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I would say as well that the leg just needs a change in texture and a bit scaling.
I'm not really sure what's wrong about the head?


what isn't? it's just a lump of androgynous something. a proper female head that would actually fit the headless body would be preferable.


SCP request: SS2 uses a single model for all overhead ducts, with the ends closed so it can serve as both an end and corner piece. Looks rather strange though. It would be useful to have variations of this with the ends open.

The vanilla model is duct.bin. The damaged model is ductf.bin. We'd need:
- ducto1.bin [open at one end]
- ducto2.bin [open at both ends]
- ductfo.bin [open at both ends]
Will do it, but don't expect it anytime soon. This is no 5 minute job.


It's just deleting a polygon or two from the ends and making the outsides render double-sided, isn't it? Shouldn't be any need to add thickness-- it's sheet metal.
Well, even sheet metal does have some thickness.
Another thing, you want one model with one open end, so I'm guessing you want to rotate it to fit both ends. But here's the deal, the duct isn't centered between the steel beams.
Should it be centered or do you want two different open ends?


Double-siding the polygons is fine. Real-life sheet metal duct walls are so thin that if you modeled them to a realistic thickness there'd barely be any difference. Besides, the vent debris chunks already use double-sided polys, so it would be visually consistent.

Good point about them not being entirely symmetrical. I hadn't noticed that before. Yeah, we'd need separate versions for each end being open.
[D_T-g.jpg expired]
Oh, you hardly see them around here. The only ones I've seen are at some industrial complexes and they usually have a thickness of 2~3mm.
But yeah, even that could still be disregarded. So here it goes, paperthin ducts :)

P.S. I have my non expiration option back, yay.


Another SCP request. For each of the two attached toilet models, I need just the handles as separate debris objects. The toilets2 model may need a backface added to the handle.

Surprisingly, the vanilla SS2 toilet debris doesn't include the handle. It just vanishes when you smash a toilet.
[toilets.7z expired]
I could need the textures for the toilet2 as well.
Here's the vanilla handle so far.


You need the textures even just to delete some stuff from the model? Well... okay.
[toilet2.7z expired]
When I am supposed to add any new faces yes. But in this case without there being any "real" texture, it wasn't necessary indeed.

While I was working on the model I noticed some things.
First of all, there are a lot of double sided faces which are unnecessary. I would assume some export error, but not everything is double sided.
Then there are a lot of unconnected/split faces which probably should be connected. This probably will fuck up the shading of the model ingame.

Well, here's the handle for now, you don't need any other debris for it?


Thanks. Yeah, trying to not go too nuts with the toilets. Wouldn't want people thinking the SCP team has a toilet obsession.

And now, yet another request. For beta 3 I've been adding connectors to the walls where ducts supposedly go into them (because it looks freaking weird when you smash a vent coming out of a wall and the wall is just blank). Been doing it in the actual level terrain so far, but this often causes lighting glitches because Dark isn't so good with shadowing around sharp corners. So I'm thinking maybe objects would be a better way to go. I've attached a world export of the multibrush I've been using, like we did with the replicator and ramp models.

[duct connector.7z expired]
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF


considering we also have to work with a few stripped levels, yeah, an object would probably work better.
Well, we are men (I presume?), so there is nothing wrong with a litte bit of toilet obession.
Also, everything should get the same attention of detail (regarding their importance in the game).

So I wouldn't mind creating additional debris for the new toilet model. I mean, it would look pretty strange if you smack a toilet and suddenly it turns into low poly.
I can also iron out the few errors I encountered while working on it. Do you maybe still have the original files? It's tedious to remove all the double sided faces one by one. And maybe the creator did proper sharp edges and they just got lost on export.

About the duct connector. The model was "uncleanely" modeled, as it was pretty simple I just redid it in a proper fashion. So tell me if there are any errors on it.


bathrooms have already received a lot of love;

-all now have proper doors
-all now have proper sinks
-all faucets are interactive
-all showers are interactive
-all toilets are interactive
-all showers have proper drains

so yeah, I think we can say with certainty that there is a bit of bathroom obsession. or maybe just obsession with details in general. we might never know. or care.
Acknowledged by 2 members: ZylonBane, Colonel SFF


Well, we are men (I presume?), so there is nothing wrong with a litte bit of toilet obession.

Damn straight.  This calls for a little celebration of being men.



I can also iron out the few errors I encountered while working on it. Do you maybe still have the original files? It's tedious to remove all the double sided faces one by one. And maybe the creator did proper sharp edges and they just got lost on export.
Hmm, now that you mention it, I did do some processing on it to get the model properly centered. All the format roundtrips may have messed it up a bit. I've attached Ajare's original 3DS model. It's off-center from the vanilla model, and IIRC it also needs some open backfaces closed up.
[toiletHD.7z expired]


Current discussion in the SCP dev thread is that when you smash a toilet, instead of the whole thing vanishing into two blobby chunks, the handle and a shattered remnant of the base replace the toilet model. This would mask the fact that none of the toilets have drain holes underneath them. Also would need a couple of better-looking debris chunks.


Tried out the duct connector model in-game. Shape is good, but needs a couple of tweaks. Due to the small width of the frame, gouraud shading makes it look more rounded than it actually is, so the whole thing needs to be flat-shaded. Other issue is that the grate texture should be rotated 90 degrees (so the already-stretched diamond pattern is stretched in the other direction). I could just rotate the texture, but I'd like to maintain compatibility with 400.

EDIT: Actually hold on, I screwed up with the model I sent you for this. I thought I'd adjusted it in a certain way but adjusted it in a different wrong way.
[grate_expectation.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 13. June 2016, 00:09:36 by ZylonBane »
Heres the tweaked toilet model. I changed the texture names as they were named in a way that will lead to problems. Also I changed the UV for the base one.
The toilet should be a 1:1 replacement to the old model position wise.

I made debris out of the new model (beware, this toi3.bin is a new one). I didn't align them according to the old debris models, if that needs to be done just tell me.

I'll stay on hold for the duct connector.


Second attempt at duct connector. Intent is that duct should only stick out 0.25 DromEd units from the wall (0.5 units is too much because that touches the duct legs). Duct body extends backward from grate surface by 0.75 units so the model can handle somewhat uneven terrain. To allow this without vanishing in-game, the model centerpoint will need to be set at the grate surface.
[ductcon2.7z expired]

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