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Topic: GMDX: Deus Ex Mod.
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will keep an eye out, and make a list - pretty sure I've already seen a couple.

note to self - check whether the prison escape mission is skippable, same for the illuminati part later.

//ok, here's a few;
-Osgood and son main door. definitely doesn't look like something that should withstand a gep rocket. quite obvious as right behind them is another door of the same type, perfectly destroyable.
-'Ton main door. wooden, yet explosives do nothing.

basically, I would like to see something like wooden doors being destroyable by explosives and large melee weapons, steel doors just by explosives, and reinforced steel doors indestructible. and this being consistent throughout the entire game - if the quests demand indestructible doors somewhere, reinforced steel doors should be used, not just any door with the indestructible flag set.

//and small boxes like the one from the screenshot. to make it simple, if something is indestructible, there better be a good reason for that, and it should actually look like it could take a rocket.
[tinybox.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 18. June 2016, 17:10:33 by voodoo47 »
Alright, I appreciate that. I guess some tweaking would be for the better.  It does fall under the scope of the mod in terms of the type of work it is, after all, and I usually go deep into the details as you may have noticed so this probably deserves the same.


-confirming the too small radius on AIs hearing tknives landing near them, almost non existent.
-glass in laguardia barracks window is almost invisible.
-awful hitbox on the chopper, will absorb shots that would not hit it even remotely.

-strength aug definitely feels too cheap when combined with heavy weapons - kills the movement penalty like lol whatever. would strongly recommend either making it active again, or something else, but passive just doesn't work for me.
-quick idea: allow placed mine disarm only on demolitions trained and up.

-terminals requiring different hack skill levels, plus the extra softs: interesting, but not sure whether I like it yet. considering the blandness and uninterestingness of orig hacking, probably thumbs up.
-definitely less loot around. might not be liked by non veteran players.
[hitchoppa.jpg expired]
[invisoglass.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 18. June 2016, 20:25:03 by voodoo47 »
-awful hitbox on the chopper, will absorb shots that would not hit it even remotely.

Can't really do anything about that because of unreal engine collision cylinders and that choppers are dynamic/change location.

-strength aug definitel feels too cheap when combined with heavy weapons - kills the movement penalty like lol whatever. would strongly recommend either making it active again, or something else, but passive just doesn't work for me.

We'll probably have to agree to disagree. To me, making something that was barely used vanilla/just to manipulate boxes into something that plays a new core fun role in the gameplay if chosen, without disrupting balance (arguably, if you please) is a good thing. 

-quick idea: allow placed mine disarm only on demolitions trained and up.

Gamey restriction for something that doesn't demand it. Demolition skill already has a lot of neat changes to ensure it is a worthwhile investment anyway, again without disrupting balance.

-definitely less loot around. might not be liked by non veteran players.

There's still an absolute shitload. Just slightly less ammo to encourage diverse tactics rather than spamming the same gun. There was nearly Bioshock levels of ammo availability. Could add some ammo exclusive to easy though I guess.
« Last Edit: 18. June 2016, 19:53:14 by Join usss! »
Wrist-mounted crossbows - Would they work in real life?

Conclusion: yes, but totally impractical. So I guess it is a rare case of style over substance in Deus Ex.
Well, it possibly is due to style factor more than anything else. I mean, it's a game, you put cool gadgets in there. Especially when you make some kind of spy thing you go the Q from James Bond way.

So conclusion after watching that video. He goes along how it wouldn't be as powerful. And in the game it really isn't that powerful.
Then he speaks about the technical aspects in a purely mechanical way. But give this is the future, there is a high probality it is electrically powered as it also reloads a new dart all in its own. Even given todays tech you could probably build something similiar with a piezo drive, they are small and incredibly powerful.


but the scope wouldn't really work.
It does auto-load in the game. It's mostly impractical for things he doesn't go into really, such as attempting to aim a weapon that is mounted to your wrist. Try this action: imagine there is a weapon mounted to your wrist, now try to line this imaginary weapon close up with your eyes for fine aiming through the scope. It's awkward as hell if not impossible. who knows how you're actually meant to look through that scope as pictured.  Normally you're meant to outstretch your arm to fine aim which would work, but you can't do that with scopes.
Why even have it mounted to your wrist at all? Not easy to conceal or ditch if you need to, and can potentially interrupt other interactions like rummaging through a bag (inventory).
I guess it could work for wielding more weapons than our arms can carry. Maybe it isn't so impractical.

//voodoo mentioned the scope.
« Last Edit: 18. June 2016, 21:33:12 by Join usss! »
Well, the scope would need to be really far behind the weapon to use it as a regular scope.
An augmented eyeball coupled with something similiar to a red dot "scope" would work.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!


gasses trigger laser tripwires. maybe they shouldn't? also, the perfect stance perk for pistols, adding that bit of accuracy just enough to make the maxed out stealth pistol not sway. so silky, so smooth.

and oh you bad man.
[lock_of_evil.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 19. June 2016, 19:44:07 by voodoo47 »
and oh you bad man.


-Lockpicking skill needed more value.
-Big stash in there (including a LAW that can be used as a multi-door opener if fired up at the barracks above) should probably be gated off.
-System is inconsistent anyway as established, and I went to the trouble of putting a visible lock on it.

Again, will remove with good reasoning that overrides the above, or better alternative.

gasses trigger laser tripwires. maybe they shouldn't?

Already addressed. See latest changelog (it's not much yet, mostly tweaking and polishing. The most notable stuff was shown in that video) :

Artificial Intelligence:

-AI accuracy with grenade throws has a touch more randomization to it to cut down on frequent perfect pitches.
-AI stealth-related stats have been nerfed a little on realistic mode.
-The advanced security bot now uses a new/previously unused model.
-Greately diversified how an NPC behaves when seeking the source of a disturbance.
-Minor improvement to the new NPC melee attack/gun bash system.
-NPCs are no longer scared or turn hostile when the player is running around with a crate of TNT.
-Enabled some overlooked NPC vocal reactions to the player clowning around (like throwing a basketball at them).

Player-Controlled Mechanics:

-Faster and more immersive mantling.
-Stabilized the GEP Gun's remote controlled rocket steering & pressing the left mouse button will boost the remote rocket.
-With nothing in hand, left clicking on doors will put either a lockpick or nanokey ring in your hand.
Doing the same for hackable electronics will put multitools in hand.


-New simulated reload movement effects.
-Heavy weapon sizes are reduced from 4x2 to 3x2, taking up 6 slots as opposed to 8.
-Improved new recoil handling system further.
-Improved dynamic cover animations.
-Improved camera firing effects.
-Improved a large number of vanilla technical flaws with the Assault Rifle.
-Crossbow darts are not visually present in the weapon until halfway through the reload process.
-Ejected shell casings are no longer visually different if you attach a silencer, as in GMDX shell casings differ based on ammo type.
-Improved flamethrower handling effects.

User Interface/HUD:

-The health and augmentations screens now display a variety of general statistics.
-Added a number of functional & cosmetic improvements to the augmentation screen.
-Improved dynamic crosshair behaviour.


-Climbing ladders now has sound effects.
-Added some new subtle UI audio effects.
-Footstep sounds will now play when crouch-walking, albiet too quietly for NPCs to hear.
-Movers will play the appropriate footstep sounds as opposed to defaulting to concrete sounds.
-Security Bots play their unused critical damage sound if health is less than 20%.


-The Cloak and Radar Transparency augmentations now have new visual effects each.
-The spy drone now bounces off of level geometry upon collision, rather than losing all velocity.
-The Vision Augmentation now displays in full screen and has some aesthetic alterations.
-The Target Augmentation's scanning text has now been moved to the location of the target window so as to not distract the player.


-Thermoptic camo only enables you to pass through laser alarms undetected if you have the "Tech Specialist" perk.
-The "Nimble" perk now makes climbing ladders silent, in addition to mantling.
-The "In Bulk" perk has been replaced with the "Focused: Heavy Weapons" perk now that heavy weapon inventory sizes are more reasonable by default.

Level Design:

-More of the same - more detail, interactivity, balancing etc.u

Graphics & Effects:

-Gore effects improved.
-Additional level design detail.
-Added a variety of new interactive generic objects to the world where appropriate.
-A small handful of new hi-res textures made by 'Broken Pencil'.

Bug Fixes and inconsistencies:

-Vanilla Bugfix: ensured an end-game scenario cannot be met at the Hong Kong Helibase event if Jock misses his shot at blowing up the door.
-Vanilla Bugfix: finally, the elusive new game inventory bug is fixed after all these years. //Hmm
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed the speed enhancement super jump exploit.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Projectile-based weapon accuracy now matches the current crosshair representation closely.
-Vanilla Bugfix: the assault gun's fire sound plays per bullet rather than playing a five round burst sound regardless of # of shots fired.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Weapons dropped to the floor by NPCs give ammo, as opposed to none.
-Vanilla Bugfix: When burnt to destruction, fire goes out as the object is destroyed, rather than 1 second before.
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed a moderately rare bug where Paul refused to coverse with the player in the Hotel after having sent the NSF signal.
-Vanilla Bugfix: shooting unconscious NPCs, throwing them in water and so on kills them.
-Vanilla Bugfix: saving while crouched, then loading that save game doesn't force you to the standing position.
-The "do not place" test box bug when interacting with corpses if you have the the interaction auto holster option enabled is now fixed.
-Fixed an ai cooldown issue affecting a bot activated via an alarm being triggered in the dockyard map.
-Fixed a BSP error on the brooklyn bridge station map.
-JoJo now finds a path to the Rentons, and the UNATCO ambush event happens without error.
-The "Short Fuse" and "Combat Medic's Bag" perks now actually work properly.
-The advanced security bot with cloaking now deactivates it upon returning to patrol (just like the humans with cloaking do post-GMDXv6.0), and can also be destroyed by the plasma rifle without error.
-Pepper spray and other gasses no longer trigger laser alarms, same as in vanilla.
-Fixed a pathfinding error on the batterypark_02 map.
-The "Death Perspective" option no longer causes occassional crashing if set to First Person.
-Sam Carter no longer sets your assault gun ammo to 32 during a conversation triggered by the player's non-lethal efforts in battery park.
-Secondary Weapons no longer work underwater, except melee.
-Tear gas doesn't produce splashing effects when entering water.
-There is now a displayed name distinction between quicksaves and autosaves.
-Fixed bug where right clicking inventory icons while dragging another caused the dragged item to disappear.
-Fixed a minor visual inconsistency on the Skills UI screen
-Ensured the player cannot set all custom color theme colors black, as this will result in a broken menu.
-Tied a number of new headbob and camera interpolation effects added in GMDXv8.0 to the vanilla headbob option for those that suffer with motion sickness.
-NPC Head decapitation is disabled as was originally intended (because it's incomplete).
-Amended a couple typos.

Boring Balancing & Difficulty Adjustment:

-Removed UMP, USP and Laser Rifle (to be available via optional add-on), as well as 20mm EMP grenades.
-Reduced Synthetic heart energy drain considerably and halved the light aug's drain.
-You now cannot assign any melee weapon as a secondary weapon without the "inventive" perk.
-Altered stamina drain values & stamina now regenerates when crouched (if idle).
-The MJ12 ambush in Area51 now detects if the player has been ghosting/non-lethaling, and if so this ambush event does not happen.
-Minicrossbow steel dart damage reduced by 4.
-Added a couple extra assault gun clips in the interest of ammo balancing.
-Nerfed the damage of rubber bullets & thrown inventory items, and improved rubber bullet behaviour.
-On hardcore mode breath/stamina meter is not refilled when entering water.
-Increased the plasma rifle's effectiveness VS bots.

« Last Edit: 19. June 2016, 21:13:42 by Join usss! »


just to show that I'm reading it all;
Paul refused to coverse

-same thing going on with doors on the 747, first one is indestructible, and the second isn't, both look the same.
-very difficult to kill Anna so that Lebedev would survive, she either kills him with pretty much one shot or if you manage to end her, the self destruct will get him. something smart is needed here - maybe make Lebedev immune to the explosion, and let Anna shoot him with a pistol so he would survive a couple of hits, and make her switch to her rifle only after you start to fight her. also, she should switch targets to the player immediately if attacked, leaving Lebedev alone.
-Simons (after you return from the 747), talks to Reyes, then goes down to Anna's desk and then stands in the middle of the hallway like an idiot. making him sit at the desk would be nice (also, pretty much any AI standing like an idiot at some odd place is something to be fixed, if possible).
-closet doors at UNATCO wooden, but indestructible.
-found very few lams, possible that I was just unlucky, but if not, this makes the explosives skill slightly less viable.
-unable to remove datacubes from crates, so a crate with a datacube can't be picked up. Bioshift already does this.
-passive ballostic protection description slightly confusing, suggests that power drain only occurs at the first level?

-pretty sure I had the correct atm logons when I was in Hell's Kitchen for the first time, but they didn't work. will have to go back and check.
-blue laser tripwires are inconsistent, when saving the subway hostages, the trigger on the player but not on things like boxes, but in the Smuggler's hideout, they trigger on boxes.
-maybe different models for the hostages? they look like total junkies (though voices are normal).
-the Jojo quest seems to be broken now, after talking to Renton, he will not come and just stand on the upper floor, forcing you to kill him there and make Sandra run away. but she won't actually run away (she would in vanilla). pathfinding broken?
-would be nice if Renton would actually return the gun once everything is over (during the dialogue?). also, Sandra NOT running away is tied to Renton actually delivering the killing shot, which is kind of annoying - tying it to just arming him would be more comfortable.
« Last Edit: 19. June 2016, 22:17:00 by voodoo47 »
-the Jojo quest seems to be broken now, after talking to Renton, he will not come and just stand on the upper floor, forcing you to kill him there and make Sandra run away. but she won't actually run away (she would in vanilla). pathfinding broken?

Correct. Already fixed and listed in the changelog bugfixing category. 

Taking the other suggestions on board. Thanks again.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
-very difficult to kill Anna so that Lebedev would survive, she either kills him with pretty much one shot or if you manage to end her, the self destruct will get him. something smart is needed here - maybe make Lebedev immune to the explosion, and let Anna shoot him with a pistol so he would survive a couple of hits, and make her switch to her rifle only after you start to fight her. also, she should switch targets to the player immediately if attacked, leaving Lebedev alone.

I would second this request (not sure about the immunity to the explosion though).

I did not even know that Lebedev could be saved. The only time I tried to stop Anna she finished him off very quickly and only then she turned against me. At least, if I remember correctly...
I did not even know that Lebedev could be saved. The only time I tried to stop Anna she finished him off very quickly and only then she turned against me. At least, if I remember correctly...
Wait, there are people who didn't play through DX dozens of times?  :stroke:

If you didn't notice that, try to run away from Simons in the sea base.


also, quite difficult to arm Renton if you don't happen to have the correct weapons in your inventory. a few nudge-nudge wink-wink weapons scattered around the hotel would help - he accepts pistols, knife and sawn off shotgun I believe?
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
New translator is on board for German. Now we will have GMDX available in four languages:


Nearly covering all the languages DX was officially covered by.


so how moddable is the UI? SS2 style corpse looting would be much preferred over the current "rightclick to pour whatever fits into your inventory, drop crap you don't want, repeat" mechanics.
That's entirely possible, but it does slow gameplay pace ever so slightly down as a downside, and NPCs never have anything much to justify a loot window. Every NPC would be combat knife, assault rifle (or whatever). May consider adding it as an option though.

The game is very modifiable. Nearly anything I want and find appropriate I can do except stuff bound by the engine's age.
« Last Edit: 20. June 2016, 20:01:25 by Join usss! »


I think one of the discontinued DE overhaul mods I've tried ages ago had something like picking only the ammo, and weapons would just drop to the ground after frobbing the body, ready to be collected if the player wanted to. worked rather well (also worked around that problem when you couldn't grab a body until it was fully looted).

remembered one anomaly from vanilla (not as far in my GMDX playthrough yet) - on the superfreighter the soldiers are supposed to be chinese, but they actually sound like regular englishmen. the asian accented voice sets would be more appropriate (if not already fixed).
I think one of the discontinued DE overhaul mods I've tried ages ago had something like picking only the ammo, and weapons would just drop to the ground after frobbing the body, ready to be collected if the player wanted to. worked rather well (also worked around that problem when you couldn't grab a body until it was fully looted).

I'm not a fan of that as it makes items smagically appear from thin air every time you frob a corpse.  It's too visually jarring I find.

remembered one anomaly from vanilla (not as far in my GMDX playthrough yet) - on the superfreighter the soldiers are supposed to be chinese, but they actually sound like regular englishmen. the asian accented voice sets would be more appropriate (if not already fixed).

I'll go over the Chinese barks and see if they'd fit.
Oh right, I remember, there are no Chinese barks aside from the Triads, which obviously wouldn't fit. Oftentimes the devs just gave NPCs a generic bark set which is limited to a "surprised" reaction and not much else. I could just do the same here instead of them having the UNATCO Troop barks as vanilla.

...unless you can do a convincing Chinese accent :)


not even the military guards in front of Lucky Money?
Nope, all the HK Military Police have the generic "Man" combat/stealth/reaction barks (independent of normal right click frob dialogue), except those on the superfreighter which have the UNATCO Troop barks, which I guess I'll also set to the generic barks.
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