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Topic: SS2 System Shock Infinite 2.4
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Re: System Shock Infinite
While I Agree that the autoaim system was an odd choice,It didn't detract from me having fun and enjoying the story that the mod presented.It actually took me not very long to get used to the new system.
Re: System Shock Infinite
What's with the ruckus? Please behave. There's been no news lately, because a close relative of mine had a heart attack. I'm always at the hospital with her now.

Work on the difficulty mutator had to wait. I'm not one to release incomplete files, but since someone lacks the civility to ask for changes without insulting me, here's the beta. It lacks the redone Kolya ending (I wasn't satisfied with 1.0) and I would have liked to test it more extensively.

Developing this project, I took several risks. And never believed for a second that the hardcores would like the novelties! But my mates and I worked pretty hard to deliver. So the extra simple answer is always: yes, we did questionable things - but we did so for a reason.
« Last Edit: 02. May 2014, 15:13:00 by xdiesp »


Re: System Shock Infinite
Is this working with Blue's manager?
Re: System Shock Infinite
Is this working with Blue's manager?

The (beta) mutator is to be installed just like a patch.


Re: System Shock Infinite
@OneofTheMany: Works with the latest version.


Re: System Shock Infinite
Thanks guys :) Can't wait to play this

EDIT: Works just great with the manager. However, I have lots of other mods, should I worry about any conflicts? I disabled ADaOB since it is already implemented in Infinite.
« Last Edit: 31. March 2014, 22:13:40 by OneofTheMany »
Re: System Shock Infinite
Graphical mods are fine. Other gameplay mods like SecMod, Alya, ADaoB are definitely incompatible. What else do you have?


Re: System Shock Infinite
Disable other gamesys mods (ADaOB), set Infinite to the highest priority (top of the list), and you're good to go. Other replacement mods (texture, model, sound, etc.) can stay enabled. This applies to all FMs.


I would just pause ADaOB, so it stays at its position (which should be second from the bottom, after SHTUP at the lowest priority), and activate FM. This way you can switch between FMs and main game with two clicks, leaving other mods order intact. Just to remember, main game and FMs share one save games pool, so you have to remember which saves belong to which game (i.e. gamesys mod).
« Last Edit: 01. April 2014, 06:52:29 by bluemess »


Re: System Shock Infinite
Roger that :)
Except ADaOB I only have replacements.
FIxed the order in the manager now. :)
Re: System Shock Infinite
Here's more versions of the previous picture of Marie. Still haven't done the new ending, but the aiming and 6 hours limit in the beta mutator are done.



Re: System Shock Infinite
So far really enjoying the mod's take on not only patching holes in why things are the way they are (weapon degredation, the wtf ending, etc) and the fact so far as I've seen it essentially pushes the engine to it's breaking point I call into quest9on basically having zero damage unless you get that one special weapon the opponent at hand is weak to (in my case right now cyborg midwives have me scrounging around intentionally setting off alarms in medsci just to get nanites for more grenades.) Being confronted by enemies you can't hurt at all and will track you all over the level is frustrating especially when you have to spread your cybermoduels exceedingly thing. It could just be I'm rusty and am going about this the wrong way . I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm just saying the design choice is a bit... questionable.

That said other than possibly having shot myself in the foot I like it so far.

Then again I have one problem. I couldn't find the fluidics control access code in cargo b, thought I overlooked it went back couldn't find it. Went through the tear thinking it'd show up after and nope. Maybe I'm just dense or overlooked something.

Looking forwrd to more. I'm just annoyed at how it feels like i"ve had to multiclass to the point where I have better melee weapons and can't use them because I had to branch into psi )I hate psionics. it's very clunky in this game. this isn't a fault of yours and i in fact like the psi monkies.)

Maybe a mutator/mod to put in for those of us that want to be able to damage non-psi projection based enemies with physical anything, just at a severe penalty for things that aren't what you're supposed ot use (case in point being hybrid walking in front of door I want to shoot not only blocks the door getting blown down but also no-sells a freaking grenade to the face. even with the internal consistency you've set up grenades should be sort of an 'i win' button vs anything with the trade off of splash you might get aught in and relative scarcity compared to everything else.)

Seriously this is jawdropping and feels very much like this could have been what system shock 2 might hav gone direction wise (wouldn't /that/ be a freaking mind screw?)

I like the Marie artwork very nice. Just... damnit now I want to ship her and Goggles.
Re: System Shock Infinite
MoreOfMany: well done with the midwifes so far! To keep them in check, I suggest you to loot the next "old rig" you find for big cybermodules; or alternatively, use PSI powers to distract\freeze them. But if things get really out of hand, contact me and we'll handle things with a mutator for you (also informative that the difficulty spike in Hydroponics is still there).

The log with the fluidics code should be in engineering B, to the northeast: on the upper floor of a room patrolled by 2 mechs, one at the bottom and one at the top. About enemy immunities: in the beginning they were just resistances, like in the vanilla game but more polarized. But playtesters would just patiently kill anything "resistant" enough with cryokinesis and pistol shots... :( So I drew "inspiration" from dear old d&d, and pushed the rpg rules.


Re: System Shock Infinite
Well right now just going through now tha I've dropped assumptions. Might harvest the first rig I dunno since all i need are four right? I like this and am glad for it. One thing i hated about bioshock is you had the 'mother theressa saint awesome' morality or 'babyeating hitler' ending.
Re: System Shock Infinite
Yes, 4 chips is enough. The actual number is never stated in the game, but as there's a total of 8 of them, you are likely to meet the requirements if you are only... half-good heh. Some players would still find unsettling to betray Marie's trust on the mission!... that ain't necessary though. :P


Re: System Shock Infinite
Still Marie's french accent is cheesey, but tha'ts part of the charm, Goggles has actual voicework. Looking forward to anything you do to tweak and add here and there.

Seriously like the membrain/growth things in hydroponics. Adds to the sense of 'there is crap growing everywhere.'

Looking forward to Deck Four's big moment to see how that goes.

Also hehehehehe temporal parodox. AAAHAHAHAHAHA.

Sorry. Trying to think of stuff to say that'll help you make this better. Other than what my initial comments were not much comes to mind unless you find a way to redo the cutscenes in blender or source or something with more detailed models but *shrug* having everything look like it's from 99 is a charm all it's own. the like, but it's an understandable thing to do for a fan work.Do somewhat wish you hadn't gone with licensed music in the cutscenes since for me that does take a little from the immersion to hear the terminator theme or evil dead or
Re: System Shock Infinite
Yeah, some references are campier than others: both because we're amateurs, and to counterbalance the melodrama. Rest assured the licensed material will evaporate when the first cease and desist letter lands! :P

My top 3 favorite references are: the Silent Hill one, the Last Temptation of Christ one, the Ten Little Indians one.


Re: System Shock Infinite
Done 2 of 4 regulators on Hydroponics so far. I really want to see the end of ShepardReborn's Pacifist Approach, but this mod is an excellent excuse for the lack of that final episode ;)

The whole concept of the time loop is absolutely brilliant - I remember going "WTF?" when I saw the first dead Goggles body, but hey, it all makes sense. :)

The different target types really changes up the gameplay - like others on this board, I'm finding myself diversifying my module spending. The new psi powers are cool and much appreciated.

Haven't had the chance to test out the revamped stasis field generator yet, but looking forward to it!

Ultimately, I understand others' problems with the mod, but I'm enjoying this fresh take on SS2, and kudos for keeping the game (and community) alive!
Re: System Shock Infinite
In the next days I'll see to work on updating the patch, and remake the time over ending for the mutator. It's been a stressful month!! I'll ask CapLKL about any Marie artwork left, since they're appreciated.

If you see typos or gross mismatches of Maries talking and animating, or stopping and disappearing, please report them as bugs. Also, I could never find a reason for the occasional invincible enemy which (usually) gets fixed by saving & reloading.

I could also use some playtests with the mutator! Let's recap, its selling points are: classic aiming, scarcer resources, 6 hours time limit.


Re: System Shock Infinite
that bug has just been identified over at TTLG, it happens when an AI gets into bad physics position (basically, hitting a wall in a slightly unfortunate way), and the player saves at that very moment, and then reloads the bad save. not much can be done to prevent this, but as already mentioned, saving and reloading will fix the problem.
Re: System Shock Infinite
Nice find, thanks voodoo47! I would like to call it "The Marie Bug", if they haven't found a name yet.

I have updated the patch to 1.2, to include a typo fix and some missing modules. Now the patch is able to completely overwrite the mutator, so it can be used the reset a "mutated" installation back to normal.
« Last Edit: 24. April 2014, 11:42:23 by xdiesp »


Re: System Shock Infinite
We've put up a mirror for the latest release on Strategy Informer - http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/systemshock2/mod/52634.html

Thanks for working on it!
Acknowledged by: xdiesp
Re: System Shock Infinite
I can't believe, I haven't yet made a video with all of Marie's speeches in it. To start with something, here is the full script of the mod. Edit: And if you aren't afraid of spoilers, the Moddb page now contains both the script and several videos:

(a.k.a. the adventures of mon petit & waifu)

14 Years Ago
- Cyberspace Collapse

Marie: "If we don't make it out of here... remember me."

- Dr. Delacroix, I Presume

Marie: "Hello Googles, it's good to see you. Wait, why do you look so startled? Oh, I see... I was afraid you wouldn't be able to recognize me anymore. I am Marie, and I know the way for us to get our freedom back this time. And for you, to win back your stolen memories. Trust in me, mon petit."

- Autopsy Room

The Many: "You are so very alone... We are Many, and you are one: how can you hope to prevail?"

- Standard Targets

Marie: "Take a look at this. The entropic field emitted by the Von Braun's hyperdrive is causing the ship's equipment to degrade rapidly, and these hybrid aberrations to mutate unexpectedly. On the inside, their organs are still for the most part human; but on the outside, the parasite has evolved a hypermetabolic carapace with the ability to regenerate any wound in no time. My suggestion is to use weapons that can fracture their outer shells and impact their internal soft tissues. Any Standard UNN equipment will do: such as wrenches, pistols, shotguns and assault rifles."

- Energy Targets

Marie: "Would you kindly take this weapon with you, Goggles? It surely is telling, that the only TriOptimum equipment in pristine conditions aboard this flight came from its anti-insurgency product line. Electronic, robotic and even security camera systems are encased in a titanium alloy casing that is impervious to all direct impact. The only way to disable them, is to short circuit them with Energy weapons: such as laser pistols, laser rapiers and positron sniper rifles. But beware: they all have possess Agility requirements."

- Forcefields

Marie: "As the crew struggled to evacuate to the upper decks, my original self came up with an idea: a network of safehouses where the survivors could resupply, as they made their way upward. These areas are protected by portable, yet powerful forcefield emitters that are marked in red on your map: you can disable them locally, by clicking on the device; or you can ask me to disable them from a distance, with the PSI power 'Marie: Break Security'."

- PSI Targets

Marie: "Thread carefully, mon petit: I sense more psionic signatures on this deck, beside mine. None are friendly, so keep your PSI Amplifier charged and ready: remember, they are not real - and only your own PSI powers can dissolve their psionic projections. Should the need arise, you can count on me: I require your psionic powers to materialize physically on the Von Braun, so with the right psionic abilities I will be able to provide you with tactical support and healing."

- Memory video

Goggles and his team are briefed by Marie on the Rickenbacker.

- The Time Loop, part I

Marie: "Goggles, you must understand the stakes here. I am the lead designer of the Von Braun's hyperdrive, the device which allows the ship to execute its trademark faster-than-light jumps. The device works by encasing the ship in a pocket of protoreality, necessary to store and preserve the quantum state information of its matter as it undergoes instant relocation. Once SHODAN took control of the hyperdrive, she linked the protoreality generator to user specification, to create her own version of reality... the Cyberspace. And when SHODAN ultimately crashed, her link with Cyberspace caused it to follow suit: the protoreality pocket went critical. But the device is equipped with safety protocols to counter such an emergency, and they resetted the ship's state to the last known good configuration: the hyperspeed jump into the Tau Ceti system."

- The Time Loop, part II

Marie: "Everything on the ship was restored, as if it had just traveled back in time. None of the crew was aware of the impending disaster, except for you and I who had been present during the fall of Cyberspace. But there was nothing we could do to avert the crisis, as you were only brought out of cryo storage until much later, and I was left out of phase with the physical Von Braun. Yet, we were able to reorganize the resistance against the Many, and finally brought the fight back to Cyberspace: but again, history repeated itself. No matter how many more times we tried, SHODAN always created Cyberspace, which always collapsed after her - bringing the generator to a reboot. And as the time loop continued, tears appeared in the pocket of protoreality, rendering it unstable. Systems destabilized, decks were destroyed, crewmembers disappeared: a warning sign that our time, here, is rapidly running out."

- Broken Doors

Marie: "We are in luck: hidden behind this counter, is a heavy-duty grenade launcher. We might not have use for heavy weapon attacks, as of yet; but we can already exploit their ability to clear the way, from barricades or broken doors, in the ruined sections of the Von Braun."

- The Quest for Identity

Marie: "I'm sorry for bringing you here, Goggles: this is where we... parted ways, last time. Since then, I have been investigating the sabotage to your memory-restoration unit, and I discovered an oddity about it: to halt the restoration routine, Grassi was actually provided with a memory encryption algorythm by the fake Janice Polito. But why? Why leave your memories still and locked in, instead of simply disrupting them? Unless... unless somewhere in your neural interface, lies an information that SHODAN deemed too valuable to waste. Something that we need to bring against her, in the fight over Cyberspace. Now... obiviously we could never dissassemble your live neural interface, for me to analyze the mainframe. But in this special case, we can. Hack into the mainframe of this past self of yours, and into any other you can find. And I promise you to finally unlock the secret that will allow us to defeat the monster, together."

- The Infinite Memory Chip

Item card: "Infinite Memory Chips are the de-facto standard for black boxes in 7th generation neural interfaces. The device stores a ghost copy of the user's memories, down to its own emotions and personality traits, proving an effective backup resource. In popular narrative, analysis on Infinite Memory Chips are commonplace talk in legal dramas and OSA spy stories."

- Memory video

Goggles and his team protect Marie, as she transmits her warning to Earth.

- They Adapt

Marie: "After the events concerning Dr. Watts, sargeant Bronson and her men quarantined the R&D sector. When they entered, they found several of those early hybrids, slow and stiff just like the walking dead from the holomovies. The security team dispatched them easily enough, firing their energy weapons. Until one of them suddenly snapped up and stood still, with a completely different look as if he had just received a total reprogramming. That hybrid rapidly closed in on the sargeant, ignoring the repeated shocks discharged against it: cornered and out of ammo, Bronson switched to a smaller standard firearm she had kept holstered at her side - stopping the creature cold in one shot."

- Turrets

Marie: "Be wary, mon petit: those security turrets are as brutal, as their corporate providers. TriOptimum designed them to ward off its internal facilities, from syndycate agents and UNN inspectors alike. They feature a built-in auto-targeting system just like the one in your cybernetic implants: any target within 30 distance units is locked onto, and automatically tracked."

- Shattered Memories

Marie: "Close by, lies another one of your past selves. Remember about your quest: hack into the rig and extract the Infinite Memory Chip nested in the neural structure, and we will piece together the information that SHODAN seeked to exploit. That is our only chance at gaining the upper hand in the battle for control of Cyberspace! But take care not to damage the rig by mistake: these chips are fragile, and would likely disintegrate in a large number of cybermodules if shot. Not to mention the risks of creating yet another time paradox."

- Memory in Engineering

Goggles' team is wiped out by a midwife. Their weapons prove ineffective, until he frantically resorts to a stasis field device.

- Suicide

Goggles: "Not me, no way. They're not gonna get me, they're not gonna change me. I'm sorry..."

- Annelid Targets

Marie: "Annelid creatures were genetically engineered to be immune to anything the human crew of the Von Braun could possibly throw at them. The situation was hopeless: but when the first samples of annelid weaponry were recovered, we noticed something about them - they possess amazing plasticity, beyond the dreams of an ARN recombiner. This tipped us off about reprogramming them, and we succeeded in turning them into anti-annelid weapons. In example, a reprogrammed xenoblade such as this one, would lay waste to entire swarms of annelids."

- Tear, 54 survivors

Marie: "Goggles, that was reckless! But it worked. That tear was one of the fissures that are bringing down the pocket of protoreality: by stepping through it, you brought back part of a previous timeline into our own. It seems like in the other timeline, chief Curtiz and his team were finally able to bypass the safety lockdown in Engineering, and organized a plan for evacuating Deck 1 with shuttles from the loading bays. The evacuees are now safely part of our timeline: if you could keep the mosaic reaction ongoing, merging more of these favourable timelines with ours, we might be able to craft a new future for the doomed crew of the Von Braun."

Back to MedSci
- Tear, 47 survivors

Marie: "Apparently, the dr. Watts from this timeline did not dismiss nurse supervisor Loesser about the abnormal behaviour observed in the lab monkeys. This caution brought him to request additional precautions in the early phase of the annelid outbreak, which helped containing the pandemic and actually prevented the deadly attack against him. At the time of the assault on the Von Braun by the UNN troops, the Med-Sci sector had already been quarantined, and the staff had safely joined the rest of the civilian crew on Deck

- Heavy Targets

Marie: "Goggles, this is what we are up against. The Many are upping the ante: their next generation of cyborgs is augmented with bulletproof skin grafts, made of metal sheets stripped directly from the hull. No one can pierce through that, outside of the Utopia Planitia fleet yards. But if you apply enough of a compressive force to them, the disjointed internal systems are likely to get damaged. So try deploying Heavy explosives against them: such as the grenade launcher, the trioptimum handheld stasis device and
the fusion cannon."

- Bad Feeling

Marie: "The enviromental regulator is this way! Mon petit, I have a bad feeling about this: what if instead of outsmarting her, we are actually walking into another one of SHODAN's schemes? Consider the implications: we both require each other, as we need the help of SHODAN to undermine the Many and she needs ours to exert her control over Xerxes. But as enter our... final match, SHODAN's very last move is to reboot the game: did she plan out her move in advance? Looking at our fading grasp on the situation, I fear that
her goal had always been to just outlast every other player in this infinite match."

- The Entropy Effect

Marie: "There is reason, behind the accelerated degradation of all equipment and weaponry you have been taking from the decks of the Von Braun. As the pocket of protoreality destabilizes, so the entropy effect intensifies: the quantum information stored in its buffer, naturally decays into background noise that erodes the structural integrity of the ship. We cannot counter this trend, but the Many can through their innate adaptiveness: thus, pushing their threat level ever further."

- Tear, 33 survivors

Marie: "Good news, Goggles. The tear brought back a timeline, where the quick reaction of one Nurse Bloome was able to prevent Dr. Miller's deranged plan from ever taking place. Suddenly aware of the enemy within, Central Command decided to seal off the entire Hydroponics deck and quickly evacuated all stationed researchers to the upper levels. Such countermeasure brought irremediable damage to the development of biomass on Deck 3, and most importantly prevented the loss of many innocent lives."

- Memory video

Goggles and Marie are cornered by hybrids in the R&D sector.

- Time paradox

Marie: "Goggles, I'm afraid we have a situation here. Remember what I told you about time paradoxes? Well, it looks like trouble just found us: a Soldier G65434-2 from a different timeline just made his way into our own, through a tear in protoreality. I talked to him: he is wounded, shellshocked and ready to open fire on friends and foes alike. But you mustn't attack him! The consequences on the space-time continuum would be severe. Apparently, he's already took down one of the red cyborgs and stored the Quantum Chip A in the conference room at the end of the all. As I try to calm him down, try to sneak inside and pick up the item while remaining undetected."

- Poor Ending

Text: "Subject: Goggles"
Text: "Status: Terminated"
Text: "Postmortem: Subject attempted to create temporal paradox"

- Infinite Shock

Marie: "In a way, ignorance is indeed bliss: I am witness to all in this drama, and sometimes I am crushed with doubt. As the Cyberspace overloaded and flared, I have seen things you people wouldn't believe. The Von Braun hoverwing over New York, shelling it with the Many; I have seen the FTL drive, overloading into a disastrous resonance cascade; (Elizabeth cuts in) ...and I saw us crashlanding the Von Braun in the middle of the ocean: as we abandoned it on a life raft, the ship looked remarkably like one of those old lighthouses from
centuries past."

- Tear, 49 survivors

Marie: "You have to hurry out of there, something terrible is about to happen! The tear has brought back a timeline where the standoff between sargeant Bronson's security team and the group of survivors lead by Dr. Polito is about to take place. The survivors have trespassed the security perimeter despite her warning, in order to join with the larger resistance force from the upper decks: they are currently in the mess area, stocking up on supplies. As soon as the sargeant will learn of their movements, she will order a punitive expedition against the survivors and cause a bloodbath. There is no time for compromises: if we don't stop Bronson now, she will turn Deck 4 into a civil war and no evacuation shall ever take place."

- Apprehension

Security Officer #1: "Where are we taking this guy?"
Security Officer #2: "Outside for questioning"
Security Officer #1: "What the hell for, we got him: let's kill him now!"
Security Officer #2: "And if they find the body?"
Security Officer #1: "Body? What body?"

- Believe in the Future

Marie: "Don't give up, mon petit. From a scientific point of view, history never repeats itself completely. Consider sargeant Bronson, our head of security here on the Von Braun. In our original timeline, she was the leading force against the invading UNN troops, who poured on us from the Rickenbacker. But as the time loop kept repeating history, so has she played different roles: savior, foe, casualty. Because the quantum imprint of the future is never predetermined."

- Memory video

Goggles and Marie fight and flee in MedSci, as shown from the window during the decompression event.

- The Habitat Ring

Goggles: "Delacroix! Delacroix, it's me! We're locked in here! Hey, who are you?

- Synergy

Marie: "I'm using this terminal to plan our next move: we certainly don't want to meet any more paradoxes. Why don't you take a look at the upgrades units over there? Remember what all trainees are taught: specializations ought to be synergyzed. Weapon training improves survivability, technical training increases adaptability and psionics allows creativity: but as they must rely on each other, min-maxing a few would just compromise the rest."

- Flashback

Marie: "Here is the antenna, mon petit. At this point in the original timeline, we had broadcasted our final transmission and went back to Cortez and Bronson. The rest of the survivors had agreed that anything below Deck 5 was to be considered lost, and the plan was to proceed to Central Command to mount our final line of defense over there. A handful of us split from the main group and returned to the lower decks, to gather back everyone stationed in the safehouses. By the way, the code for this keypad is '14106'."

- A Letter from Mary

Letter: "Meet me in our special place."

- Trust in Sarah

Marie: "I'm sorry... I just don't feel very well, Goggles. I never asked for this: the maiden voyage of the Von Braun was to supposed to usher in a new age of discovery on the scientific world, not... this. I should have never accepted TriOptimum's partnership to fund 'Project Sarah': too many risks were taken, too many corners were cut to meet their demands. But I know my Sarah, and we can trust in her: after all, she is the one who provided us with our second chance."

- Tear, 74 survivors

Marie: "Well done, Goggles: by crossing through that tear, you have caused yet another favourable timeline to merge with ours. In this timeline, our past selves had succesfully distracted the forces of Many, long enough for Cortez to dock in with his shuttle and evacuate the civilians still trapped inside. Those poor people... they would have just stood helpless, against the enemy onslaught. Hurry up, now: after the Many realize they have been tricked, they are sure to flood the whole sector with security."

- Memory in Recreational

Goggles and Marie are spotted by a Rumbler on the Command deck.

- Suspicious Report

Marie: "I remembered about something... Before the mass panic ensued, engineering supervisor Sanger and I had just left the Command deck to investigate a strange report originating from the loading bays of the Von Braun. The report mentioned that the shuttles returning from Tau Ceti V, were suffering from 'abnormal' signs of accelerated decay. Of course, back then we just assumed the malfunction to be linked with the atmospheric re-entry process. Only now, I realize the timing of such warning to be quite suspicious. In any case, as we were getting off the tram to move to Engineering, the ship-wide red alert was issued and we immediately headed back to Command."

- Marie: Last Order

Marie: "Mon petit, there is something you should know about. As a top official on this ship, I am given clearance to a final set of countermeasures intended exclusively for a worst case scenario. Time and again, we planned to use them to trick our opponent into a false step: but as it became apparent, neither the SHODAN or the Many are types to buy into a bluff. I have the ability to arm the self-destruction mechanism of the Von Braun. I could break into the Engine Core room down in Engineering, disengage the safety
protocols and the FTL hyperdrive would overload here and now. No more threats, no more ship, no more second chances. But we aren't that desperate yet, are we?"

- The Escape Pods

Goggles: "That damn worm nearly bit my leg off."
Marie: "I'll bite you if you don't get your butt in gear!"

- Slave to a Memory

Korenchkin: "Surprising! And yet, so predictable. The traitor in our midst, was Captain Diego's protegeé all along. Another man slave to his own shadow... his own past. But it makes no difference to us: long live the new flesh."

- Tear, 41 survivors

Marie: "The tear appears to have bridged our timeline to another, where Deck 6 was evacuated of all ships before the Many could take hold of the hangars. The success of the operation came at a high price, however, as the final transports had to leave the last defenders on the ground to cover their retreat. The shuttles are now with the rest of the evacuees fleet, regrouped at the Tau Ceti III rendezvous point, and await further instructions."

- Memory video

The Evil Rumbler chases down Goggles and Marie; gets shot by Goggles.

- So Say We All

Marie: "It's no use... the entropy effect has already damaged the instruments of the Rickenbacker beyond repair. You are going to have a hard time, keeping your gear in working condition. You know, it's funny: this makes me remember of something that happened way back, during the launch ceremony of the ship in the San Francisco bay. Our research team was to hold a presentation in front of the United Nations Nominate representatives, about the technological challenges we faced to build Project Sarah. We were scheduled to speak after yet another long winded, rethorical speech by some captain Adama: and at one point, he boasted his motto that 'to get his work done, a miracle engineer of the NAVY prays to his skill and not to his hardware'."

- Tear, 25 survivors

Marie: "Goggles, watch out! The tear seems to have joined our timeline with another, where the crew of the Rickenbacker had split in a large-scale mutiny. Captain Diego himself catalyzed the uprising, after glimpsing at his father deep withint the Many in their genetic memory of Citadel Station. However, the balance of power aboard the ship had already shifted and the chain of command raised against Diego: ever since, the UNN Marines of the Rickenbacker have been locked in combat with those still loyal to the Many. Should you meet any of these soldiers, Googles, protect them as they evacuate all remaining personnel safely off the ship."

- Memories of Cantor

Goggles: "Cantor, Cantor... why does this name sound so familiar?"

- Noosphere

Marie: "The Rickenbacker hosted a full contingent of psionic agents from the OSA: stalkerish types, who were rarely seen around the ship. Most people are uncomfortable around psionics: did you know, that psionic effects aren't actually broadcasted by the nervous system... but they are the result of a reaction triggered in the noosphere? It is the datastream of gravity, in the fifth dimension: kind of like, a natural cyberspace."

- Deja-Vu

Goggles meets the "ghosts" of his former team mates.
Marie: "Those who forget the past... are doomed to repeat it."

- Memory video

The Evil Rumbler keeps chasing Goggles and Marie; gets fried by Marie this time.

Body of the Many
- Cataclysm

Marie: "Mon petit, I have to keep this brief: the psionic interference is unbearable, here. It is unprecedented, how the biomass of the Many has been able to grow to such a gargantuan size: but I'm not really surprised, as every reboot has been getting worse recently. The tears that destabilize the pocket of protoreality, also create a strategic cul-de-sac that the Many can exploit: once the crew splits and scrambles, close to no organized resistance is even possible anymore."

Body of the Many
- Biomass

Marie: "Something about the wave spectrum of the biomass just doesn't add up. The research team was aware of this from the very beginning, as doctors Derek and Nova immediately reported about abnormal chroniton levels in all samples we were brought. Such readings are usually normal with FTL technology, and indeed the energy signature of the Many resembles that of the Hyperdrive. I had theorized this anomaly to be a defense mechanism enacted by the creature, but now, I fear for something worse. You know, how we always assumed to be the only ones aware of the time loop, as we were the only ones there when Cyberspace collapsed? What if... the psionic imprint of the Many, or what was left of it, had entered it too and now the pocket of protoreality has stored the data about their collective consciousness just like it has with ours?"

Body of the Many
- Tear, 43 survivors

Marie: "Chiral reaction is negative: these survivors appear immune to annelid infection. In this timeline, the development of Toxin-A had progressed much further, greatly hindering the expansion of the Body of the Many around the two ships. These people were captives of the Many, on their way through the upper digestive system right before the toxin's effect disabled it. But they are too exposed, in here: I will see to shield this area with the local forcefield, once we are gone. Please, take care not to leave anything of value behind."

Body of the Many
- Memory of the BOTM

In an illusion, Goggles is transported back to Earth, where Marie congratulates him for beating the game.

- The Hacker's Legacy

Marie: "What is it, Goggles? You seem to remember something about Cantor, that legendary hacker who infiltrated the SHODAN network on Citadel Station? It is rumored that the underground community, to this day, has yet to fully uncover the secrets of his tecnique. The UNN government feared his status as a hero, and had the complacent media turn him into a boogeyman: their attack pieces typically stressed on a single point, that his bravery was ultimately just a product of cyberspace - as to say, not a real thing. But in a way, there is a deeper truth to that: cyberspace is as real, as the strength of your mind allows it to be."

- Remember Me

Text: "ALWAYS LEAVE A BACKDOOR.            - C4NToR"

- Return of the Hacker

Goggles: "My father, Cantor, used always to tell me all kinds of boring zen stories. One of them, was about this warrior who had made a solemn promise, but then forgot about what. To recover his memories, he entered the temple and questioned the holy man living there. Who replied to him: 'what for? I see you already embody your oath'."

- The ICE Rapier

Item card: "An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age. ICE Rapiers are extremely powerful ICE breakers, speculated to be the final work of legendary hacker Cantor. Being AI constructs, they can only exist in cyberspace."

- Death of Marie

Real Marie: "Beware, mon petit... You cannot... trust..."

- Submit to SHODAN

Memory Encryption Algorythm #1: "Forget, Number 65434-2..."
Memory Encryption Algorythm #2: "Forget, Number 65434-2."
Memory Encryption Algorythm #3: "Forget, Number 65434-2!"
Goggles: "No! My name... my number is not..."
SHODAN laughs

SHODAN's Primary Data Loop
- Earth, New Paris, Bradbury Cibernetiques

Goggles: "Mary, I'm losing your signal: where are you? Mary, what's happening? Mary?! Mary!"

SHODAN's Primary Data Loop
- The Numbers

Song #1: "369 little survivors..."
Song #2: "...one little survivor remembered too much..."
Song #3: "...another little survivor just wouldn't shut up..."
Song #4: "...so they brought all 369 together, and then there were none."

SHODAN's Primary Data Loop
- E-Mail #1


SHODAN's Primary Data Loop
- E-Mail #2

Text: "I like the new rig already"
Text: "But what about Sarah?"

Good Ending
- What You Leave Behind

SHODAN: "I could transform you into something more efficient."
Goggles: "I am not a number! I'm a free man!"
Back on the Von Braun, Goggles sees the ghostly Marie for one last time. She disappears as the crewmembers return.
Real Marie: "I always trusted in you, I always trusted that even after 14 years of oblivion you would always remember me. Welcome back, mon petit."

Neutral Ending
- Self-Destruction of the Von Braun

Marie voiceover: "Final report of the experimental starship Von Braun, chief engineer reporting. The other members of the crew, including Captain Diego and CEO Korenchkin, are dead. All attempts to contain the xenobiological infestation spreading from Tau Ceti 5, have failed. To ever stop them, we are left with only one option. Computer: on my mark, initiate core overload sequence. Authorization: Delacroix, one, alpha. Goodbye, mon petit. Mark!"

Bad Ending
- Lost in Space

SHODAN: "I could transform you into something more efficient."
Goggles: "Who am I... to disobey a Goddess..."
Goggles and SHODAN are adrift on the escape pod.
Marie voiceover: "But in the end, you chose to forget. About your life, about my life. Truly, I am not afraid of death: but I am afraid of you."

Paradox Ending
- No Way Out

SHODAN: "I don't understand. How could you have done this? You weren't meant to be... important."
Goggles: "Yet here I am. In your deepest thoughts. "
SHODAN: "And now you think to destroy me? How dare you insect? How dare you interrupt my ascendance?"
Goggles: "I was more than the Many, and I'm more than your mathematical equations!"
SHODAN: "You are nothing. A wretched bag of flesh. What are you compared to my magnificence?"
Goggles: "What is a god without disciples? What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
SHODAN: "But it is not too late. Can you not see the value in our friendship? Imagine the powers I can give to you human. The cybernetic implants I gave you were simply toys. If I desired I could improve you, transform you into something more efficient."
Goggles: "There's nothing you could offer me."
SHODAN: Join me human. And we can rule together.
Goggles: "Not me. No way. I'll blow your ciphers out of my mind's door!"
Goggles shoots himself.

Combat Speech
Marie - Escape Route: "Hold on to me."
Marie - Distract Target: "Let me handle this."
Marie - Healing Aura: "Here, I can heal you."
Marie - Break Security: "Taffer!"
Marie - Attack Target: "Goggles, catch them!"
« Last Edit: 02. May 2014, 14:43:53 by xdiesp »
Re: System Shock Infinite
Yesterday, I updated the script with the part about the mysterious "numbers" that pop up around the ship (you would see a ship sign turned into numbers, at a tear's location).

System Shock Infinite - Marie's Story - Mod DB

Much belatedly, the story movie is ready! :thumb: It features all dialogue from the talking Maries, as well as ShephardReborn's parts and several action pieces. At the moment, I can only link to it on Moddb... is it even possible to embed a video from Dropbox? BTW, here's an old sketch while the next artwork is still being prepared.

...and the charadesign charts. ;)


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