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Topic: Question about replicators Read 1460 times  

 Does anyone know if it is possible to change the price on the items in the replicators?

Example: Change the resonator  item in Command1.mis to 5 nannites.

Any help would be appreciated!
Yes, it's possible of course. You need to install the editor and...
Frankly, for what you want it's probably easier to spawn some money. Search the web for "System Shock 2 summon_object".
Oh wow! Quick Reply, thank you!

Do you actually know how to modify the price of that item? Would it be in the Obj Hierarchy? Or would I have to do it in the actually map editor somehow.
It's certainly in the object hierarchy somewhere.
I found the correct RepBase, but in the hacked and normal inventories, there is no Sympathetic Resonator. Nor can I find it anywhere else. I'm so confused. Do I have to run some sort of script to spawn the replicator with the item? I know that if you hack it before you destroy the first shuttle, the item wont appear. Shodan "Uploads the schematics" to it after you destroy the shuttle. Any ideas? (Appreciate the help)
It is probably a special child of the rep arch type.
Arch types are the objects that have a negative ID.
Special child? Not great at english, not sure what that means *_*.

EDIT: Oh well, if anyone finds the Resonator please let me know! :D thank you
« Last Edit: 17. July 2013, 00:20:32 by Dizzy »
That particular replicator has a special script called 'putbombinreplicator' on it which, er, puts the bomb in the replicator.

The sympathetic resonator itself is called 'big bomb' (obj id -1671). If you just want to summon it as cheat/ save for having already hacked the computer type ':' to bring up the prompt then 'summon_obj big bomb' to spawn a resonator.

(All commands work without the inverted commas)
Yeah, with some research I found BigBomb, and then saw the script.

So how would I get the resonator to show up? How do I run the script in the editor?

All I want to do is edit the price of the item. How can I do that?  *_*
« Last Edit: 17. July 2013, 01:51:45 by Dizzy »
It cannot be done by normal means, scripts are compiled and the relevant properties will be written into the script. You'd have to load a save game into ShockEd after the script has been triggered, then alter it there and before actually hacking the replicator. That isn't trivial at all- and couldn't be done as a 'permanent' change, it would have to be done manually every time.

There is a way to do it on a more permanent basis as properties can be overwritten by non script means, but that is even more complicated and would require adding multiple new objects to the level.
Thank you! I will just add some nannites near the replicator.
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