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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
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Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Although the changes required to incorporate spawning options and med/sci enhancements (the other two are already in SCP I believe) are quite extensive, I am pretty sure it is far less work than the other way around - incorporating all SCP changes into this. It was pretty long ago I was doing this but essentially I just took the original .mis files from the Zygo's Ultimate Spawn mod and Hi-Torque's Med/Sci Changes, loaded them in ShockEd along with ADAoB and compared the differences... Found out how it worked out and then just mimicked the changes. I remember there were quest traps that triggered destroying of all spawn points if the chosen spawn mode flag was set to value of NoSpawn for example. It was actually an easy grunt work to compare and mimic so anybody with fair intelligence could do it... go for it Salk, you have my blessings.
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Well, thanks... I will see what I can do. Right now I am also working on a modification for Baldur's Gate which is in Beta Stage but after that, I might try and see if I can tackle this...


Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
had a look at the changes and additions, and, as SCP already has most of the improvements included in UR, I believe the easiest thing to do would be making a dml addon for SCP (and vanilla) that would control the spawning.
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Sounds right.

If somebody beasts me to it, all the better. Otherwise I'll try and find some time to learn things myself...


Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
you just need to find all the spawns (hilight_obj_type -976 in the command window) on all maps, write down the ids, and create a set of dmls that would set period to 0 - that should disable all spawning on any ecology //no, this only affects the time period after which the AI population is checked (if you want to tweak it instead of disabling, you will have to play with the rest of the values instead). once done, anyone loading the dml set as a mod would get no spawns - would work for vanilla, SCP, probably Secmod and Alyamod as well.

about a hour or two of grunt work, I'd say (for the disable all version, anyway).
« Last Edit: 02. August 2015, 09:08:07 by voodoo47 »
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14

Thanks, voodoo47.


Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
make sure to include the orig map fingerprints.
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Did anything come of Salk's plans to include a spawn control in the SCP?
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Sorry but I didn't even start anything yet...

I just wanted infos about how to proceed when and if...

665b6d30ddae9Yankee Clipper

Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Setting the period to 0 won't work - that just makes them spawn continuously. But, setting it to a very high number, like 100000 does the trick.

An easier way to get all the ecology objects in a level is to use Find Object (F3), then type in -975. That will bring up the Object Hierarchy Editor. Click Export / Export Selected to save the file. Open the file with a text editor and look for the Property "Script: Ecology" section. The one for medsci1 looks like this:

Code: [Select]
Property "Script: Ecology"
An Ecology (71): { 15.00; 0; 0; 0; 2; 2; 120.00; 0}
An Ecology (78): { 10.00; 0; 0; 0; 2; 2; 120.00; 0}
An Ecology (97): { 15.00; 0; 0; 0; 2; 2; 120.00; 0}
An Ecology (103): { 15.00; 0; 0; 0; 2; 2; 120.00; 0}
An Ecology (109): { 15.00; 0; 0; 0; 2; 2; 120.00; 0}
An Ecology (1147): { 10.00; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 120.00; 0}
An Ecology (1187): { 120.00; 1; 2; 3; 0; 0; 0.00; 9}
An Ecology (1314): { 120.00; 1; 2; 5; 0; 0; 0.00; 0}
} // 8 object(s)

There's your object numbers for the dml of that level. Of course, you would have to do the same for each level.

But, the level gets very boring without the spawns. This method not only eliminates the respawning, it also eliminates the initial spawn of those monsters.
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Hello, Yankee Clipper!

Thanks for your contribution. Admittedly, the elimination of the spawning is something I really would not want. My problem is with the respawning concept, not the spawning itself.

Setting the period to a very high value doesn't cause this kind of problem?

665b6d30dde7fYankee Clipper

Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
I should clarify: some of the monsters are part of the ecology and some are different kinds of objects. For example, the hybrid in the pit with the barrels right outside of R&D is not part of any of those ecology objects. When you start the level, he is there. Once you kill him, he is dead and you will not see him again.

But, after you clear the level, those monsters that keep on appearing in the hallways are generated by the ecology objects. You may have noticed that you won't see any shotgunners when you first clear medsci1, but once the ecology objects kick in, you will start to see them roaming the halls.

I couldn't figure out a way to make those spawners generate just one time and then stop after you kill them. But, I didn't try every possibility. The editor lets you adjust the following:

Code: [Select]
ObjProp "Ecology"            // type sEcologyInfo              , flags 0x0000 , editor name: "Script: Ecology"
"Period" : float
"Normal Min" : int
"Normal Max" : int
"Normal Rand" : int
"Alert Min" : int
"Alert Max" : int
"Alert Recovery" : float
"Alert Rand" : int

Period is how long the clock runs before they appear. Setting it to a ridiculously high number means they never will (unless you are the kind of guy who likes to hang around medsci for 100 hours after you clear it). I'm not sure of the specifics on the other settings. Also, if I have it right, the clock doesn't start until the other conditions of the ecology get met.

I gave Normal Max a try - setting it to 1 - but that didn't seem to affect the spawn rate. It may have something to do with how many monsters can be alive at the same time from that ecology. Set the min to 10 and maybe it will throw 10 of them at you at the same time. Or maybe it does something else. I'm just not motivated enough to keep on playing with it enough to figure it out.


Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
normal min and max govern the amount of spawned AIs that can exist at the same time, I think.
I couldn't figure out a way to make those spawners generate just one time and then stop after you kill them.
check spawns (-976), supply 0 means infinite amount of spawns, any other number will spawn the AIs a finite number of times corresponding with the number.

« Last Edit: 16. March 2015, 20:37:23 by voodoo47 »

665b6d30de44fYankee Clipper

Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14

I just put up a no spawn mod. But, this looks better. I'll have to go back to the drawing board and tweak the monster generators instead.
Re: SS2 Unified & Revamped .mis mods v1.14
Well, you are doing the work for me, Yankee Clipper.

Thank you a lot.

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