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Topic: System Shock 1 Review by Lazy Game Reviews Read 2552 times  


Reviewer: Lazy Game Reviews
Title: System Shock 1
Duration: 00:11:35
Language: English
Year: 2013
Topics: Package design and box includes, character configuration, connection to Ultima Underworld and Doom, advanced adventure game, cyberspace and minigames
Named Modifications: none


See the full list of reviews here.
« Last Edit: 20. March 2017, 20:52:22 by Moderator »


yeah, that guy knows how to do his thing. also, bonus points for mentioning TFix in his TG review - the vid has 40k+ views, too bad gdrive does not have a download counter.
Fantastic in-depth review.      Props     8)
Okay, but not great. He should really have mentioned mods, especially the mouselook mod and could have given some more detailed examples of the games underlying complexity, like weapon settings, software interplay or using different patches together for very crazy (and beneficial) effects.
Seemed like he played through the game years ago, began again and recorded new footage but only got as far as Engineering or maybe Reactor.
Okay, but not great. He should really have mentioned mods, especially the mouselook mod and could have given some more detailed examples of the games underlying complexity, like weapon settings, software interplay or using different patches together for very crazy (and beneficial) effects.
Seemed like he played through the game years ago, began again and recorded new footage but only got as far as Engineering or maybe Reactor.

Was a review of the game. Not mods for the game.    :P
Was a review of the game. Not mods for the game.    :P
Yes, but when you're talking about a pretty obscure, old game with outdated graphics and hard-to-grasp controls which you want to recommend to people not used to these things, then mentioning mods which outright remove some of these disadvantages is pretty much common sense.
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