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Topic: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 6
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Uh... WHY? You can just copy the SS2 folder from old to new machine and everything will work perfectly.

Or just stick them on Google drive. Or even one drive which comes preinstalled for the optimum laziness


I'm pretty sure you can't run games from Google Drive.


Who said anything about running the game from Google Drive?

Just copy your SS2 install to it, then you have everything, and copy it back on your new device.

Or just copy the config/mods folder/saves to gdrive and copy them out later.

Although, since google drive files are also stored locally, you can easily run a game from it, so you're wrong anyway.



The point of my above post was that there's no reason to reinstall SS2 from scratch. The how one transfers over an existing install is irrelevant to that point. Thumb drive, network storage, null modem cable... who cares? Copying is copying.

That being said, doing a fresh copy just before setting up a new machine would be preferable because it would be the most up-to-date.


Well, most people don't really use thumb drives these days, and transferring from one computer to another may be difficult for some, especially with how each new version of windows de-emphasises home networking in favour of cloud everything, so many of the wizards and setup instructions are missing or buried in submenus.

So I recommended Google Drive as an "easy" way to do a network transfer from one PC to another.

Yes, the current state of tech illiteracy is literally that bad.
I have my own ftp running full-time for two decades, for that exact purpose. I just got very used to the modern attutudes towards keeping saves and configs within the steam cloud. It's still a question for me, while the majority of games, even ancient ones, could use the steam cloud, why SS2 isn't one of them? Hope it will be when the SS2EE is out. I've always dreamed of the system which would do the migration from one place to another seamlessly, with little to no need to copy and tune up something manually. Because I've had enough.

I'm greatly thankful for the work you all keep doing, especially voodoo47,  ZB and Kolya.

"You are lazy to have a copy of this game and download, unpack and put that copy back on another computer when you suddenly need to run the game" — yeah, also I'm lazy to use stairs while there's an elevator, lazy to go by walk while there's a public transport. Lazy to produce my own crops and meat for food — I use stores. And I'm lazy to keep a copy of SS2 in case I forget shoud I put SCP on the top or on the bottom of the list. But now I'm gonna make one.


It's still a question for me, while the majority of games, even ancient ones, could use the steam cloud, why SS2 isn't one of them? Hope it will be when the SS2EE is out.

Pure laziness/incompetence.

Setting up Steam Auto-Cloud is trivially easy

Literally all they have to do is specify which files/folders to back up, and Steam handles the rest.

Acknowledged by: Valet2


They're probably holding back cloud saves as a value-add for Enhanced Ediiton.
Acknowledged by: Valet2

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