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Topic: Citadel - System Shock Fan Remake
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What RocketMan said.  :thumb:

Ndrake:  But also if we're talking purism now we shouldn't underestimate pixelation. There's something about it that makes you expect/see something behind the pixels that can't be shown in HD.

I like what you said here.  A large part of the nostalgic appeal is the pixellated look of the original.  I can't please everyone, but I know that something that looks like a modern realistic FPS knock-off is not what any of us here want to see.  We want fun.  We want nostalgia.  We want ease of control.  That's what I'm planning on delivering.  I'm making the remake I've always wanted to play.
How's the project doing? You're fairly close to your original release date, I see.


Hey everyone!

Going strong, but personal commitments are pushing the schedule back.  And also the lack of support.  I've always known that I couldnt hit Dec 23 on my own.

No way to meet Dec 23 now.  For a final release at least.

Take heart!  Things are going much faster than most would expect. I have over 88% of the station geometry mapped out, 4 of the enemies done with several in WIP, ladders working fully for any "mantling" or climbing you may want to do.  Leaning working. Crouch and prone working. Inventory working. Search working. Damage system working. Prototype for the biograph on the hud. Framework code for cyberspace movement made.  All weapons working.  Keypad code framework created but still testing.  All audio logs put into a database that uses an index number so any audiolog can be easily added to the level.  Other generic items when I took "breaks" from the main items are stuff like sound scripting so music or triggered aduio can be played, all sprites converted into engine readable format, all audoologs named to something that makes them recognizeable, a prototype spark effect for wires and damaged walls. Found a solution for force bridges appearing out of thin air but needs some fine tuning, figured out grav lifts (also the same function as the wind resistancd in cyberspace), and I tabled all enemy, grenade, weapon, and item stats, health, damages, armor, etc. for reference by the code.  Also I made a little tutorial/help/how-to file that was supposed to be aid to help new coders/devs get into making new code,but that hasnt seen use yet.  Oh and I started work on a prototype weapons inventory to be separate from the main inventory. Not sure I like it though. I may just use the text list like the original does instead of a dragndrop 2nd separate weapon inventory with icons.  Soooo.....I have a ton of stuff done, but a long long way to go.  Sigh.  BUT Christmas vacation coming up. Lots of time for major progress without having to worry about work or my masters degree program stealing anymore evenings.

So what will you get on Dec 23 then?  Secret.

So how long will it take you now?  I estimate 46 days, but I'm shooting for Spring 2015 release. It'll take me a bit to update the indiedb page to reflect this. I want to have a nice looking news post for it and that takes time to put together nicely.

Salt the Fries!

Oh wait! I also repackaged the entire Citadel folder so that it is no longer embedded in my Quake files and is now standalone.  I'm sure I've forgotten something else big too.  Oh well. Goodnight!
Good luck. Whenever it is ready, man. Or embrace the caffeine and go into overdrive. 
Thanks for the update, mate - it sounds fantastic! Really looking forward to this.


still no info about how the music is going to be handled, btw?
still no info about how the music is going to be handled, btw?

He actually explains how he's gonna handle the music on the moddb/indiedb page.Just look for my (BoneofMalkav's) comment which asks the same question.


So if actual music isn't playing all the time, what about ambient? If you need some subtle ambient, I'm up for that challenge. I make synthesizer music and I think some synth based subtle ambient could work
Wait, what, (almost) no music? Please tell me that's a joke.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
Wait, what, (almost) no music? Please tell me that's a joke.

No matter. Any preferences can be appeased by modding when it is released ;)


Any preferences can be appeased by modding when it is released ;)

That bit's already been proven negative (about different preferences being appeased for), so it's a valid question.


I'm still not completely sure how I want to handle the music.  Some people might find the constantly looping music to be annoying. Others would miss it. I'm on the fence because I've had the game running for about 3 weeks straight at 0 0 0 0 difficulty for referencing and the music is only tolerable for so long, unfortunately.  But if I want, I have the opportunity to add a little more variety to the music such as some more ambient tracks that I can break up the monotony somewhat.  Not sure if I will. One thing is for sure, the elevator music will work and be exactly like the original, no ifs buts ands about that.  :thumb:


Some people might find the constantly looping music to be annoying.
we have the "music off" button for that.


Oh, also, I don't know how much you have experience with music but I could also remix the midi tracks to something slightly more modern


I'm no good with remixing tbh.  Music off button...added to TODO list.  Can't believe I didnt think of that. You know some of my inspiration comes from the Black Mesa project (the visuals and spirit, not the ridiculously long dev time, I wouldnt do that to ya now  :thumb:) and the most annoying thing was not being able to turn down the music.

@Denhonator, if you want to help remix some of the tracks to add some variety feel free to send me a sky page or PM me on indiedb and I can give you my email. Sam goes for anyone else who wants to help.  Also, I'm now on vacation as of about 10min ago so yall should be seeing tremendous progress from the next couple weeks.  Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays Josiah. :)


Hey there! Anyone care to fill out my survey about Citadel?  I'm trying to get some answers to some tricky/controversial topics. The hardest question to answer is pro ably how to handle the inventory. In hindsight, I should have had an Other option for that question.  Anyways help me make this not just the remake I've always wanted to play, but yours as well: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/G7DF2FW
Also done.

So judging by what you have accomplished already you are skilled in programming, level design, various forms of digital artistry and audio design, and your chosen career path has nothing to do with the aforementioned skills?  Impressive.


done as well. unsurprisingly, I think the only enhancement we really need are modern resolutions and controls. simple 3dmodels instead of sprites are fine as well, but wouldn't mess with the inventory too much unless there is no other way around.
Filled out the questionnaire. As usual I'm more on the progressive side, ie I think that the same levels redone in high res will look rather empty and could do with some more items. And while the original music should be available, many don't like those electronic bleeps and burps. They would certainly be helped with optional remixes (Chicajo.com comes to mind).
Similarly the level geometry was largely down to the capabilities of the engine (tiles, slopes) and will probably look weirdly dollhouse-like in a modern engine. Therefore I support thoughtful updates that keep the feel of the original levels.

However a lot of this comes down to being more work. And if you have to cut corners to get things done, then it's certainly better to stay close to the original. Extended features can always come later.
I've just done the poll - I've gone for add more stuff to the general ambiance (i.e. more objects lying around to make it feel more 'lived' in, and inprove the graphics providing they don't change style/atmosphere), keep the dynamic music, and please don't waste time making a demo (or anything else that diverts effort from the game). Oh, and please don't make a multiplayer mode until the single player game is finished and released - after all, it's the single player game that we are looking forward to.


Oh, I guess I could tell that currently I am remixing the midi tracks using Chicajo's versions as a base. They'll be the same tracks, but less beepy, guitars sound like guitars and so on. Should I post one track here? I've got Intro and Enda ready now, but I can take a request for what to make next and post it here if you want, or whatever.
Either way, current plan is to have the original tracks available, so those will just be converted to ogg most likely, and my versions which hopefully sound better, but has the same feel to them will remain

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