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Damn, whatever makes you THIS patient, I want some of it.


I think you have something mixed up and don't realize where you are. This is not an official support, where you can request fixes because you are a customer who paid for the product and is entitled to have demands - because that's what your post implies. This is a fan forum where people are maintaining the game in their free time, improving it to today's standards so it won't go into oblivion. Keeping that in mind you might want to reconsider the tone of your statements.

I guess you are totally wrong and mistaken and didn't read the other postings. If you weren't you wouldn't have written this ^ stuff. Maybe
you want to review the rest of the postings and find, I was answering another post, mentioning the "soon" to come fix of a 13 years old error.
Putting stress on the word soon, this would mean, you get a bug fix for this error after 13 years - soon ??

I guess you are totally wrong and mistaken and didn't read the other postings. If you weren't you wouldn't have written this ^ stuff.
That's ironic coming from someone not able to get the meaning of the word "soon" in a thread about a >soon to be released< update.


I think he was actually happy about the issues finally getting fixed (after all those years), not displeased (that it took so long). the language barrier made it look worse than intended, probably. anyway, these arguments never lead anywhere, so let's chill down everyone, and concentrate on the technical stuff - let me repeat what I've said earlier, submitting bugreports is good, but it needs to be done properly: they have to contain the description, the screenshot, and the quicksave to be of actual use.


@Opa-Shock: I have read the other posts and this is how they seem to me. But that's only an opinion of bystanding observer and I could misunderstand.


To clear and clean things up a bit.

I wouldn't go to a System Shock modification place and start ranting about bugs. If I wanted, I would
(have found) find the right place. Actually it is strange anyway, that after this long time the error will be fixed.


it's because NewDark added hardware rendering to the editor - without it, fixing SS2 levels properly would be just too much pain (that's basically why nobody really attempted this until now).


It's amazing how much of a sheer overhaul the NewDark patch was.

It still boggles my mind how much was changed and that the creator has stayed so anonymous. I get that they likely used the source, which is illegal, but damn I would definitely take that opportunity to stroke my e-peen a bit, even if nobody knew who I was IRL.
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the_robots: Cargo bay, good plan
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