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Topic: GMDX: Deus Ex Mod.
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Excellent but all I really want is better hair.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!


love the "I don't use these mods because there is nothing wrong with the vanilla game" comments.

guess all the overhaulers are in the same boat. yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.
Love the "I'd wait for Revision instead" type comments that I constantly have to put up with also despite Revision working on level design only and being unreleased, and therefore is unproven.
The Revision guys have done a very good job of working up a fanatical following because there's always been at least one promoting it on any GMDX feature, which I don't have a problem with except the choice of words which always seem to be rather rude.

« Last Edit: 16. February 2015, 23:28:09 by Join usss! »

I am seeking team members (programmers & artists) to assist in making this a fully fleshed-out reality.


won't say no to more gore. wish I could help somehow.

666df3c31baddSystem Shocked

My 2.5 cents - about 1/3 of the existing blood splatters would suffice.

Various GMDX features can be seen in this video, some new, some old. New features such as head decapitation, various other gore effects, NPC knock-back effect when shot with high-powered weaponry, a significantly improved sawed-off shotgun, a glimpse of new forms of interactivity and more.

My 2.5 cents - about 1/3 of the existing blood splatters would suffice.

If you're offering money you can make a donation. :awesome:


the sound of multiple gibs/gore hitting the ground is disruptive - playing it just once should be enough.
Just once? I'll cut down on the frequency (add a bit of randomization to whether the sounds are played or not per collision). In the vanilla game alone there are two different sounds for gore collision, as well as pitch randomization.


the main thing is, the sounds should not interfere with each another (not that much, anyway).
You're definitely right in that there are too many played.


Glad to see this thing is still in full swing. I like the new changes around the UNATCO HQ. Proud to say in my new game I already managed to blow myself up with the GEP gun. Looking forward to seeing what else is in store as I play through.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
Darn, you should have PM'd me. I'd have sent you v8 (unreleased).

I haven't bothered posting an update here in a while, so here is the v8 changelog in progress:


-When killing the enemy with high-powered weaponry they are knocked back by the force. AI also sometimes drop their weapon when killed this way.
-If chasing the player, dogs (Doberman only) bark a ton and alert enemies. Doberman also have a new sighting sound, new variation of attack sound and run & attack faster.
-If an alarm is sounded enemy backup is called in (in high security areas only).
-All AI that use projectile weapons (rockets, Greasel spit, grenades etc) have an element of randomization to whether or not they will use target leading to predict your future position when moving. In short, when you are moving sometimes they will fire straight at your position, other times they will attempt to predict where you will be when firing their projectiles. This change makes thier attacks a little less predictable & abusable (before you could strafe left/right repeatedly to abuse the AI calculations).
-When using ranged attacks, Grays alternate between focused attacks and wide spread attacks. Gray also always fire directly at your postion, no target leading.
-Turrets rotate a little faster.
-Blowing up NPCs doesn't destroy their inventories (Credit: Yuki of Shifter).
-Increased the range at which AI can use the flamethrower.
-If a military bot stomps over a corpse the corpse will gib.
-Gave some types of MiB 2052's answer to the Typhoon aug.
-Whilst AI death animation is playing there is no longer invisible collision that blocks bullets and enemy decision-making algorithms.
-A focus on making AI/the game a little easier on lower difficulty levels.
-Improved various Karkian stats but lowered health.
-EMP damage causes an augmented MIB's augmentations to malfunction.
-Yet more appropriate variation in pain, death and knockout sounds.
-Gave Simons a number of performance-related buffs.
-AI burn faster/dont run around on fire for too long.
-AI no longer set off their own blue beam triggers (in addition to laser alarm triggers implemented in an earlier version).
-Slowed down the augmented mibs movement speed by 11%
-Grays are no longer immune to the plasma rifle.

AI camping system improvements:

-Some campers no longer camp & instead advance on the player under certain conditions.
-All campers do not immediately forget about the player.



-Added weapon sway animation when running.
-Added new ammo type: gamma-ionized plasma ammo for the plasma rifle. Reduced default plasma ammo pickup counts to compensate.
-When aiming through a scope the view is twice as big.
-Recoil system further improved: recoil is no longer bound by firing animation and the view interpolation is much faster.
-Weapons that fire multiple projectiles no longer display the damage value of all projectiles multiplied, but rather the value of a single projectile.
-The Sawed-off shotgun now ejects shell casings when you cock the pump, not immediately upon firing.
-Hipfiring with the sniper is now unreliable unless you mod it and/or are skilled in rifles.
-Lowered Assault gun range and restored its compatibility with range mods now that they are worthwhile.
-Adjusted the viewoffset & fireoffset for various weapons (their positioning when held by JC and the location the projectile is spawned from
respectively). Also rotated the held assault gun, sawed-off & the flamethrower models so they aim at a more realistic angle.
-The PS20 has color-coded ammo based on mode (if setting is enabled).
-Increased the base firing rate of numerous weapons.
-Refined the GEP gun remote controlled rockets behaviour.
-The UMP no longer has a sight rail & red dot sight.
-Reduced Taser dart ammo pickup count per pickup by 1.
-Reduced the radius of AI-alerting sound produced by the darts & throwing knifes.
-Sped up LAW rocket a little.

Further Weapon modding system expansions:

-New weapon mods: damage.
-Added a "Installed Modifications" display to weapon inventory descriptions. This shows all the weapon mods you have installed with clarity.
-Installing weapon mods produces various different sounds based on type.
-GEP can have rate of fire mods and rifle can have range mods.



-Thermoptic camo provides a visual cloaking effect when active.
-Altered drug/poison effects (such as when hit by a tranquilizer dart): FOV isn't lowered and held weapons do not disappear.
-Various new effects when shooting Bots with different ammo types.
-Improved enemy cloak activation effect.
-Crossbow Dart effect can be seen when fired by enemies too, making them easier to dodge.
-Added glass crack decal when attacking glass with melee weapons or guns.
-More explosion effect refinements.
-Improved the muzzle flash effects of both shotguns.
-Added new effects for when landing into water from height.
-Made some minor tweaks to flamethrower effects.
-New electro-shock effect when zapped by spiderbots. Only happens if shocked in the head.
-Improved EMP grenade explosion effects.
-Refined simulated camera effects (when shooting, flinching, landing from height etc).

Further expanded gore (all can be disabled via in-game options):

-Added head decapitation to high-damaging weapons.
-Improved the blood spurt effect when player and enemies are shot.
-Added new blood splat effect if a pint of blood goes in your face.
-Improved effects when attacking & destroying carcasses.
-Visual improvements to plasma gibs.



-Audio design has recieved considerable focus this release, adding as many new sounds
as those added over all the previous versions of GMDX combined. Examples:
-The HUD alerts you when bioenergy is low.
-New ambient sounds added to maps.
-Added various new sounds when landing onto surfaces from height, based on surface texture (wood, metal etc).
-New sounds when in and floating on the surface of water.
-Many new weapon sounds.
-More new interaction sounds.
-Added new sound for eating candy bars and drinking alcohol.
-New "break legs" sound when falling from great height.
-various new sounds for installing weapon mods.
-New sounds for installing & upgrading augmentations.
-More new pain and death sounds for NPCs.
-Spiderbots have a unique sound when damaged.
-Added gore splat sounds for when the gore falls off the wall/ceiling and hits the ground.
-New Grenade launcher fire sound added (and also increased g.launcher rate of fire).
-Added a new death sound exclusive to headshots by bullets.
-Gave the sword a more suitable drop sound.



-Decoration & pickups have spoofed physics when taking damage as well as bumping into each other. Also improved pool ball physics.
-Improved & polished the mantling system.
-The conditions for dropping & throwing inventory items are far more lenient. You'll see a "you cannot drop this here" message much less often.
-Added configuration option that if enabled automatically holsters weapons when attempting to pick up carryable decoration.
-You can now destroy control panels as an alternative to hacking them. However, they have a very high damage threshold.
-Walking & running speed is faster, and less noise is produced when walking.
-Hardcore expansion: in Hardcore mode you are forced to walking and must use the sprint key (default shift) to run. Stamina also drains faster
when running in hardcore mode.
-Changed some font styles to be less ugly.
-Candy Bars heal 3 points of health & bioenergy, and Soy Food restores 7 health. This is to create deeper choice over what food to eat now
that there is a drink/eat appetite limit. 
-Improvements to the fragility of fragile objects such as being broken when stepped on or having another object dropped on top.
-Cigarette & vending machines display how many credits are required.
-Lowered biocell recharge amount to 20 and lowered max carry amount to 20.
-Added more new interactive decorations.
-Reduced the additional damage the player recieves based on difficulty level by 25% on all difficulty modes to counteract the lethality boosts of weapons.
-Decoration in flight damages the player if heavy & fast enough.
-Throwing reasonably heavy objects at NPCs damages them (regardless of microfibral muscle use) and altered a number of object mass values for realism.
-Lowered the sound radius of alarms a little.
-added randomized tips that appear in the GMDX options menu.
-Pickups break when thrown against walls.

New Stamina system:

-Aqualung reduces stamina drain & increases stamina regeneration.
-Swimming skill now named "Athletics" & increases total stamina in addition to the vanilla perks.
-Low-Tech reduces stamina drain from swinging melee weapons.
-Stealth skill enables stamina regeneration when crouch-walking.
-The oxygen meter text is now blue and always visible (as it doubles as stamina/breath & stamina bar are one and the same).

The stamina system has great impact on a number of systems and results in more tactical and in-depth gameplay.



-Radar Transparency now has a resonating visual effect when active (unique to the visual effect cloak provides). Also has toggle sfx, again
like cloaking does.
-Reduced speed gained by speed enhancement since base running speed is now faster. Jumping remains untouched. This also further helps balance
the speed enhance vs silent running choice.
-Lvl 4 of the Microfibral muscle aug makes you immune to dropping held decorative objects when shot.
-Updated various aug descriptions for clarity.

Spy drone:

-The Spy Drone now has cloaking (AI never reacted to the spy drone, so this gives good reasoning as to why).
-Use mouse right click to emit noise from the drone and distract enemies from their patrols.



-Hacking into ATMs now requires advanced hacking skill. Re-balanced the skill costs.
-Increased the sound radius of the demolition skill advanced proximity mine beeping.
-Environmental Resistance skill makes you immune to movement penalties when taking explosive & electrical damage.
-Rebreathers now gradually restore breath over time as opposed to refilling your breath instantly and keeping it full, and do not last as long.
Also placed a couple rebreathers back in the game world.
-Updated various skill descriptions for clarity and minor balancing tweaks to skill costs.

New Armor System:

-Ballistic Vests and Hazmat suits only degrade with sustained damage. Tech Goggles, Rebreathers and Thermoptic Camos remain time-based.
-At low Environmental Training skill levels hazmats and bal. vests do not last long. At high levels they will last longer, but not so much so
to be detrimental to game balance. 
-Hazmat protects against 60% hazard damage and ballistic vest protects against 30% bullet damage. (constant values regardless of skill level).
-Ballistic vest no longer protects you against explosive damage; bullets and melee only.
-Increased skill point costs of environmental training skill back closer to vanilla levels now that the skill is worth it.



-You cannot shoot when dying. (vanilla bugfix).
-Fixed the flamethrower fire sound not playing under certain conditions (Vanilla bugfix).
-Old vanilla bugfix not listed in previous versions: Turret Rotation is optimal (turrets would not always aim at the player correctly).
-Fixed new game inventory bug for good (vanilla bugfix).
-Fixed MJ12 Lab inventory exploit for good (vanilla bugfix).
-Flares no longer ignite when thrown at NPCs. (GMDX bugfix)
-Fixed Heavy weapon inventory size reduction quirk where the weapon's size was not reduced until they were in your inventory first. (GMDX bugfix)
-Fixed the spy drone malfunctioning if used in combination with synthetic heart. (GMDX)
-Fixed a bug where you could mantle onto thrown weapons. (GMDX)
-AI no longer get angered if they witness you kill a rat (GMDX).
-In v7 death sounds were prevented from playing when an NPC is blown up. Instead pain sounds decided to play in place of them, and this is now fixed.
-Fixed a bug where radar Transparency only let you pass through laser beams at lvl 1. (GMDX).
-Fixed stealth pistol rate of fire issues. (GMDX)
-Fixed a bug that prevented the new lvl 4 energy shield visual effect from displayingwhen taking energy damage (GMDX).
-The Synthetic heart aug doesn't conflict with the Targeting, Ballistic Protection and Vision augs when upgraded to max level (GMDX).
-Fixed an issue where rubber bullets would sometimes go into a bouncing fit. (GMDX)
-Made some additional performance optimizations.


Maps/Level Design:

-Liberty Island (All visits).
-UNATCO (All visits).
-Battery Park (All visits).
-Hotel (All visits).
-NYC Streets (All visits).
-Smugglers (All visits).
-Airfield Helibase
-Tongs base
-Hong Kong MJ12 Lab
-Paris Metro
-Paris Everett

-During the UNATCO raid of the 'Ton Paul can now be killed and must be defended if you wish to save him. If you hide in his cupboard and leave
him to fight alone he will die.
-Improved the scripting of the MJ12 ambush and UNATCO Troop events on NYC Streets 08
-Fixed an error with the prison cell door code during the UNATCO escape.
-Restored friendly status of troops in the Hong Kong Versalife lvl 1 labs, but made them far more reactive to bad behavior they observe in the player.

666df3c31d361System Shocked

HOLY CRAP !  :thumb:

That's it, I'm diving head first into Deus Ex when GMDX v8.0 is released. It's about time that I play the game to its conclusion.


The crossbow dart animation is a very nice touch. Makes it far easier to recover darts. 
I'm still looking for team members. I don't want to steal anyone away as it is not exactly bustling here either, but hopefully someone with the skills plays the mod and takes a shine to it because there is still so much more looping in the conveyor belt of my mind that requires specialists of other fields.


Re: GMDX v6 Beta (DX Mod)
forgot to ask for a long time - did any of the lowtech suggestions make it in?
- darts and throwing knives disappear when shot into damageable objects. bit weird - throwing a knife into a potted plant would not break the knife or make it unrecoverable, no matter how you look at things. darts, being much more fragile. could break and be unusable though, so that may be ok. anyway, I would imagine the (ideal) throwing knives as very rare, but almost impossible to lose, unless one throws them into some unreachable place where they cannot be retrieved (or perhaps blows them up with explosives, I'd imagine they would be unusable then). not sure what they do against armored targets - ideally, they should do no damage and just fall to the ground, ready to be picked up once again.
Currently, no. There's a big problem in unreal 1 in that all actors use primitive collision cylinders: collision radius, collision height, and no other types of primitives can be used, so even boxes have cylinders. Jock's helicopter? Giant ridiculous cylinder. 
There could very well be a sensible solution/hack, and the bouncing off is very much possible. Maybe I'll get around to it.


It'd probably finally sway me into a playthrough - the throwing knives are my favorite weapon, but losing them by accidentally hitting random junk and not being able to recover them from bodies kind of spoils the fun (in vanilla, this means you run out of them very fast, which makes them pretty much useless. BioShift kind of works around this by including the throwing knives in random drops, but it's still not ideal - the highlight of this weapon should be the ability to recover and reuse the projectiles pretty much indefinitely, if one is careful enough).
It'd probably finally sway me into a playthrough - the throwing knives are my favorite weapon, but losing them by accidentally hitting random junk and not being able to recover them from bodies kind of spoils the fun (in vanilla, this means you run out of them very fast, which makes them pretty much useless. BioShift kind of works around this by including the throwing knives in random drops, but it's still not ideal - the highlight of this weapon should be the ability to recover and reuse the projectiles pretty much indefinitely, if one is careful enough).

Realistically we should. I guess it would be easier to make the knives transfer to the NPC's inventory so when you frob the corpse you get them back that way. Other games use this method, such as Morrowind. For other actors that are metal it could just bounce off, but then what about the remaining other material types?
There's also the problem of ammo distribution/resource management: throwing knifes in GMDX are good. Really good if you have max low-tech skill and combat strength.  Them essentially being infinite ammo providing you manage them well could be a problem.

From the website:

Throwing Knives:
-Increased damage.
-Increased projectile speed (aiming for realistic levels).
-Slower base throw speed (or firing rate if you prefer. this is increased by the new melee speed modifier of the combat speed aug).
-Varied impact effects based on what it hits.
-More commonly found throughout the game.
-Increased carrying capacity.
-Added a throwing SFX.
-Fixed a number of related bugs (pickup icon and added prevention of pickup once max ammo reached).
-Low-tech skill makes TK's easier to see in-flight, so you know where they land and can master their trajectory.

Low-tech skill at higher levels also makes enemies more likely to play flinch/pain animation when struck by low-tech weapons, which obviously helps.
« Last Edit: 21. May 2015, 23:24:32 by Join usss! »


if you added more of them, making them rare again (in vanilla, they are found at maybe 3 locations throughout the entire game) would probably be a good idea. they are still kind of difficult to use, and (should be) useless against pure metal, so it all should balance out pretty ok.
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