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NVPhantomTrapOff="TurnOff"; NVPhantomTrapOn="???"

The code above is the ObjList Arg for an item subject to Nameless' "Phantom Trap" script. It specifies that upon receiving the "TurnOff" signal, the trap goes off. My question is: what signal can fill in the "???" place, other than TurnOn? I can't use TurnOn because it or rather, SwitchOn as they overlap, is already used as a signal response for an animation.

I tried to make up a name with Script->Signal Type, but it didn't work. My TurnOff signal came from a normal button, linked to an inverter instead. I was wondering if other signals were there to be used: I just need to activate the trap's effects, and the item is really just stationary, so I could use any signal which involves causing damage or looting. Tnx for any help.
I don't think there is an official list anywhere. You can stick NVSpy on an object to see what messages it generates. I think you can use a 'damage' message in there, but it would require actual damage which may bring about other problems.

You may be able to farm the animation off onto a stim/ receptron as an alternative. If it's an AI you can use a named signal response instead, that is how they were generally used in the original levels.
Thanks, in fact I was wondering if the trigger damage and trigger death had their own signals. I'll try something.

6665a5da1161aNameless Voice

You can pick any script message name that you want, though some other script needs to send it.  NVTrigger scripts can be configured to send any message of your choosing.

See An Introduction to Scripts for more information.
Thanks Nameless, I had tried not to bother you personally this time. :P
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