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Topic: Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 (misunderstanding) Read 1064 times  

CSV does sound like a pain so I'll take you up on that offer! Files should be attached here
Well that shouldn't be necessary, if we can get that flag moved further into the animation, we're done. Attached the MC
problems with motiondb.bin, shotgun in a hybrid does not shoot
Image: http://www.kachalka.com/images/kswjteee6cyhmc9c558j.png


problems with motiondb.bin, shotgun in a hybrid does not shoot
Image: http://www.kachalka.com/images/kswjteee6cyhmc9c558j.png

When did the problem start? Is it just shotgun hybrids?

When did the problem start? Is it just shotgun hybrids?
Yesterday.  yes.
« Last Edit: 17. October 2014, 09:25:16 by System »
Do all shotgun hybrids fail? Or just this one?

Leave the area through a bulkhead (перебирання) and come back. Is it still the same problem?


And what did you do yesterday, install custom meshes or what? There should be no motion bugs in the uploaded versions here.
Do all shotgun hybrids fail? Or just this one?
Leave the area through a bulkhead (перебирання) and come back. Is it still the same problem?
And what did you do yesterday, install custom meshes or what? There should be no motion bugs in the uploaded versions here.
I cannot imagine that the droid has anything to do with this problem. What happens when you deactivate the droid?
I cannot imagine that the droid has anything to do with this problem. What happens when you deactivate the droid?
modes droid himself ofigel gradually hybrid with a shotgun shot was just hanging out and hovered finally rolled back to its original location droid does not work, a hybrid time shooting in this position remains constant until motiondb.bin not return to the original position and then returned to the original hybrid position

поставил мод дроид, сам офигел , постепенно гибрид с дробовиком вовремя выстрела стал зависать и завис окончательно, откат дроида на исходное место не помогает, гибрид вовремя стрельбы в такой позиции остается постоянно пока motiondb.bin не верну на исходное положение и тогда гибрид возвращается на исходное положение вовремя стрельбы
I'm sorry, I don't understand any of this. :/
Could you use shorter sentences please? And punctuation?
What happens when you deactivate the droid?
does not help. NO
Acknowledged by: Kolya
Maybe System installed this?
Just grabing files without knowing what they do, killing his install.
Maybe System installed this?
Sounds likely.

System, please understand that the files posted there are not a working mod. They are just parts of a future update for SecMod.

Well this discussion didn't really advance SecMod. I suggest to clean it out in a while.
anyway it was interesting to try
I'm moving this to Helpdesk now as a solved support ticket.
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