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Topic: SS2 Czech Translation
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do you know any non-insane way of building the full release from github? I'm sick of grabbing the files separately.


Good idea, I have restructured the repository to be clearer and easier for new visitors. Now the folder 1250-release contains all the whole bunch of translation files directly switchable into a mod. It's just not crf files and thus missing the obscure and unreadable obj\txt16\com6.pcx file which I presume is not even usable by the game.


pretty sure it is - we would have gotten rid of it long ago otherwise. I'll check github and fix those few things I've noticed.


MedBedUse:"%d nanites used in healing."

This actually displays "%d nanitů použito k vyléčení." in game when translated. Are there sums other than 5 to be displayed if translated specifically?


it works ok for me, displaying "5 nanitů použito k vyléčení" (using the beta package you posted earlier). we could hardcode the displayed price, but this shouldn't be done unless there is absolutely no other way around.


My package had it hardcoded already to display without issues. I am just curious how come.


basically, the idea is to display whatever the real cost is - meaning whatever has been set up in the gamesys. if the gamesys values change (mods), the new value will be reflected when using %d. if set up to always display 5 in the strings, it will always display 5 no matter the real cost.

I'll check and see whether/why %d would not work in this case.

//works properly after changing it to "%d". make sure the characters really are what they should be. any other places where such modifications have been done?
« Last Edit: 06. March 2019, 17:30:56 by voodoo47 »


Well I'm getting "%d nanitů použito k vyléčení." displayed


the working file is attached.
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It's not about the file. The levelselector mod I am using for testing does not seem to be compatible.


abandoned mods not being compatible or causing problems is not an issue. will check though, it's an interesting bug.


ok, added fixes to the few problems I've reported earlier to github.

also yes, that extra level from the levelselector mod doesn't display spent nanites properly no matter whether the translation is active or not, so it's very safe to say that the problem is in the level, and not in the translation (and that the translation strings definitely shouldn't be modified inappropriately just to make it work).

I've got no idea what causes the bug though - I'm guessing the medbeds are not meant to be used in a level where the special earth scripts are active.


so yeah, the levelselector mod is not exactly compatible with SCP, that's why the medbed found in the levselect level is not displaying the nanite cost properly - basically, if a mod tries to use SCP strings (and other assets) without loading the SCP gamesys as well, issues will ensue (and this is exactly what's going on here).

so basically, everything is working as it should as far as SCP (and the translation) is concerned, and the issue could be resolved by updating the levelselector mod (though there is very little point in doing that, the problem is pretty much just cosmetic. and btw, if we are talking about cosmetic stuff, the lighting is screwed up in the earth level for some reason).


What's next step before releasing this finally?
By the way I've checked last four commits made by you and it's all wrong. You have converted 1250 codepage files to utf8 which not only breaks the files completely for font diplaying in game but breaks the whole idea of having separate utf8 folder for correct displaying of the diff in Git. Not to mention this way it's not even clear what actual changes you've made in the files besides converting all the characters.
« Last Edit: 13. March 2019, 08:51:55 by miracle.freak »


it's something github must be doing, I've just edited the 1250 files and saved.

have you managed to translate the Spatially Aware version of the maps? if so, then I'll give it a run, fix whatever I find (it would be great to hear from that rampa guy who is checking it in the meantime), and I guess we could mark it beta1 and ship.

I've made these four changes (Armor1:"+%.0f OBRANA" in misc.str, Shotgun_Casings:"Pár použitých patron" in objname.str, "Masalské univerzitě" in objlooks.str, "pusťtě mě odsud" in vcs.sub).
« Last Edit: 13. March 2019, 09:55:50 by voodoo47 »


No big deal, I have reverted the commits with power of Git and then corrected the files appropriately.

If you wish to utilize the power of Git I strongly recommend you use the GitHub Desktop app and refer to the 10-minutes elementary tutorial for starters that I have referred already.

If you don't care then alter just and only the UTF8 files by whatever cumbersome means you did so far. I will handle the rest by preparing the files into codepage that accepts the accented characters in game.

The Spatially Aware OS maps were commited on March 5th. I did post about it.


yeah, too many distractions these days. anyway, I think I had enough of git for the moment - I'll run through the game in the next two days, and see whether I stumble upon something that would need immediate surgery. I suggest you do the same. once corrected/if nothing found, I'd say we call it good and post the first beta publicly this weekend.
« Last Edit: 13. March 2019, 16:04:08 by voodoo47 »


lets do medsci real quick.

note to self - go through objlooks manually really thoroughly.
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« Last Edit: 13. March 2019, 16:03:29 by voodoo47 »


also "namocis se do hi-tech systemu"? uhh, I don't know, maybe "vyzkousis si hi-end systemy" or something.


and eng. objlooks really needs to be triple checked.

//to fix the lowres reactor texture on the first picture, P0049_.pcx needs to be kicked out of the translation (\obj.crf\txt16\) as it's interfering with the way SHTUP loads the hires texture.
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« Last Edit: 13. March 2019, 21:44:00 by voodoo47 »


hydro done. bit scared of how much stuff I'm still finding.
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ops time.

also, vcs.sub definitely needs tweaks;

"Předtím než ten hacker zničil můj primární dataloop, čímž vymýtil Citadelu" => "Předtím než ten hacker zničil můj primární dataloop, když Citadela explodovala"

"Bujeli a rostli v bezvládí" => "Bujeli a stali se neovladatelnými"

"Použili svou moc ovládaní mysli" => "Použili svou schopnost ovládnout mysle"

"Slyšíme tvé myšlenky a zlost za bratry, které považuješ za mrtvé." => "Slyšíme tvé myšlenky, které zuří za bratry, které považuješ za mrtvé." possibly "které zuří/vřou v pomyšlení na bratry"

"Pokud se rozhodneš sloučit se strojem, oddělíme vás" => "Pokud se rozhodneš ulehnout se strojem, roztrhneme/odtrhneme vás"

"a odepřeme ti rozkoš masy." => "a oddelíme tě od rozkoše masy."
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« Last Edit: 14. March 2019, 22:02:20 by voodoo47 »


ok, so string wise - this should be everything so far:

in sett2.str Stasis_Field_Generátor => Stasis_Field_Generator

in usemsg.str:
Post17:"Zaměření mise: Výcvik přežití
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Post2:"Zaměření mise: Trénink přežití
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Post24:"Zaměření mise: Taktický PSI výcvik/Krytí
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Slideshow1:"Protokol Vzdáleného Přístupu ke Kybernetickému Rozhraní aktivní..."

in notes.str: Note_1_6:"Kód k Technickému Řízení je ve Skladišti č. 2."

in objname.str:
EndurBoost:"Implantát VýdržBoost™"
Shell_Casing:"Použitá nábojnice"

needs to be added:

in shead2.str: every description in capital letters (or every NOT, but no mixing)

in hrm.str: RepairText:"Navrácení předmětu do normální funkce."

in misc.str:
access14:"Skladiště 2A/2B"
access6:"Hydroponika A"
access7:"Hydroponika B"
access8:"Hydroponika D"

what's left so far - texture stuff, ice-pick (decision needed whether to leave it as pick everywhere, or change to paklic everywhere), and what to do with Boj and Statistika on the MFD.

note to self - objname and objlooks still need a thorough check (as mentioned), but not today.
« Last Edit: 15. March 2019, 17:19:54 by voodoo47 »

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