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Hi, I've looked everywhere, but no one seems to have any experience with this bug.
Basically, I had stacked a lot of maintenance modules (10+) and medical hypos (30+). Never dropped any, rarely used them.
Then I check my inventory for them at one point, and I suddenly seem to have one (!) of each.

I've been able to spot the issue once before, but with cyber modules.
I had around 25 of then, then when I picked up 5 more from a dead body, I suddenly only had 5.
After loading the game and repeating the same process, it worked correctly again and just added the 5 to the count.

Now I'm halfway through deck 4 and I have a grand total of 1 med hypo and 1 mt module with no saves to go back to.


My mod configuration is:

CyberBlutch Rebirth
Straylight ADaoB
Four Hundred
Schatten SHMUP (music update)
Tacticool Weapon Replacements
Eldron Psi Amp
Vurt’s Hi-Res Space Textures
Vurt’s Organics/Goo
Vurt’s Flora Overhaul
Vurt’s misc stuff
Vurt’s water
Vurt’s .PNG Hi-Res Space with Earth ADaoB

Nothing has been tampered with, except for removing the ";" from ";d3d_disp_no_rgb10_buf" in cam_ext.cfg to enable taking screenshots with F12 in Steam.


Right now I observed it in action, twice.
Killed a shotgun hybrid. Had two medical hypos on him, I had one on me.
Picked up both hypos and nothing. I still had just the one. The ones I picked up just vanished.

The second time I didn't see it happen, but I had four of them and bought three more, then one corridor later I decided to check and I only had one. Again.
Try loading a default key binds set and see if you can reproduce the problem.
Is the bug still there, if you load the same savegame without any more mods? Not that any of those should contain bugs in the stack options of item. Because it sounds like something you can cause by messing up those options.

How about starting a new game, with mods, is the bug still there?
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