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Topic: Correcting Text For Crew Audio Logs
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665c13740c423System Shocked

On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, we're definitely not spiraling down into pointless minutiae. Significant fixes and some cool additions/upgrades are still happening at a rapid pace.

I certainly wasn't implying that that was happening, but I'm glad to hear that important and noticeable improvements are still being tackled and implemented at this late stage.

Hopefully, very soon, you'll stand the SCP up, give it a slight nudge and proudly watch it walk out the door.  :proud:  :happyjoy:


That's the link that I was using to do my spoken/written accuracy verifications. There are errors that presently exist, such as spoken words not written and vice versa. There are also some problems with pauses ("...") being used and not used.
There are? I'll take a look.

665c13740cf92System Shocked

There are? I'll take a look.

@ unn_atropos

When I said "words are missing", I didn't mean within one audio log, but throughout all the audio logs as a whole. Almost all of them are fine but some have one word that's missing while others have a word spoken that's different from what's written.

Here are a couple of examples :

Date: 03.JUL.14
Subject: re: Psionic chimps!
From: Malone
To: Mak Pao research authority

A laboratory worker from MedSci called me down to the vivisection room yesterday. He felt the lab chimps were exhibiting uncommon intelligence. I sat with one for four hours and tried to probe it with the psi amp on a beta 4 cycle. It failed to respond. I of course assumed it was because it was, naturally, incapable of reacting to the sophisticated beta 4 cycle. But then I realized it was blocking the probe intentionally! As soon as I raised the psi-amp to attack it, the creature lashed out with its arms and projected a cryokinetic field towards me, paralyzing my arm. I immediately psi-dampened the monkey and then stunned it with an electric prod.

The word "naturally" is written, but it's not spoken at all.


Date: 01.JUL.14
From: Marc Miller
To: {Miller} as log entry
Subject: re: Nurse Bloome

I've chosen Nurse Bloome as the new mother to our children. She is sweet and kind, healthy and a perfect match. She has a child of her own back on Earth. She knows what it is to care for the young. Ave Maria. If she only knew what the future held... she'd share the joys of the Many...

The word "the" is written, but the word "her" is spoken.


* * * EDIT * * *

Here are a couple more for ya' :

Date: 09.JUL.14
From: Murdoch
To: {Murdoch} as log entry
Subject: re: Ick

The eggs we found near the observation chambers are different than the ones in Hydro. They release some kind of disgusting flying swarming thingies. Bullets don't do anything. Bullets! For Christ's sakes, I never even fired a gun before this morning!

a) The word "than" is written, but the word "from" is spoken.
b) The word "sakes" is written, but the word "sake" is spoken.


Date: 11.JUL.14
From: Rebecca Siddons
To: Suarez, Tommy
Subject: re: Escape pods

Listen... there's one escape pod Xerxes didn't eject... but it's busted. I've managed to get it functional, but I don't know how long its going to stay that way. Make it there, Tommy. With or without me. If I don't get there, I want you to take the pod and go. You understand me? Take it and go.

a) A grammatical error - the word "its" should be "it's".
b) The written sentence "You understand me?" is spoken as "Do you understand me?"

« Last Edit: 18. March 2015, 19:37:40 by System Shocked »

665c13740d094Primitive Primate

665c13740d2f2System Shocked

Good eyes, and ears.
You ain't seen nothin' yet !

665c13740d400System Shocked

@ unn_atropos

Just a note that I've been updating my post #26 with additional error instances for you. There are still some others.

« Last Edit: 29. June 2014, 16:26:41 by System Shocked »

665c13740d5dbSystem Shocked

@ unn_atropos

So what's the deal? It's been a while since I alerted you to inaccuracies in some of the crew member audio logs (minor as they may be). There's been no response regarding confirmation/actions to whether these are being addressed in the SCP1 beta 1 release or not.
In any case, it would be nice to have some type of acknowledgement that some actions are taking place to FIX these problems, by whoever is responsible for looking after this type of problem. We're all trying to fix SS2 - let the lowly peons know that efforts are being appreciated and that obvious basic errors are being considered and acted upon.
« Last Edit: 26. July 2014, 18:35:34 by System Shocked »


Sorry for the long wait. This thread slipped my mind and attention.
That's a thing with me. I would forget my arse somewhere, if they hadn't stitched it back on after this funny accident in the guillotine museum.
All corrections, already given and further additions, will be added to SCP sooner or later, depending on how fast I can work on that, and when the beta is released.
For now, your corrections have been added to the audiolog page, except for

a) The word "the" is written, but the word "her" is spoken.
b) The written sentence "You understand me?" is spoken as "Do you understand me?"
which I would call debatable. I listened to the logs several times, and while I can "admit" you a), I don't hear the "do" in b).*
But maybe that is just a thing with my ears.   


665c13740dd64System Shocked

@ unn_atropos

Concerning:  b) The written sentence "You understand me?" is spoken as "Do you understand me?"

When listening to the audiolog, focus on the fact that four words are actually spoken, and not three as written. Granted, it's a little difficult to pick out. I've just auditioned the audiolog again and it's clear to me. It also makes sense that the crew member's statement be in the form of a separate, full and proper question.

Clean out your ears and listen again using a pair of headphones.   :D   
Just listened with headphones. I don't hear "do". It might be a contraction like: "D'you understand me?" Hard to tell.
It certainly doesn't make more sense for her to form a full and proper sentence. Bec's talking to her lover here, she's distressed and in a hurry. People contract and drop words in less tense situations.
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