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Topic: Cycling Bulkhead Read 2226 times  

I can't for the life of me (I'm probably blind) find the tutorial on cycling bulkheads.

Basically, we want to close a door behind the player, and open a door in front of the player, and allow vice versa.

Anybody know how to do this or where to begin?


I can't for the life of me (I'm probably blind) find the tutorial on cycling bulkheads.

Basically, we want to close a door behind the player, and open a door in front of the player, and allow vice versa.

Anybody know how to do this or where to begin?

In short what you are trying to

Is open one door from somewhere and make the other close just so i am understanding the question correctly

for a start its incredibly difficult and very unreliable, I don’t believe you can make a door close in shocked using the default scripts and I lack the knowledge to be able to write a script capable

There was a.....complicated tutorial on it. It involved a lot of stuffs... But it created a cycling bulkhead.

I suppose in the easy squeezy of it all, I could create a door that is *closed* but open, another door that is closed, then have it open one first, then open the second one, and the door timers would cycle them back... You would just have to wait through a cycle to get back to your original destination.

:( Where is the friggin thing when I needs it....


I don’t believe you can make a door close in shocked using the default scripts
A sliding door is just a highly specialized elevator, so it might be easier to implement the airlock doors as elevators.


A sliding door is just a highly specialized elevator, so it might be easier to implement the airlock doors as elevators.

*facepalm* cant believe i didn't think of that.....
That would be the easiest way, bit annoying to setup but it would work.....runs off to shocked

EDIT: Also would make very easy toggle doors
Well....with all the upgrades to Dark....can't we make cycling doors yet? o_O

I'll also look into this using an elevator script. I should have thought of this too *Doh*

Thanks ZB <3


one last thing in case you get stuck, ive attached an example level that shows off how your doors should be setup

if need some further help just PM me or post, I will do what I can to help you

I'll check it out tomorrow when I get to work!  :thumb:

Issue #1 - Need to make it sound like an airlock.... not like an elevator.

I'm working up a working demo with a few changes to show this, but the sound is off and awful o_O



Issue #1 - Need to make it sound like an airlock.... not like an elevator.

I'm working up a working demo with a few changes to show this, but the sound is off and awful o_O

Yeah I was having trouble with this as well, I am not too familiar with how sound is handle in shocked, I know scheme (Might be incorrect word, not in front of shocked atm, will correct later) is where sound is set etc, however changing it had little effect

for the above I just took a elevator changed its model and other properties, I might try going the other way might fix the problem and give me a hint as to what to change for sound
I took a door and changed its script and removed its translating property aaaaaaaaaand it wasn't happy. At all. It actually disappeared...

Anyway, yes the sound thing doesn't change, but I think MAYBESOMEHOWKINDOF we can figure out a work around for that. I'll work on it and get back


I took a door and changed its script and removed its translating property aaaaaaaaaand it wasn't happy. At all. It actually disappeared...
sorry lol, dosent sound like a problem with the script i think you have something set up wrong

Anyway, yes the sound thing doesn't change, but I think MAYBESOMEHOWKINDOF we can figure out a work around for that. I'll work on it and get back

Ive managed to make a door an elevator it works and sounds correct, it just dosent seem to come back down lol
Make sure the translating property is gone. Mine worked also to open but not close but then I found out it was just the translating property that was still set.


I got a door to open and close properly using an elevator path.

Door on left was originally a door, now is an elevator

Door on right was originally a lift now with door shape

Had to change some properties on door to make it not fall away. I'll note them in a moment.

Last problem is no sound...

Download -> http://www.mediafire.com/download/kmq45qtdpw595fi/AirlockTest.7z
« Last Edit: 24. May 2013, 21:00:09 by MrTrip »


Make sure the translating property is gone. Mine worked also to open but not close but then I found out it was just the translating property that was still set.
yeah I had a facepalm moment 5 mins later....


I got a door to open and close properly using an elevator path.

Door on left was originally a door, now is an elevator

Door on right was originally a lift now with door shape

Had to change some properties on door to make it not fall away. I'll note them in a moment.

Last problem is no sound...

Download -> http://www.mediafire.com/download/kmq45qtdpw595fi/AirlockTest.7z

As for the scheme I don’t believe we can copy it across, this is a bit of guess work

But scheme type bulkhead or was it blast door either way does not exist it’s a variable in a script somewhere which we can not effect
Its actual schemes are
Similar to the lift with an opening, loop and closing

Now I suspect that the scheme may not be changeable because its script is looking for something specific...<-- This a bit of guess work mind you
I’ve got a couple of ideas to still try though

But hey the lift sound sounds sorta like an airlock or bulkhead :P
Okay, so I have a new Schema added...

This is the original Blast Door Schema, I have not changed it. It is under Doors.sch

Code: [Select]

schema door2opening
archetype DEVICE_DOORS
volume -500
env_tag (Event StateChange) (DoorType BlastDoor) (OpenState Opening Closing) (OldOpenState Open Opening Closing Closed)

schema door2slam
archetype DEVICE_DOORS
volume -500
env_tag (Event StateChange) (DoorType BlastDoor) (OpenState Open Closed) (OldOpenState Opening Closing)

I added airlock.sch to the Schema folder, but I think maybe I need to add this schema under MiscSfx.sch  ......

Code: [Select]
// MrTrips Airlock

schema airlock_loop
volume -500
mono_loop 0 0
env_tag (Event Activate) (VehicleType AirLock)

schema airlock_stop
volume -500
env_tag (Event Deactivate) (VehicleType AirLock)

Also had to add it under Schema -> DEVICE_GIZMOS or whatever, I forget now, where ever lift1loop is at. Also added correct properties etc...I think.

reload_schemas will load it, and I can play it in ShockEd

Apply the class tag to the door, nada. Plays nothing. Also, my ShockEd is very wonky and crashes when I look at a freaking button sometimes... I have no idea why it is so unstable.

Anyway, I have attached the files I have been working with, maybe you can figure something out?

Took ideas from the following links

Files -> http://www.mediafire.com/download/cwxavmxa2gtxa25/AirlockTestSchema.7z

« Last Edit: 24. May 2013, 22:18:45 by MrTrip »
Most likely you need to define VehicleType Airlock in, uh, envsound.spc Just find the vehicletype entry, bung the new entry on the end of the list and reload schema. If you don't do this then while the schema may exist the object does not know which messages trigger the sounds.


Okay, so I have a new Schema added...
-snipy mc snip-

-snipy mc snip-

hmm interesting, nice to know my thoughts were close :)

I really need to make some example levels or tutorials to document some of this

EDIT: Got it :) attached is the level and related files bit simpler then I thought
« Last Edit: 25. May 2013, 01:12:05 by lostone1993 »

EDIT: Got it :) attached is the level and related files bit simpler then I thought

Amazing work!

Now I just need to figure out why ShockEd keeps randomly freezing -_-.... but this will work great in my FM.

Do you want to do a full write up or shall I? If you do, I'll edit my first post to be a tutorial.


Do you want to do a full write up or shall I? If you do, I'll edit my first post to be a tutorial.

if you want to do a write up go ahead(it will be better then anything I can  produce), Il just clean up my test level a bit, add some quick notes in a readme and call it a day
I'm currently in the process of adding a cycling bulkhead to my FM.

I'll attempt to multibrush and export the entire thing to a tutorial. It will feature a cycle stage, animated lights, and other neat little bulkhead cycling thingies.

I'll do a write up when finished \o/
Wheee! Bulkheady!


I was thinking, it would be neat to have bulkheads on the Von Braun actually cycle (door close behind you, lights change, then level changes)


You should get into custom scripts, you can make complex things a lot more quickly, guide for them here - https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=1670.0
There's even a script specifically for making airlocks: http://nameless.zanity.net/nvscriptbeta/thief2/NVScript.html#NVAirLock
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