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If you had an incredible amount of money and all necessary resources; which game would you want to make? (Besides Shock 3^^)

- a very detailed Age-of-Sail game: You are given controll about sailing vessels of the Napoleonic aera.
There would be a story mode, in which you can start your career as a normal sailor from the formast, or a higher rank.
For steering the ship you would have the option to choose between normal controls and highly detailed commanding simulation: give your crew orders what to to, and they will perform the task in realtime. The ocean shows realistic conditions with all kinds of weather.
The ships are literally built like in reality; meaning that every single plank can be destroyed, repaired, manipulated.
Of course you would have third person and ego view, so that you can talk a walkt through your whole ship.

- a very detailed spaceship simulation:
Like the sailship in space. Also you can have all NPCs replaced with members of your team for online battles.
All systems of the ship would be functional (ingame technology of course); so if something breaks in combat it has to be fixed by the crew.   

- A murder mystery adventure in an urban setting:
After a civil war, the large Metropolis is struggeling for peace. You play some kind of investigator looking for justice in a melange of criminal syndicates, corruption, war crimes and social abysses in a gigantic town that combines all the architectural styles you can think of.

I'd make The Ultimate Deathmatch Constructor Kit. There are lots of construction (editor) programs for making first person shooters, and (to me) two stand out; the one from the (console only) Timesplitters games, and the one for the Unreal 99/UT2004 games.

The Timesplitters one is very easy to use (*very* easy indeed), plus there are lots of game modes you can play on the maps that you make, and you can use bots (computer controlled opponents and allies) to populate the games too. The who thing is extremely easy to use, and can be understood by anyone in minutes. On the minus side, the maps are very limited in size, looks, and it's more or less impossible to add features that don't already exist in the editor's options.

The UT/UT2004 editors give much more freedom, almost unlimited in what the maps can look and play like (and include bots that are much more configurable than the Timesplitters' bots) but is *much* harder to use, and takes much more time to make anything near a playable map. This is understandable, since it's so much more powerful than the Timesplitters editors, but it's offputting to many people.

So my dream game would be a mix between the two - it would have the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get drag 'n' drop of the Timesplitters editors, only with *much* more choice, but also had the UT editor flexibility for those few users who really wanted to deeply/subtlety alter the map or the game mode in any way. It would have first class bots, who could be configured in all sorts of ways, would fully support on and offline modes, and would be almost everything a first person shooter fan would want in a multiplayer (even against only bots) game.  And I think that quite a few people would like this.

I'd like it also to have a single player mode, preferably a (well done) Timesplitters sequel, but that might be real trouble getting the license for the story and characters, so I wouldn't insist on it. I would like to see a sequel to Perfect Dark (the best game ever) that was worthy of the name (not like the mediocre Perfect Dark Zero), but I really doubt Rare would license the PD story and characters so that wouldn't be likely.

I do sometimes wonder if really rich people (like George Lucas or Bill Gates) ever finance things like computer games. If I was really rich, I would (and I'd try for licenses for games I like that I'd really like to see have good sequels) and when the games were made I'd release them for free. Yet you never seem to hear of this happening.
A mixture between Ingress, Cuddlr and real life problem solving. You gain points by helping other players in your vicinity with whatever they need help with. This could be just a friendly talk, help finding an apartment or a job, carrying their shopping goods home, showing the way, protecting them from a racist threat, anything.
Basically this would be a gamification of emphatic action. The goal is that you can press a button on your smartphone and someone will turn around to you and say: "Let me help you." (Which would also be the title of the game). And these good deeds wouldn't go unpunished. Helping a high ranking player would give you more points than usual, making it desirable to become such a player.

Now normally I wouldn't tell anyone such a great idea in fear of them stealing it from me and getting filthy rich in my place. But with this one I really wouldn't mind. So if you have the resources to make this, go ahead, I'll be your first happy user.
« Last Edit: 26. December 2014, 00:19:49 by Kolya »


I would probably just remake the first System Shock.

Oh wait.

Also probably something medieval that was strongly tied with Biblical imagery, you know rocks, trees, stars, rivers, gold, oil, almond watcher trees, chiastic elements, four corners, book of the twelve, the twelve constellations of the zodiac (sky revelation "the heavens show thy works" idea, you know sky revelation, gospel in the stars) blood, sacrifice, and probably have it such that the player had to give their life in the end to save humanity.  Just some ideas I've had knocking around for a puzzle-centric action/adventure game. Sort of like Uncharted 1, 2, 3.


I would bring all of my game ideas to life. That'd be interesting :).

Other than that, I would create a Deus Ex game that was on the scale of Skyrim. So think futuristic world full of life and locations that you can walk/travel to, do quests etc. Just in the future settings with the gameplay choices that Deus Ex tends to bring.


probably something medieval that was strongly tied with Biblical imagery
Did you choose this because of personal belief or do you just find that time or era interesting and worth telling about? Not that I would judge you either way, I'm just curious
Kolya: That sounds like one of the utopia-turned-nightmare comics from SMBC. :D

I'd like to create a game which simulates a full city (dystopian, Blade-Runner-esque, need not be cyberpunk) with as much detail as is noticeable. On top of this randomized content, there would be a highly detailed, very large assortment of handcrafted, intermingled quests, events and story parts which can be tackled in almost any way: Soldier going on a killing spree (shooter), detective solving a crime (adventure), a full party of skilled individuals (think Syndicate, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, a big RPG, basically). Although every path would be a mix of these and/or other genres as seen in System Shock or Deus Ex, the game would have a new campaign for every playstyle and would force you to stick mostly to that.
You would influence the other character's campaigns, have lots of important choices to make with hopefully somewhat delayed consequences (The Witcher 1), any campaign would basically feel like its own game, set within a huge, sprawling world. An accurate description would be "MMO done right, without the multiplayer".
Nice topic, unn_atropos.  ...Apparently, I couldn't resist commenting.

I have some semi-realistic ideas about what I (personally) can do with computers to make "the obviously coolest game in the world, to date" -- which means I'm mostly capable of creating a board game with boiled-down rules.  I have long desired to create a completely fair and detailed game system that falls somewhere between Star Wars and Shadowrun.  The setting would be future 'corporate' Earth with grungy street life and splintered governments ...to... space travel within this galaxy.  The ability to form small(ish) player groups would be nice, though getting groups together regularly has always proven difficult - school, work schedules, family, etc.  In those cases NPCs tend to fill in, which would be nice - as they do with the steampunk online game (Guns of Icarus).

In general, I really like the idea of adventure and exploration - as well as being able to choose (within reason) methods of monetary / physical survival.  Right now (in reality) all things that have been possible before/historically are possible now.  Some things that have likely been possible for a while aren't being done yet - economic return, etc / whatever.  A return to the Age-of-Sail has a lot of appeal, at least as part of a world or extended to space travel.  Of course, with advancements in available/'common' technology... well, Deus Ex would make a fair example.   [loses coherence of idea]

My best friend back in highschool (now also about 45 years old) has been a game programmer and plays a real-life game with his smart phone that involves local (to the phone) areas of interest.  The idea is that there are control points, and physically going there (then making a 'call') secures the area.  For example, he and his wife were driving... noticed a water tower had some significance, went there, and claimed it.  Later, someone else could see it had been claimed and go there to do the same.  The beauty of this is that it encourages people to see the local sights, or at least *go* somewhere for real - and likely see *something* out of their normal path or regular interests.  The map (based on Google or whatever) shows who 'owns' what ... everywhere.  Some places are worth more 'points' - and you can go contest / reclaim a lost location.  I don't have the time/inclination for this, but found it quite interesting.

I (and a couple / few friends) have some ideas for 'kick-starter' games that are essentially ideas we should not pursue in reality, even given the financing and/or resources.  It could (hypothetically) involve acquiring/destroying orbital 'junk' ... to creating a viable alternate civilization in seas/ocean and mostly low altitude ... using technology ranging from World War 2 (fairly easy to produce) - to some coveted relic-like "past-future" technologies that could be retro engineered and produced with more difficulty.

...Anyway...  Any such game might have a score / tactics monitoring system, somewhat like the movie The Last Star Fighter.  If someone (or a group) finds or discovers some very effective or interesting strategies / structures / organization... you/we might offer them special rewards and/or 'job' offers.  There are a lot of smart kids out there; why not give them realistic 'things' and environments.  I like detailed simulators... *grin*
I'd like to create a game which simulates a full city (dystopian, Blade-Runner-esque, need not be cyberpunk) with as much detail as is noticeable.

One of the things I wish was different about the games industry is how game worlds are never shared - I mean, look at detailed cities such as in  GTA IV or GTA V, inFamous 1 and 2 (I've not played 3), Saboteur, etc. They have detailed game worlds which don't appear in other games. Instead other games (or rather, the makers of the other games) spend so much time and effort making new game worlds, that you can only play in in one game. If they instead licensed the game world from another game (especially one as detailed as GTA IV or V) then they'd save time and money, plus we'd be able to explore the game world again, but with different gaming mechanics. I'd love to play in GTA V's world, but this time being able to go in many more building interiors, with RPG aspects to the game, with gameworld constant events (i.e. if you klill someone or steal a car, then it's not magically forgotten about when the next mission starts, etc), and more focus on (first person) movement on foot, weapons combat, and the illusion that the NPCs have a real life and routines that they tend to stick to.

Obviously it  might get boring if twenty different games all come out using GTA V's city, but a few such games might work very well and not be boring or tedious.
Without qualification or addition, I can easily agree with what JDoran just posted.
One of the things I wish was different about the games industry is how game worlds are never shared - I mean, look at detailed cities such as in  GTA IV or GTA V, inFamous 1 and 2 (I've not played 3), Saboteur, etc. They have detailed game worlds which don't appear in other games. Instead other games (or rather, the makers of the other games) spend so much time and effort making new game worlds, that you can only play in in one game. If they instead licensed the game world from another game (especially one as detailed as GTA IV or V) then they'd save time and money, plus we'd be able to explore the game world again, but with different gaming mechanics. I'd love to play in GTA V's world, but this time being able to go in many more building interiors, with RPG aspects to the game, with gameworld constant events (i.e. if you klill someone or steal a car, then it's not magically forgotten about when the next mission starts, etc), and more focus on (first person) movement on foot, weapons combat, and the illusion that the NPCs have a real life and routines that they tend to stick to.

Obviously it  might get boring if twenty different games all come out using GTA V's city, but a few such games might work very well and not be boring or tedious.

I was easily bored from one game using GTA V's city.

I kinda agree with your point though. The true potential is far from met due to 2 year (on average) dev cycles. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor two years. But the nature of the industry and ever evolving tech, you just gotta move on and leave it to crazy people called modders to continue your work.

665b1c4396aecBriareos H

I'd definitely remake System Shock 1.

Also, since I was a kid I wanted to have a series of FPS/RPG games all set in the same multiverse, although it would only become apparent after a few games and only to those who really seek out answers. With every additional part, stories and gameplay would ramp up, past games would be constantly edited and revisited to add features from the newer games and the endgame would be a completely open MMO where a handful of best players can travel between any other worlds as well as creating their own, becoming gods through the classical trope of having what looked like 'magic' in one world being in fact the same as (literally) programming the spacetime fabric. The whole project would *actually* need infinite money and developer resources.


Did you choose this because of personal belief or do you just find that time or era interesting and worth telling about? Not that I would judge you either way, I'm just curious
Personal belief, my love of castles, medieval theme is one of my favorite. Plus there are a lot of gnostic heresies that I can take creative license from.  Plus who doesn't want to make castles?  They're wonderfully moody.


Personal belief, my love of castles, medieval theme is one of my favorite. Plus there are a lot of gnostic heresies that I can take creative license from.  Plus who doesn't want to make castles?  They're wonderfully moody.
Huh, well I'm quite a lot with you with this. I'd most likely enjoy your game :D
A game financed by Bill Gates or someone else rich enough funds might as well be infinite.

This one is borderline, but take ye older laser tag and combine it with smart phones/tablets as an ARG. Something where the phone/device does stat tracking, let's you spend accumulated rank/XP/whatever to purchase weapon mods, or to swap out weapon functions so you can go from 'destroyer/brute' to /medic/engineer' to repair assets or get fallen players back in the game. It would also have to tie into a fps where your RL matches/points/purchases can be used by yr in game avatar. Why? I like video games I also like the idea of a game you can play either on console/PC or by grtti off your duff and playing.

Not 'design' so much as simply buying outright, but I want to buy the ghts to the phantasy star franchise. Mostly this is because Sega doesn't seem to really care about not-japan and never has. Japan got updates more often, more items, more active GMs even in the Dreamcast days then would actively blame us dirty gaijin for why we didn't get support. Plus I'm tired of the rereleased/updated classic games never getting an English port.

Alternatively I'd forfit my money so War for the Overworld gets funded. It is what dungeon keeper should have been. Granted I like the mobile version and think it has potential if it had some kind of single player option that lacked timers, user generated challenge maps, and other items, but for pc? War for the Over world. They need more love, funding, and staff.
GPS-verified laser tag... Interesting.  And being able to use a phone/account to get/use RPG skills, etc.

Yes, we gaijin (cultural barbarians) do tend to get only the occasional tech-game bleed-offs.
On the other hand, the average western mind is unlikely to appreciate 'Asian' references.
( So, where's the pay-off for them translating/providing high end interactive artwork? )
...And linking software with phone services might be difficult/limiting, for development ?

Still, market testing may eventual indicate demand for semi-reality-based games.
I've been out of the loop for a while and don't really know what's current.
Who knows... maybe some really cool stuff is just around the corner.
Well the idea came from my nephew being a hyper/active thirteen year old, but lives middle of nowhere so the whole 'social' aspect of going to a bowling ally/wherever lasertag exists is kinda not there. Plus something to encourage getting up and moving. I have few details, many ideas, and no idea how it would work. I'm not even sure how it would be marketed since I remember those cringeworthy lasertag commercials from the 80s/90s (yay nostalgia critic) an while part of me likes the sheer cheese, part just absolutely crumples at the stupidity.

There is also the additional fact I wouldn't mind adults feeling like they could do this as a pickup game as alternative to paintball or airsoft. No mess, no fuss, a national/global leader board, and a variety of gun choices ranging from flintlock dueling pistols, old west six shooters, and futuristic rayguns.


can't believe no one pulled a System Shock universe MMO yet.
In System Shock you couldn't have real interactions with anyone because the NPCs were too stupid. In MMOs you can't have real interactions with anyone because people are stupid.

We may have a killer concept here.


but hey, in a MMO, you can actually kill the stupid people, something you only rarely get in the real life.
I don't think people are generally stupid in real life, but in MMOs, yes they are. Or maybe it's just the type that plays MMOs.
Anyway, you knew this question would come if you bring this up so I may as well ask right away: How would you map a System Shock single player experience to an MMO? Is there any precedence in this, any MMO that's truly scary?


that would be hard to replicate (maybe some sort of artifact raids into Many infested stations/spaceships/whatever), but then again, there is no need to do that - the cyberpunk world full of implants, hackers, mercenaries, evil corporations, corrupt governments, etc certainly has potential. you could have the Many trying to subvert places, and Shodan trying to convert everyone to cyborgs.

reminds me of one MMO I once played;

« Last Edit: 28. December 2014, 22:32:12 by voodoo47 »
Huh, looks interesting. *downloads client*


it's been a zillion years though, no idea how it plays today. and I didn't play it for too long (but for the bit I've played, I've liked it - enough to pay hard cash for an account), because it quickly became apparent that it's either that, or everything else. chose everything else in the end.

I'm not a smart man.
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