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Topic: SS2Tool v6 Beta Test
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665cbe1edd92fYankee Clipper

Resolved: I will be more liberal in my usage of emoticons.  :thumb: At least until they start charging for them.

2. This is in my current ss2bmm.log:
Code: [Select]
#  Name                            Status    Type
-  ------------------------------  --------  ----------------
1  Limited ADaOB                   Active    Gamesys, DML
2  shtup_beta6                     Active    Replacement
3  obj_fixes_v08a                  Active    Replacement, DML
   AccFam_18                       Inactive  Replacement
   ADaOB-v030                      Inactive  Gamesys
   ES_Loop Silence v1.0            Inactive  DML
   GamePig Unleashed v1.0          Inactive  DML
   Guaranteed Organs v1.0          Inactive  DML
   Secmod_2.8                      Inactive  Gamesys
   SecMod_Tacticool_WRENCH_fix     Inactive  Replacement
   Secmod_TacticoolLaserPistol     Inactive  Replacement
   Stackable Snacks v1.1           Inactive  DML
   tacticool_complete_ADaoB_SCP    Inactive  Replacement
   Vurt's Goo black Egg v1.0       Inactive  Replacement
   Vurt's Goo Dripping Goo v1.0    Inactive  Replacement
   Vurt's Goo WormPod v1.0a        Inactive  Replacement
   Vurt's Grub Pod Vanilla 1.02    Inactive  Replacement
   Vurt's Hi-Res Space v1.1        Inactive  Replacement
   Vurt's SS2 Flora Overhaul 1.0e  Inactive  Replacement, DML

That looks like my list of mods along with notations on which are active.
3. OK, so it sounds like when it comes to ShockEd, an update is not what is happening. Instead, although one may be using the tool in update mode, if  Game Editor is selected, a reinstall of ShockEd will occur. I'm curious, why is ShockEd different then the rest?
5. OK, I guess my suggestion would be that configuration files be added to the exclusion list. Is there a downside to treating cam.cfg the same as user.bnd?

665cbe1eddd6dYankee Clipper

hmm.. leaving cam_mod.ini alone if BMM is detected might be a good idea.

I think there may be some confusion here about what is in which file. At least on my machine, there is nothing about BMM in either cam.cfg or cam_mod.ini. Everything about BMM is is in its own files: ss2bmm.log & ss2bmm.cfg. But, on the first update, the tool neglects to look at whether BMM is already there and just does a reinstall instead of an update. It only does this the first time the tool is run in update mode. On subsequent updates, it will not reinstall. Presumably, it will just update if a new version is out (or if the files are different, to be more precise).

The reason I brought up cam.cfg, is these lines are getting wiped on an update:
Code: [Select]
reverse_stereo 0
vmCenterY 0.5
game_screen_flags 45
sfx_vol_3d 0
vmCenterX 0.5011053681
master_volume -2588
game_full_screen 1
game_screen_depth 32
game_screen_size 1440 900
gamma 0.5

//enable logging of dml mods
dbmod_log 10
last_command dump_props_full

Those last 3 were added by me manually, but the others were added by the game itself. I would argue that they should not be wiped when there is no new update.


I'm not sure if this exception would make sense in all cases. There's a lot you can screw up in cam_mod.ini even if you have BMM. And SS2Tool's goal is to make sure your game works.
the clean install should do that ("no matter how screwed up your game is, as long as you have the datafiles, clean install will make it work"). update should just make sure that the essential components (exes, dmls, dlls) are at their latest version. basically, update should be for someone who already has a working, ss2tool (6.0+) patched install, and just wants to make sure all the core files are at their latest versions - or at least I think this would make sense. in this case, leaving his user cfgs alone would be a good idea, especially a fully BMM set up cam_mod.ini - forcing the users to reload 10+ mods and set all the priorities correctly again is a sure way how to annoy them.

665cbe1ede3ebYankee Clipper

Something else that peaks my curiosity: in the SS2ToolSyncBackup folder, there is a DataPermanentMods, and inside that there some files. From readme_command_crash_fix.txt:
System Shock 2 Command Deck Crash Fix
by ZylonBane
March 04, 2008

This fixes the crash on a mod-ready install of SS2
when entering the Command deck. [...]

This was a clean GOG install, and the was no DataPermMods until I ran the tool. So,it looks like the tool first added those files and then it moved them out from the active folder and stuck them in the SS2ToolSyncBackup folder. Maybe save some bandwidth and have the tool stop installing them in the first place? Unless they should be active and the error was in inactivating them?


2. This is in my current ss2bmm.log:
That looks like my list of mods along with notations on which are active.
Why don't you just try to rename cam_mod.ini once and check if your mods are still active in SS2BMM instead of trying to convince me?

SS2Tool also doesn't download DataPermanentMods. That already existed in your clean GOG install. You could easily check that as well.

665cbe1edecd1Yankee Clipper

Why don't you just try to rename cam_mod.ini once and check if your mods are still active in SS2BMM instead of trying to convince me?

This is the first anyone has suggested I rename that file. So, what is the point of the renaming exercise? What am I trying to accomplish?

SS2Tool also doesn't download DataPermanentMods. That already existed in your clean GOG install. You could easily check that as well.

I was mistaken. I thought the tool created both folders, but you are correct, GOG created the Perm folder. But, I don't understand your irritation. You specifically requested feedback in this thread and so I thought I was engaging in a polite discussion. If you are uninterested in feedback, then you shouldn't invite it.

665cbe1edee45Yankee Clipper

Additional discrepancies:
Binds folder:  after initial install, there are 5 .bnd files in the folder. After the tool is used, the files are moved to binds/binds. If you try to load any of them from the game, it doesn't let you change folders, so the files are not seen.
ShockEd Tutorials folder: after running tools with clean install and game editor selected, it installs 2 sets of this folder, 1 directly under /doc and another one under /doc/shocked
uninstall files: the uninstall files that are placed in the game root by the initial GOG install are removed by the tool. If a user tries to uninstall the game (I know, who would do such a thing???), Windows won't know where the files are and the uninstall will fail.


pretty sure BMM reads/writes into cam_mod.ini, so if that's reset to default, all the mod settings will be lost.
I am very thankful for your feedback, Yankee, but in the case of SS2BMM's config I was getting a bit exasperated because I told you what happens several times and you keep arguing against it without having actually tested it. That's why I suggested a simple test: Rename cam_mod.ini and you will see that all mods are inactivated in SS2BMM.

I will look at the Binds thing tonight.

I will add the GOG uninstaller to the exclusion list if you tell me the file name.

I'm also considering a more extensive exclusion list for update mode, as voodoo suggested.
« Last Edit: 01. October 2014, 08:24:54 by Kolya »


pretty sure BMM reads/writes into cam_mod.ini, so if that's reset to default, all the mod settings will be lost.

Mods list is stored in cam_mod.ini. At a time I thought that storing this information both in ss2bmm.cfg and cam_mod.ini would be redundant, and there could be a potential problem with choosing which file takes precedence if mods settings in these files would differ. I didn't see this SS2Tool scenario coming.

ss2bmm.log is just an informative text file, not configuration file.
It's probably a good idea for SS2BMM to work like that, so it can never get confused by manual changes/renaming/removal of cam_mod.ini.
I'll fix this on SS2Tool side.
Acknowledged by: bluemess

665cbe1edf5e5Yankee Clipper

GOG places 4 files in the game directory that appear to be used to uninstall:
Thank you! Good thing we can use wildcards. I added "unins*" to the exclusion list.

// And there was indeed a bug with the Binds folder. Fixed now, thanks again.

// Weather/fogging option has become an unchangeable default.

// Clean/Update mode selection is always presented now, with a suggested default selection. Going back works.

// Update mode now ignores INI and CFG files. Anything else?

// Plays sound and waits for user input after installation.

// Uploaded new version.
« Last Edit: 01. October 2014, 21:32:47 by Kolya »
Since this was mentioned somewhere above:
SS2Tool does not remember the "game options" you previously set, or whether you previously installed SS2BMM or shocked.
If on a subsequent update with SS2Tool you do not select one of these options it does not mean that the game options that were previously enabled get disabled now, or that SS2BMM/shocked would get removed. Instead they are merely not enabled/installed again.

665cbe1edfc9bYankee Clipper


There are a few things I'd like to point out that might not even be issues:
1. If ShockEd is installed, the tutorial directory and files are installed twice: once at "doc/shocked/ShockEd Tutorials" and again at "doc/ShockEd Tutorials"
2. The original manual for SS2, Manual.pdf, is removed from the game directory and stuck in the SS2ToolSyncBackup directory. GOG actually has a link to it inside its "Documents" subdirectory in its start menu folder. I suggest a better place for it would be in the "Doc" directory you create in the game folder. Or if it is unique to the GOG install, you might just want to exclude it.
3. Your tool is throwing some errors during install. Don't know if any of these are something you want to know about, or if they are unimportant:
Downloading exclude list
Unexpected remote arg: rsync://www.systemshock.org/ss2tool/eng/SS2ToolExcludeSync
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/package/rsync-3.0.9-1/src/rsync-3.0.9/main.c(1214) [sender=3.0.9]
Synchronising local game with master build
backup_dir is SS2ToolSyncBackup/
Unexpected remote arg: rsync://www.systemshock.org/ss2tool/eng/
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/package/rsync-3.0.9-1/src/rsync-3.0.9/main.c(1214) [sender=3.0.9]
Setting soft bloom in cam_ext.cfg
No line starts with ";postprocess" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "postprocess 1" to EOF.
No line starts with ";bloomscale" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "bloomscale 4" to EOF.
No line starts with ";bloom_threshold" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "bloom_threshold 0.85" to EOF.
Setting additive blending on all exlosions in patch_ext.crf/gamesys.dml
Output folder: F:\Games\System Shock 2
Create folder: F:\Games\System Shock 2\temp
Execute: 7za.exe x -y -otemp patch_ext.crf
No line starts with "/*// make all Explosions use additive blending" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\temp\gamesys.dml", no changes made.
No line starts with "+ObjProp -382 "BlendMode" = "Add"*/" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\temp\gamesys.dml", no changes made.
Output folder: F:\Games\System Shock 2\temp
Execute: 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ../patch_ext.crf * -x!7za.exe
Enabling new mantle in cam_ext.cfg
No line starts with ";new_mantle" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "new_mantle" to EOF.
Limiting GPU buffer to 1 frame (menu and game) in cam_ext.cfg
1 lines starting with "d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1" replaced with ";d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
No line starts with ";d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1" to EOF.
Enabling crop movies in cam_ext.cfg
1 lines starting with ";crop_movies 0 70 640 340" replaced with ";;crop_movies 0 70 640 340" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
No line starts with ";crop_movies" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "crop_movies" to EOF.
1 lines starting with ";;crop_movies 0 70 640 340" replaced with ";crop_movies 0 70 640 340" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
Enabling multisample anti-aliasing in cam_ext.cfg
No line starts with ";multisampletype 8" in "F:\Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appended "multisampletype 8" to EOF.
Enabling weather effects in cam.cfg
1. The beta does not write a "doc" folder or anything into such a folder. It does write "Docs\shocked\ShockEd Tutorials\" though. You may have old files there.
2. I excluded "Manual.pdf" from the sync. I may move it to the Docs folder later and create a shortcut for it. If it doesn't exist I'll download it.
3. Oh! Okay, I fixed that. The filter for CFG and INI files didn't work yet. Unrelatedly ss2tool.log didn't get updated anymore.

New version uploaded. Sleep now. zZzZzz

// Note to myself: patch_ext.crf gets moved to the backup folder and redownloaded. Probably due to the additive explosions being added after the sync. Should add those in the master build and remove the option.
« Last Edit: 01. October 2014, 23:56:23 by Kolya »

665cbe1edffd1Yankee Clipper

1. You are correct about doc vs docs. I dropped the 's'. Incorrect regarding the old files.

I tried again with your updated tool. No more errors.  :)

Clean install with GOG.
Used tool to do clean install with that. Did not install game editor. Got first set of tutorials.
Used tool to do update. Did install editor. Got 2nd set of tutorials.
F:\Games\System Shock 2\Docs\ShockEd Tutorials\shockedtut.htm
F:\Games\System Shock 2\Docs\shocked\ShockEd Tutorials\shockedtut.htm

The set with the longer path was installed with the editor.

If you want to install the tutorials even if shocked is not installed, perhaps it would make sense to install them in the same place as they get installed when the editor gets installed so it will just  overwrite the existing set and then there would be just one set at the end of it all.
« Last Edit: 02. October 2014, 00:51:23 by Yankee Clipper »
Ah that's interesting. I'll have to look at it again tonight. Thank you.
Okay, there was a superflous Docs folder in the shocked archive. Removed that. No new version is necessary as this was merely a change on the master build.


finally managed to try the tool out on a different xp pc on a different network connection - same problem (no internet connection blahblah).

anyone still on xp out there?

//fine on the same connection under win7. whatever is 6.0 using to connect to the net, it seems to require win7.
« Last Edit: 04. October 2014, 12:19:28 by voodoo47 »

665cbe1ee0435Yankee Clipper

I used the tool on an XP box with no problem. I know nothing about your setup, so I am just going to guess firewall problem.
I also tested it on XP earlier. It's really not OS dependent.


different pc, different connection type, different internet provider. firewall off on both machines.
« Last Edit: 05. October 2014, 00:19:20 by voodoo47 »


I would say the bloom capabilities of NewDark are a bit underestimated and overlooked in this default setup considering there are quite a lot of screenies and other tinier or bigger light sources and devices emitting light. It is even disabled by default not sure if that is to make the setup as much performance-friendly as possible but I would propose to consider these values:

bloomscale 1.1
bloom_range 1
bloom_threshold 0.4

Believe me I have been tampering with variables and testing in-game for a few days and I have found this setting to be the most immersive for default play-through. It will take all light-sources into consideration and make them shine subtly without any hazy feelings, seems very real and fits into SS2 perfectly. I have tested it on a few decks along with SCP beta which features a major relighting and it is now a must-have. Give it a try and you tell me.
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