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Topic: SS2 French Beta translation
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66672d3a77890Johnny Rico


Pych : je crois que tu peu modifier la taille de l UI dans le fichier de config cam_ext.cfg
Code: [Select]
d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay 64
il faut de-commenter la ligne et jouer avec des multiples 32 / 64 ...

mais je ne crois pas qu'on puisse depasser une certaine taille. plus le chiffre est faible plus ce sera gros.

L'astuce de Moostik pour changer la taille de la police fonctionne, je viens d'essayer avec la valeur "16" et la taille a doublé...Faudrait juste trouver un truc pour faire un coup d'anti-aliasing sur la police qui devient un peu moche du coup...En tout cas, ça fonctionne bien pour le moment !

66672d3a77a43Johnny Rico

-edit- c'est bon, on peut adoucir l'aliasing de la police agrandie en dé-commentant cette ligne :


C'est un filtrage bilinéaire, ça passe plutôt bien en 1920x1200 sur mon écran, avec la valeur de police de 24 (c'était un poil gros quand je mettais 16, voir mon post précédent).

On se rapproche vraiment de la perfection, j'en profite pour remercier toutes les personnes impliquées dans cette traduction !


Alors, autant j'apprécie les fruits au sirop... Ah non, c'est pas là  XD !

Autant j'apprécie l'effort technique fourni par les différents intervenants, autant niveau orthographe c'est une catastrophe ! Et c'est un euphémisme...
Je suis sur la beta_13, et c'est pas glorieux, glorieux... Sérieusement, avant de publier, faites-vous relire par quelqu'un qui sait écrire quoi... Ça ruine quelque peu mon expérience tant ça fait saigner des yeux...

Je vais voir, si je trouve un peu de temps mais c'est pas gagné ;) , si je peux modifier pour corriger et publier derrière...

Mais sinon, c'est cool hein, merci de nous proposer l'expérience System Shock 2 en "français" * tousse* :heart: !
Yeah, well, you can simply fix it yourself if you're oh-so-offended by this completely free fan translation.


So, as much as I appreciate the fruit in syrup ... Oh no, it's not XD!

As much as I appreciate the technical effort provided by the various speakers, so much spelling level is a disaster! And that's an understatement ...
I'm on the beta_13, and it's not glorious, glorious ... Seriously, before you publish, get reread by someone who can write what ... It ruins somewhat my experience as it bleeds eyes ...

I'll see, if I find some time but it's not won;), if I can edit to correct and publish behind ...

But otherwise, it's cool eh, thank you for proposing the experience System Shock 2 in "french" * cough *: heart:!
I'm going to assume it's just Google Translate's shortcomings that make this guy sound like Le System Shocked.
"I appreciate the fruit in syrup" will now be my go-to phrase.

For any occasion.


I go on the roof, appreciating fruit in syrup.


yes, I'm pretty sure fruit in syrup is always appreciated.

anyway, he probably isn't wrong about most translations available here not being proofread, and of questionable quality - I still shudder when remembering the (sometimes hilarious, admittedly) horrendousness of the CZ translation (with its loosened anuses and such).


"I appreciate the fruit in syrup" will now be my go-to phrase.

For any occasion.

Glad you like it ;) !
For the record , it's from a French TV Show called "Kaamelott",  tell the tale of King Arthur with today language or if you know him in a Michel Audiard style...
Here is THE sentence : https://youtu.be/lyjuHudLS-A?t=1m
Sorry, I can't find just the video...


C'est bien pour ça que c'est une beta.
j'ai traduit au kilo...
un jour peut être, je reprendrai là ou je me suis arrêté :)
les fautes se corrigent en dernier, quand tout le reste est carré.
là il resterait à faire une relecture complète pour uniformiser les éléments de langage, et enfin corriger les fotes dor tograff ;)
ps: seems like my account does no longer exists on this forum :(


yeah, accounts expire unless renewed. register again, we can then assign your old posts to your new account.
Hello Mooztik,

J'avais dans l'idée au départ de t'envoyer un message privé, mais tu semble être bloqué en mode "Guest".

Je tiens le site https://www.dxm.be/

Je t'invite à utiliser la rubrique contact de ce site pour éventuellement me contacter.

Je garde un oeil sur ce patch FR depuis ses débuts en 2004, j'ai eu l'occasion de contacter les développeurs de l'époque. Puis par après ce fut To_An en 2015, moment où je me suis mis à donner suite à ses travaux. Mais tu as en attendant sorti la Beta13, je me suis donc "rangé" pour te laisser place. J'ai depuis lors quand même relus (et corrigé) tes derniers textes, j'ai aussi passé des jours à traduire plus de 600 textures.

Je m'apprête à sortir la beta14 (+surcouche pour traduire le mod SCP dans une archive à part). Mais je voudrais juste te contacter avant.
Well someone's been busy. I've translated a single texture from SHTUP to german with a small (4x) resolution bump and it took me several days and still wasn't entirely finished. I've noped out for now. I just suck at Gimp and priorities are irl rn.


I'll just add that the chance of Mooztik peeking here are pretty much zero, so waiting for his reply is pointless, if that's what is going on.

Translating the original low-res textures took me a couple of weeks/months.

First I had to discover what was the main Font used in the game (Square 721) and then trying to erase all words/sentences with Photoshop.

It was sometimes easy because the background was in a single color, but sometimes I had to deal with noisy textures, much more difficult and time consuming.

I just finished a FrenchBeta14 patch, and another FrenchPatch for the SCP4 mod (more textures and texts).

Yes, we have High-Res mods too, like SHTUP. But the easiest way to translate those mods will be asking the source files from the developers. I hope they will accept. Translating hundreds of low-res textures took me months, but doing the same thing on high-res textures could take years lol.


it could take a long time if you want to translate everything, but if you only do the textures that actually matter (the player has to read them to progress properly), then those can be finished in a couple of days (did it for the CZ translation, it wasn't horrible).
Yes, there are not so much "strategic consoles" with language specific textures. I'm thinking about the reactor console, the radiation console, the security login console at Ops, the gravity reverse console, and so on.

But ... I don't know. It will be strange that the most part of the textures remains in English and only a few of them are translated. I think I'll try to contact the developers of SHTUP.


as mentioned, the current CZ (SHTUP) translation is doing exactly that, and it's fine. about 300 SHTUP textures had to be translated, which is not a big deal.


added the link to the beta to the first post for the time being. not sure about the suggested manager priorities - if I understand correctly, currently, one patch is for vanilla lowres textures, and in that case, it should have the lowest priority, and one for SCP without SHTUP, and in that case, SCP should be active, and the patch should be right above it.

I would probably abandon the second combination, SCP is not really meant to be used without SHTUP, so ideally, one would focus on supporting that setup (that's what I did with the CZ translation, basically, it requires SCP+SHTUP, other combinations are untested. while not advised, users can try on their own risk).
« Last Edit: 10. May 2020, 19:27:53 by voodoo47 »

66672d3a79ec3Deu sex

D.X.M Hello DXM, I may have some time during September to do extensive complementary work on the french translation, as I spotted mistakes and inconsistencies in it, would you be interested in that? I'm native French ( I'm Deus or Deus_nsf from the Deus Ex community :) )

EDIT: woops didn't notice you made a Beta 14, I was still on Beta 13, I'm going to do a run to read dialogue and audiologs.
Note that the original author has continued their work elsewhere: https://www.dxm.be/navigator.php5?lang=en&content=215
So the original post is not up-to-date at the moment.

66672d3a7a329Deu sex

Yeah we continued for months with extensive testing, it's pretty mature at this point I would say, would be great to have it updated here as well.

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