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Topic: GMDX: Deus Ex Mod.
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Option 1 is just a custom playstale, you can do that yourself already. Can't speak for JoinUs but 2 should be easy to do by just copying the scrambler grenade code.

I just thought it might be good to have the player voluntarily forced into a given playing style - what I mean is, I frequently start DX intending to use the mods that I never use (either because they are not too useful, or because I prefer the other one on the augmentation canister), but end up sticking with more or less the same mods every playthrough. Whereas if I were forced to play with a certain set of augs (even if I was 'forced' by my own deliberate choice beforehand), then I would playthrough using those augs where applicable.

But I don't think many people would use this ability, maybe not even me, so it's not an important suggestion.

Suggestions are always appreciated, JDoran.

The aim is to make the game more challenging without taking anything notable away, rather the player has far more options than ever before, yet still more difficulty should he/she should desire it:

The mod has been designed with Hardcore and Realistic as the standard, most of all this is "dumbing down" for the lesser skilled, and because Deus Ex's difficulty levels did jack shit vanilla so it is just better design.

Fair enough, I especially agree that a game that only has enemy damage scaling then it's not a good difficulty arc. Rate of response (how soon between after they see you do they react to take aim), accuray, and (depending on the game type) things like how well they search for you, more objectives for the player to perform on higher skill levels, more enemies on the harder levels, etc, do help to make higher skill levels genuinely more challenging and enjoyable. Your change list is very promising, hopefully you won't reach the point where the enemy AI is too good to be fun (I'm joking of course, but I did read a report online where people working on a FPS (can't remember which one, but it was one in the last ten years I think) where they said they had to tone down the AI as the game testers found it intimidating rather than fun.

We claim we want 'realistic' AI in games, but if we got it then we might well find it to hard or at least not enjoyable. Look at the Batman: Arkham games - they went for fun rather than realism, and so they should (a game should never have realism if it lessens the fun), but it does mean that the enemies can't fight at all (at most, if they kick or hit you once successfully then they don't follow up the advantage), they are largely useless with firearms, they seemingly can't see more than thirty feet ahead of themselves, their eyes have a viewing angle of about sixty degrees, they rarely even think of looking up, and when they know that Batman is somewhere near and about to take them down one by one, they lack the intelligence to stay in a group and watch over each other. Fantastic games, and very enjoyable, largely because realism was always abandoned if it (realism) was found to harm the gameplay.

Suggestion 2 is too illogical for DX (we are far from learning much about the human brain) and too nooby (easy, as you mentioned). There's now taser darts that whilst rare are very satisfying anyway.

Fair enough, mate.
I wouldn't call any of the modern Batman games fun. They are casual as fuck and a massive simplification of older action adventure brawler/stealth games, but few seem to recognize this because hey, Batman is kewl apparently.

GMDX will make you want to use all the augmentations, because a lot of them are lot more fun and balanced. You'll see in a future video.
I wouldn't call any of the modern Batman games fun. They are casual as fuck and a massive simplification of older action adventure brawler/stealth games, but few seem to recognize this because hey, Batman is kewl apparently.

They're great (well, not if you're one of the 75% of PC gamers who still get real problems with Arkham Knight, and sadly Origins took a couple of steps backwards from City, and the Batmobile is used far too much in Knight and isn't nearly as much fun as we thought the Batmobile would be), and not just because you are Batman (lots of games let you be Superman/Batman/Spiderman/etc but are still rubbish), the games are hugely enjoyable and the fact that they do so much to make you feel like you are Batman is just the icing on the delicious cake.

GMDX will make you want to use all the augmentations, because a lot of them are lot more fun and balanced. You'll see in a future video.

That will be great!


Hey join usss!, is the disabling of auto reload feature available exclusively in hardcore mode? If it is, I'd love if it would be a toggle-able feature; that's a really simple but cool immersive addition that I'd love to be able to experience without having to go through GMDX once before having access to it.
It's a vanilla menu option that is forced false in Hardcore.

For players that want to jump straight into hardcore mode, a var can also be changed in a config file to unlock it right away. It is only locked (as is a hardcore-type options menu) as a fail safe, and in the case of the options menu it is locked to not overwhelm players with plenty difficulty modifiers, some of which won't make sense without experiencing the game beforehand. Some of this stuff will also be shown in a future video.
« Last Edit: 13. November 2015, 03:45:19 by Join usss! »
Acknowledged by: The_Atomik_Punk!
Can you please mention in the instructions what the player has to do to unlock the Hardcore mode, so that anyone can do so if they like? People complain about the current trend to lock the highest skill level (that can only be unlocked by completing the next highest skill level) as (a) they want to be able to play it straight away, or (b) they have had the game before and played it and so gained access to the hardest level, but then have either gotten a new machine (or formatted their current one) and so didn't have the flag set that allowed the hardest skill level to be activated, or they'd sold and then re-bought the game and found that the new game didn't recognise the you-can-access-the-hardest-skill-level flag.

And I do agree with the complaint, though I don't share it, as I've never started a game for the first time on the highest level (I always start on the middle setting) or sold/gotten rid of a game that I later re-wanted) but I do think that the player should be able to do what he likes, including starting on any difficulty, so please allow anyone (who at least has the sense to read part of the game's text file) to unlock all of the difficulty levels via a .cfg/.txt edit.
The release of part 5 (video) has been delayed, so I'll release the full list of AI features early to compensate.
That's too bad. When do you expect the new video to be up, and do you think it will affect the schedule for releasing the rest of the videos too badly?
This really is going to revolutionise Deus Ex! It's a pity (and very stupid) that GMDX doesn't get a fraction of the publicity of Revision, as far as I can see.

When v8 released, I'll be posting about it on all of the gaming related sites that I regularly visit. BTW, is there a web site that posts news about DX anymore?
Acknowledged by 2 members: Join usss!, Dj 127
BTW, is there a web site that posts news about DX anymore?

None dedicated to it, but most other gaming sites do when something relevant comes up. GMDX's release should be that thing. 

And yeah, all these high quality sheep herding marketing campaigns of other DX mods forces me to step up my marketing game (but I recognized this rather too late). I'd rather not but it is how it works for DX mods now, and doesn't affect the quality of the mod itself so why not. It deserves wider attention.

Speaking of, I did an AMA on reddit.
« Last Edit: 18. November 2015, 15:34:40 by Join usss! »
Ultimately, I don't have time to go full-force on the marketing bullshit though as I am organizing testing, making final tweaks, handling these videos and all the other pre-release stuff, so spreading the word will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I'm sure to mention it on my "home forum" when it's out, don't you worry. :)
Acknowledged by: Join usss!


good stuff, but
-NPCs that are blown up spill their inventories to the floor.
would destroy the inventory with the exception of the held weapon. slight penalization for being cheap/messy seem to be appropriate.


Hey join usss!, I'm getting pumped for the impeding release of GMDX, and am considering what/how I'll setup my install of the GOG GOTY version, so I have a few questions for you if I may:

1. From what I gleaned from the AMA on reddit, New Vision and HDTP are included in GMDX, so will I not have to install those separately if I grab GMDX?

2. Is Kentie's Deus Ex modified .exe included in GMDX (as well as Kentie's Direct3D 10 renderer), or is that already bundled now with New Vision and/or need to be installed separately?
good stuff, butwould destroy the inventory with the exception of the held weapon. slight penalization for being cheap/messy seem to be appropriate.

If the item is breakable, it does  :) If they have a grenade for example the grenade explodes along with them.

Hey join usss!, I'm getting pumped for the impeding release of GMDX, and am considering what/how I'll setup my install of the GOG GOTY version, so I have a few questions for you if I may:

1. From what I gleaned from the AMA on reddit, New Vision and HDTP are included in GMDX, so will I not have to install those separately if I grab GMDX?

2. Is Kentie's Deus Ex modified .exe included in GMDX (as well as Kentie's Direct3D 10 renderer), or is that already bundled now with New Vision and/or need to be installed separately?

Yeah, it's all in there, most of it optional. There will also be an alternate installer that comes without most of the other mods for those that already have them.
Acknowledged by 3 members: voodoo47, Dj 127, The_Atomik_Punk!
I still wish you could overcome and control a bot in first person real-time, like in Deus Ex: Invisible War, but you can't have everything, of course.

BTW, you know the stuff that was cut from Deus Ex (the White-house, the moon base, etc), does any of that still exist in the game, or was it all removed?
Speaking of, I did an AMA on reddit.

I had to lookup 'AMA', it means 'Ask Me Anything', for anyone who doesn't know.

Anyway, you said "[Deus Ex] Multiplayer was tacked-on after release for the sales when they could have been working on something like this instead, polishing up the game" on Reddit, and you're right, but it's the marketing men rather than DX's designers who I think were to blame for that, just like they're responsible for the loss of things like split-screen multiplayer on console shooters, no more bots in multiplayer,  cutscenese becoming unskippable (because us gamers love unskippable cutscenes, especially immediately after a save point and before a very hard boss battle...), etc.

Games becoming mainstream has had some bad effects, sadly.


pretty much anything becoming mainstream has bad effects.
Sorry to be a bit pushy, but can we expect the new video today?
BTW, you know the stuff that was cut from Deus Ex (the White-house, the moon base, etc), does any of that still exist in the game, or was it all removed?

A number of decorative objects/meshes were made for the White House mission, and were later reused in the vanilla game after said mission was scrapped. The piano in Chow's apartment is an intended White House mesh for example. 
Moonbase textures are in the files too, but I don't think they are used anywhere in-game, and I haven't made use of them either for obvious reasons.

I still wish you could overcome and control a bot in first person real-time, like in Deus Ex: Invisible War, but you can't have everything, of course.

Lots of different bots...lots of different bot UI's, movement control, weaponry etc. It would be nice to add two new opposing augs: one is IW bot domination, the other an offensive projectile attack aug perhaps, but I'm pretty much done with this modding madness now I think, unless someone gives me reason to continue (animations primarily). Plus bot domination would undoubtedly be a major balancing issue anyway.

Sorry to be a bit pushy, but can we expect the new video today?

It is in the process of uploading.  :)

RPG systems are a difficult sell, but there are players out there that can vouch for me that the improvements are logical, synergistic and take the systems to the next level. Also bear in mind very little is shown in all of these videos, otherwise they would be half an hour long each.
Acknowledged by 2 members: voodoo47, Dj 127
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