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Topic: SS2 Pop's Difficulty and Enhancement Mod
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Are you sure it is the 1st eng level, or the part with the Many animation? I experienced the latter only.
Sorry for late reply, but yeah. Engi1. As soon as the level loaded we were desync and couldn't progress.


I can't really help you, I didn't encounter that, and Populism isn't around any more, sorry.


I have the same problem with my brother and I.

The only mod we have been able to get working in Multiplayer is the Alya mod, and we can only get that to work if we overwrite it's maps with those from the Unified and Revamped maps package.

We think it's something to do with spawn point syncing.


Could you elaborate? You get a crush on Eng?


Not with your mod :)  We've been messing with the beta you gave my brother to test and I can say that it does not encounter the same problem. 

Upon entering deck 1, the two computers desync in multiplayer.


I really couldn't tell. It is very odd in case of Pops, since it's gamesys only mod. There was a hybrid en masse in Eng bug present in earlier versions of it, but it was fixed afterward for sure. I can't think of what Populism did so that loading first mis of Eng causes desynch. Sounds odd to me. Are you sure you have no leftovers from other mods? You could try to make a clean install and then extract pops only, and try to pass to Eng. If you don't manage even then, all left is to contact the author. Or Miracle can fix it, it seems he has FE devices in is sleeve for such stuff ha ha ;)


I will have to give that a try... it's possible that for some reason there are .mis files overwriting the default ones.

However, if I remember properly we tested Pops with a clean install... also we have tried replacing any mission files which a mod installs.  Even using the default mission files, we still get desync'd.  Your mod is the only one which does not.
i see that in this mod implants and psi hypo can be duplicated, any idea what populism did to make this possible ?

i opened his shock2.gam and checked metaproperties and physical goddies

but in both cases couldnt find the modification...

i tried adding psi-> fabricate cost and amount to an item, but still get message: item cannot be duplicated...

thank in advance for who does know the answer :D


I would like to play this mod but i don't like that 'Weapons can and will jam at all condition levels'. So i used the ShockEd to change the 'Break Threshold' values back to the original ones. It worked, but now all weapon sounds are gone. What could be the cause? How can i fix it?


I think reloading the sound schemas should do it.


Can't find an option to reload the sound schemas  in 'Object Hierarchy'. I did 'Extra\Schema\Reload Schemas' saved the GameSys and the game immediatedly crashed.


(new account, lost my password)

i guess, the 'load_schemas' is meant to be a console command. Tried it, didn't work. No weapon sounds at all. It's a pity, there's something i really like about this mod.
I have deleted your old account and attributed its posts to your new account. Next time please use the password recovery function. You'll find it when you enter a wrong password.


Development on this project is probably long dead but cameras still seem to have some sort of hearing of sorts. At least on maps besides medsci 1. Cameras will often trigger alarms based on some sort of non-visible detection even if the security system has been hacked offline, and sometimes will re-trigger it if you hack the security while an alarm is going and the camera is red on cooldown, even if you're not in line of sight.


the author hasn't been around for more that 3 years, so yeah, it's probably dead, with close to zero chance of any remaining issues being fixed.


A shame, really. The mod's pretty good despite being a little glitchy, but the cameras/turrets being able to detect you in common circumstances despite security being down makes me wonder if there's really even a point to being an early-game hacker besides defending yourself from protocol droids and getting at those hidden small bits of cyber modules in crates.


well, that's the common problem with mods, it's easy to start working on one, but maintaining/getting out of beta/completing it.. not so much.


Would be nice to take this mod, fix the turret/camera problem, stick in some randomizer for spawns and map improvements from UARMM, then add some secmod toys and ideas for replicators and modification/combination/tinkering/new items/new mobs in a balanced manner.
This mod changes game for me for almost impossible XD I stuck on engineering deck. This is hard cause all the time you must hack camera systems and cant destroy cameras. Hack level for everything is more hi so in this modification priority is to have hack skill at first glance otherwise i guess this gonna lead you to game over quickly if you not invest in hack skills which so expensive here. Anyway i like enemys but robots which are impossible to avoid cause they start to running - is ultra hardcore. This mod is sick in good way but can make you tired from itself fast and when you start playing original difficulty of System Shock 2 game happen to be super easy xd
My final conclusion for this mod to be more multi-class handy and more enjoyable and playable...
Remove this weapon degradation which not cooperate with mainetance tool. Weapon break chance not based on weapon state is not good idea i guess it makesplaying fast tired. Another thing is - camers which are not destructive - force player to play as hacker...not good i think. Instead of cameras which are bullet proof - change cameras reaction to 0.1 second instead of standard cameras  but bullet-proof - or another thing. make camera reapair itself after some time so any class could handle them not only a hacker.
My final conclusion for this mod to be more multi-class handy and more enjoyable and playable...
Remove this weapon degradation which not cooperate with mainetance tool. Weapon break chance not based on weapon state is not good idea i guess it makesplaying fast tired. Another thing is - camers which are not destructive - force player to play as hacker...not good i think. Instead of cameras which are bullet proof - change cameras reaction to 0.1 second instead of standard cameras  but bullet-proof - or another thing. make camera reapair itself after some time so any class could handle them not only a hacker.
I think useless are some limiattions for item. I dont get sense for so much requirements for anti-toxin suit. This kind of thinking force player to use some classes and only them to be able survive in standard line of game- this is over idea of ss2 - to by able beat game in only one way so modules goes away for only one specific class -navy class - hacking and research (!) Anti-Toxin suit should be for all not for only researcher. So yeah - Camera should be destructive (and even self-repair after time), weapon should not break when in good shape and yeah some item requirements - other things super and should stay at is but these things force player to use only some specific classes to survive i guess....Not class man with gun cause gun breaking all the time...This mod is only for hacker/researcher class and other things is broken by elements which i mentioned - repair them and it will be perfect mod.

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Also: accidentally first SS1 level mod ever?
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