan mission. The level design was absolutely incredible. I haven't felt so strongly about such great design since I played the Metastasis mod for HL2. I actually liked this one more than Christine's missions because I felt it had you moving through the game more instead of circling around picking up keycodes until you had a stack a mile high.

Great use of varied environments with some really nice atmosphere and ambiance. The pacing was damn good and reminded me of HL2 in that just when you were getting tired of one area, all of a sudden you're in a brand new one doing different things.

Favorite part was definitely the Crew Quarters barracks. When I first entered that door and heard the voices, I turned right around and completed another section before coming back to it. But man was I not expecting the supernatural horror theme of that area. The random movements of the tables and chairs worked beautifully for my experience; I briefly saw what I thought was the table move out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn't be sure, so as I was slowly creeping toward it to investigate, suddenly a chair zips by and scares the crap out of me. That, combined with the shrieking dude in the corner, hammered home the perfect atmosphere. So well done.

Now for the bad:

Really not much, but the enemies were infuriating. I know this is supposedly spawn-patched, and while I never felt overwhelmed, I did get quite annoyed with the nearly constant spawning of hybrids and midwifes. I rarely had any time to just explore and pour over the environment since I spent the majority of my time beating hybrids to death with my wrench. It got so bad that at times you would have a fresh batch of enemies around the corner right as you were defeating the first group. I just want to explore in peace without being constantly hunted!

Maybe the spawning thing wouldn't be so bad if the game wasn't in a seemingly permanent security alert status, i.e. all the enemies know exactly where you are. There were times I could barely make a choice at the upgrade units or read a log without fending off 2-3 groups of enemies. There was one time it was completely silent and I hopped up a gravshaft, only to head down after I was done and find four midwifes all crammed into the entrance gravshaft in their efforts to hunt me down. Some areas were better than others, though.

But all in all, great FM. I liked the dual ending. Nice climax with Hawkins, especially with the slight hints in his voice as the logs progressed.

Oh, and the voice acting could have been better since the logs were often muffled, but there were a few of Many hybrid voice logs that were very well done.

Also, props on including a map. Might not be an interactive one, but at the very least, an old school map is better than nothing.


Viscera, thank you for playing and enjoying the missions. I'm happy to hear that you liked the level-design, which was definitely my favorite aspect of making the missions. That supernatural area and the areas surrounding it are some of my favorite in the pack. Believe it or not, I actually had dreams about some areas in the levels. When I would wake up, I'd quickly draw them onto paper and write a description so that I could add them later that in ShockEd.

(thanks to Zylonbane for those minimaps and a ton of cool objects and feedback, along with many other people who did voice acting and a few playtesters)

With the release of the NewDark patch, this would be a good time for me to look into that stupid spawn/security status issue. Maybe I can even figure out how to boost the audio logs, etc. and do a new release. Can you let me know if you played this with NewDark or just the old retail (2.3) version?


Nice, I like to hear that kind of inspiration!

And I'm playing this with a retail version patched up to NewDark. I don't really remember anything out of the ordinary that NewDark may have messed up, so it looks like it held up pretty well.

There was one audio log that didn't seem to have your audio, and instead had the original game's log from the scientist in the body of the Many. I wish I had made a note of where it was, but I think it was on board the Gallo early on.

And one other gripe I had was the lack of cyber modules. I know you intended the game to be hard, but the slow progress of leveling up your character tested my patience a bit. A lot of cyber module pick-ups only had a measly 1 module which made the going even slower.

That said, I would definitely play this again if you could fix the spawn/alert issue, so then I could focus more on the exploration of every nook and cranny in those brilliant levels.


if you mean the FM, is's attached to the second post.


also encountered the problem with the orig logs leaking over into the FM (the very first log from Amanpour) I have just been notified that the broken log actually sits directly in the level, and can be picked up anytime, and is not overriding anything. the obj id is 572, it should be either deleted or fixed. also, the respawn rate is still pretty high (read: annoying), even in the latest version. there is quite a bit of difference between "keeping the player on his toes" and "making him bash a continuous infinite stream of enemies with the wrench".
« Last Edit: 09. February 2014, 19:56:49 by voodoo47 »
Now this looks interesting. Great level design? Hardcore difficulty? Will be giving this a try soon.

666b3a80ac597Primitive Primeape

Sorry for awakening the thread but the DL link just redirects me back to this site.
« Last Edit: 23. May 2014, 21:36:36 by Kolya »


fixed. also, the download is in the second post, the link from the first post points to that, because people are lazy to scroll. aren't they.
That download link doesn't work for me for some reason. I'm attaching the file to the first post now.

Also I had to edit your post Primeape, because you copied some tags. And your post would have consequently been found under these tags.


yeah, that would probably be for the best.

666b3a80ac9fcPrimitive Primeape


so I was really bored at work today, and as I stopped caring about getting fired because of using Shocked about two million years ago, I've decided to dml fix the worst RttUNN issues. this is not meant to be a complete overhaul, just fixing the really bad stuff.
- set the spawned AIs to NOT home at the player on all maps. should finally and definitely get spawning under control. also set to raycast (prevents spawning when player is looking at the spawn point)
- some elevator buttons change colors crazily (bad modelsstate settings on concrete objects). //fixed
- 8 ft tech panel (-2030) has z issues with its decals //fixed by giving it just a tiny bit of transparency via the gamesys dml
- recd01u z issues, object based on a broken orig model //hexedited a different orig model to fix the problem
- cbdooru z issues, object based on a broken orig model //hexedited a different model to fix the problem
- included SS2tool gamesys fixes (resolves some orig issues, makes the explosions look better by using additive blending).
- included the latest NVscript (required by the gamesys fixes).

- audiolog 846 set up improperly, tries to play email 13 instead of log 13. //fixed
- audiolog 835 uses audio from the orig game. //added a selfmade audio clip, voice provided by Fenphoenix (check youtube)
- exotic weapons are not available in the upg units, so you can't actually use the shard or proliferator even if researched. //exotic now available once the player gets out of the elevator on gallo3
- typo in the spawn setup (protocol droids were supposed to spawn randomly, but the value specified was ProtocAl Droid, thus no droids were spawned, ever). //fixed

- log 572 has no audio and uses text from the orig game. //set to only render in editor
- log 1461 is from the orig game. //set to only render in editor
- railings 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268 made non-mantleable so the player would not be able to fall over and get stuck in the nearby pit.

- a living AI (1442) uses corpse model. not looking too good with Rebirth installed. //using a living model now

- goo 118, 117 backwards. //flipped

- floor arrows 1409, 1408, 1407 need to be floored, badly. //done

//edit: full download attached to the first post.
« Last Edit: 18. May 2015, 21:44:03 by voodoo47 »
Neat. I ronly remember the crazy spawning and some crashing before the last cutscene.


there is a lot more stuff that could be improved (textures, room brushes, strings, objectives etc), but a full overhaul is best left to the orig author.
I know, I don't think anyone would expect you to do even more.
Acknowledged by: Kolya


Man, I have to play this FM again. And while I'm at it, I can look for stuff. :ninja:


RttUNN Gold would be a fun project. It was a learning experience for everyone involved way back when it was first created. We know so much more about DromEd now, and have the additional benefits of NewDark, NewDark DromEd, and tools like NVScript, that an updated version could kick some serious ass.
Acknowledged by 3 members: Marvin, unn_atropos, voodoo47
I second that. RttUNN ist my favourite fan mission, even though it has some rough edges.

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