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Topic: System Shock 1 is good but easy
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I don't think I'd want to deal with level 3 puzzles. The level 2 wiring puzzles are annoying enough already.


I don't think I'd want to deal with level 3 puzzles. The level 2 wiring puzzles are annoying enough already.

Yeah, they are very annoying, but it adds tension to the game by making you think about what could be sneaking up behind you while you re-wire.

It is a shame that SS1 doesn't seem to have as many areas as SS2 does where enemies spawn nearby to replace dead ones.


did have a few rounds of SS1 because of the anniversary, and I have to say it didn't feel like the mouselook mod was making the game significantly easier, the AIs were still able to frag me good unless I've hid around the corners and leaned out to return the fire. it did make running away easier (as now you actually are able to turn around properly and run to cover without crashing into walls and other obstacles), but I don't consider that a bad thing. and it makes the exploration/resource scrounging part of the game so much more enjoyable.

overall, I think the mouselook mod is a great addition, and is mandatory for all but the most conservative players.
Acknowledged by: unn_atropos


I think so too. Plus I got motion sickness when playing it with keyboard controlls. It's no problem when I watch somebody else playing though.
And I've really grown to like the menus. Took me a bit to see how configurable it is. And I still try System Shock 2 buttons by habit, especially "m" for map :)

Also it is interesting to see the increase of handholding in later games. Until I played System Shock 1, System Shock 2 seemed like the game that left you to figure stuff out yourself. Sys 1 is way more challenging in this regard. You get orders and have to come up with the solution yourself by listening to logs, study your surroundings and by trying and failing. It's a rewarding process but System Shock 2 was a bit better by giving you feedback for things well done.
And then there was the Bioshock direction arrow, and all hope was lost  :/


well, it can be turned off, so lets be grateful for that.


After watching one of the original devs of SS1 get repeatedly slaughtered by their own game, I think it's finally safe to conclude that System Shock 1 is not easy.


yes, but it also needs to be noted that should he have had the ability to turn around swiftly and run like hell, a good part of those deaths could have been avoided.
« Last Edit: 24. September 2014, 19:44:22 by voodoo47 »


After watching one of the original devs of SS1 get repeatedly slaughtered by their own game, I think it's finally safe to conclude that System Shock 1 is not easy.

Playing with the sound off makes it a lot harder; most of the enemies have audio cues that will warn an attentive player of their presence and level of alertness.
And the fact that he was chatting. As I said in the stream chat, the Immersive Sims are games you need to give all your attention to, socialising or anything else except 100% focus on the game and you will make mistakes, because they are thinking man's games, and you do less thinking regarding the game if you are talking. The challenge is more in the strategy than the twitch combat, though SS1 I guess the challenges are equal combat and strategy because there is a larger focus on combat than most Im Sims.
You also lose the immersive component with your attention divided.

Very much single player lock yourself up in your room from the real world for hours on end totally immersed.
« Last Edit: 25. September 2014, 13:08:41 by Join usss! »
Good thing Mahk didn't do that.

Elaborate, didn't do what? Oh, lock himself up not talking, otherwise the stream would have been less interesting.


After watching one of the original devs of SS1 get repeatedly slaughtered by their own game, I think it's finally safe to conclude that System Shock 1 is not easy.

I nearly polished a bottle of whiskey....


I nearly polished a bottle of whiskey....
If this post was intended to communicate something, it failed.
If this post was intended to communicate something, it failed.
Taking shots for every mistake/death --> getting drunk --> "I nearly polished a bottle of whiskey ..."

Seriously, it's not that hard.


Doing shots has been mentioned nowhere in this thread, so that interpretation is pure speculation.
Doing shots has been mentioned nowhere in this thread, so that interpretation is pure speculation.
No. Just look at the chatlogs.
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