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Olfred, a few questions - is the Rotational Joint of a model something you can set/control? the inverted rick turret model you made some time ago has its joint set to 1 instead of 0, and while it's not a dealbreaker by any means, the vanilla value would be preferred.

and to complete the inverted turret, can you also flip its corpse? currently, we are working around things with some gamesys shenanigans, but having a proper object available is (always, as I have found out on multiple occasions) better. the center of the corpse should be offset to allow perfect corpsing, meaning when changing the model from the full gun to the corpse, the turret base should not move in any direction/should stay at the same place.

thanks as always.
[RICKGU_D.BIN expired]
[rickgun_f.bin expired]
I think at that time it wasn't possible to do joint 0 with the tool from nemyax.
I'll take a look into it and see if I still remember how I worked it all out. Right now I just remember that the gun was a mayor pain in the ass  :/
Didn't I make a corpse for it once?  :thinking:


almost forgot about it (currently included with the tool, and dml set up to work ok) - but it's not corpsing perfectly, so the request still stands (as mentioned, would like to get rid of the gamesys/dml tweaks wherever possible).

//the current flipped corpse needs to be manually offset by X: -0.28/Y: 0.08/Z: 0.45 to corpse properly (may be a bit more, only checking up to two decimals).
« Last Edit: 13. March 2020, 09:25:23 by voodoo47 »
Is there a way to see which joint number it does have?


the rotational joint in the editor? not aware of any way - it's just a value that can be set on the archetype, and I think as the orig value of 0 didn't work with the flipped model, someone suggested using 1, and that worked, so it's set to that at the moment. as I've said, not a big deal, but the vanilla value would be preferred.
So there is no way for me to test it?

I've now simply exported the old model I made with the newest version of the nemyax exporter.
Also check if this new corpse is any good.
« Last Edit: 14. March 2020, 23:21:01 by Moderator »


the corpse looking good, but the turret now spins in the wrong direction, and the rotjoint is still 1. guess this is a question for @nemyax.
Yeah, then I have no idea and it's down to the exporter I guess.
If the model is mirrored, try flipping the X axis of the rotating part.
Thanks, that might work. But the other problem is still that the joint starts by 1 and not by 0.
I haven't found any way to manipulate that.
Try renaming the parts to change the alphabetical sorting.
I managed to fix the rotation being incorrect. I wonder how the old model did work. I basically just exported it again. But nevermind.
The problem with the joint starting at 1 persist, even after I tried renaming the model parts in various ways to manipulate the sorting.


well then, consider this a (low priority) request to either allow manual control of the Rotational Joint value, or set the default to 0 in the exporter, nemyax - thanks.
So I noticed that once the rickgun is destroyed the corpse will inherit the rotation to match the prior living counterpart.
I've edited the flipped corpse to also make this possible for it.
In this zip are both, the newly exported flipped rickgun and its corpse. Both on rotational joint 1.
« Last Edit: 15. March 2020, 16:56:11 by Moderator »


will check, bus as far as I'm aware, the old flipped turret and the freshly fixed corpse already work as they should, so not sure what has been (re)fixed?
The old corpse rotates in the wrong direction.
The new flipped turret is just newly exported, so nothing new I guess, it's more "just in case".


ah, I see. I don't think we have a sane way of making the corpse inherit the rotation of the turret that spawns it, but no harm in being prepared for some possible future shenanigans, I suppose.

But it seems the normal rickturret is doing that, doesn't it?


sort of. the vanilla setup was really messy, but it allowed it - the corpse has been oriented the same way as the turret was in the moment of its destruction. this however made everything else suck spectacularly (IG really should have made a proper script for it, and not rely on one made for the camera), so we've made it corpse normally - the destroyed stub is so small that this matters very little.

it is a bit more apparent with the Repairman mod active, so once I find a way to make it work without all the bad, I'll definitely implement it.
Oh, I see, evil hacking again.
Well, if you ever get around to it, now you got the correct model along with it.
(except for the joint part of course)


so it would seem.

yeah, it's kind of amazing the vanilla game works at all - it's pretty much held together by duct tape, toothpicks, and souls of all the IG staff pets that have perished of negligence because their owners had to meet the deadlines.
consider this a (low priority) request to either allow manual control of the Rotational Joint value, or set the default to 0 in the exporter
I've looked at the code to refresh my memory, and the way it works is to build a tree of subobjects and reindex them top-down. So the indexes are defined by the hierarchy. I'm not sure I want to change this, even if I get around to updating the script.
Adding a new intervening subobject made up of a single hidden triangle might be a workaround.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
Thanks for looking into it again. I know it's hard to look at some old code again and trying to figure out what it does.
Unforuntately the only thing I could manage was to get highter joint numbers, but never a joint number of 0.
My guess is that somehow the indexing starts at 1 instead of 0. Or the format is in some bonkers manner again that the hierarchy starts in some strange way and therefore the first subobject is at 0 and the main object is in nimbus or something like that.


AIRCOR.BIN - Air Cond. Corner Joint (−2553) [should be using a generic pipe texture instead of NACELL3.PCX]

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