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Topic: System Shock Infinite 2.0 looking for playtesters
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As I said in my PM to you (and a million times on these boards), it is not a limitation of SS2Tool. Many old games write their save games and config files to their own folder. Starting with Windows Vista there are severe restrictions to this, if the program's folder is in Program Files. This was implemented by Microsoft for good security reasons.
For many old games this means that they won't work inside Program Files anymore.

So it's not that SS2Tool can't see your game when it's inside Program Files. I intentionally wrote a check that disallows patching the game inside Program Files, to force people to move it elsewhere, for their own sake.
Xerxes: once your situation is stable, we'll talk about playtesting and maybe even translating some text into Spanish. Until then, take care!  :thumb:

I've updated the patch, it now contains an "Extras" folder with:
- the Subtitles addon;
- the Codec aspect ratio fixes;
- 2015 mode, where enemies take double damage.

I've also added a couple of fixes, per request of our italian playtester, like having the player fully healed after the "14 years ago" prologue.
I was told that Diego should reference Korenchkin more times. Sounds like a good idea, his dialogues got shuffled around so much that I fear his story against Korenchkin only picks up on Command. Here's footage from the new video: "every explosion is its own story", as philosopher Michael Bay once said.


Edit: reuploaded with bigger explosions.
« Last Edit: 13. January 2015, 14:06:45 by xdiesp »
If anyone else tries the beta, I could use any kind of report no matter how nondescript it is. Beat hydroponics using the 3 regulators, having too much or not enough ammo, taking too much or not enough damage: it's all valuable info to me. The schedule for the next beta patch, includes refining 3 movies and Diego's script:

- Diego's dialogue will better connect to Korenchkins'.
- First movie, 10% update. Second movie, 50% update. Third movie, 100% update.
- I contacted an actual director who made an incredible flyby movie of the Von Braun, hopefully that one will be available.
- I'm done filming the 90 scenes movie, and moving to montage and soundtrack.


Cyber 2 is quite confusing, since it is rather large and the red and white gridded sections mess with my spacial orientation. It is fun though, and in theory there is plenty of time if you manage to not fly in circles for too long. In Tear 2, some tesseracts (3rd and 7th from the top) are only clickable from a certain angle. Midwifes are waaay OP, even moreso once you control their minds.  :D
The crystal shard feels a little useless since it seems to deal the same damage as the wrench does.


Some more stuff
two-voices.jpg: Delacroix is talking but suddenly some other (potentially hot) chick talks over her. If this is intended it maybe should be used in the text as well.
[70cyber-modules_gee-thanks^^.jpg expired]
[glass-still-here-after-tear_no rhyming intended^^.jpg expired]
[magazines-are-gone-after-shodan speech.jpg expired]
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[swarm went outside the ship through missing windows.jpg expired]
[this-egg-doesnt-go-off.jpg expired]
[two-voices.jpg expired]
Unn_atropos: brilliant!!! :thumb: Did you like the updated movies? Some notes below:

(updated! shorter, better transitions)

(this one is a remake of the "rest soldier, REEEST" one)

Delacroix is talking but suddenly some other (potentially hot) chick talks over her.
If this is intended it maybe should be used in the text as well.

It was part of the surprise but I'll update the text: that one's Elizabeth!

swarm went outside the ship through missing windows

That's a cool one, never seen before. :headshot:

magazines-are-gone-after-shodan speech

This one is intended, for the unsettling effect... I asked about it to the italian tester and he hadn't even noticed. (edit Maybe if I turn them into blood, it will help driving the message home) BTW, did you like the "meeting with Polito"? I will fix all other bugs in the next patch.  :P
« Last Edit: 16. January 2015, 21:13:34 by xdiesp »
Just a brief update on the playtests:

- Fixed the broken patrols paths in Ops3;
- Nameless Voice fixed the bug about stunned monsters dying belatedly;
- I'm looking into a bug, which reportedly prevents some of Marie's logs in Ops from playing from the logs menu.

And I'm in the process of upgrading another two stingers to quasi-memory quality.
Update to anyone who can still playtest the 2.0 beta. I'm looking for insights about the difficulty curve, I've been talking a lot with our italian playtester who completed the game on normal. He hadn't played SS2 in years, but could still beat the game using 2015 mode: so the idea is to lower enemy health by 30% in normal, or in 2015 mode by 60% + a bonus to mismatched weapons.

Also to make things clearer, the enemy alternate Goggles are going to become virtual creatures (Mirror Memories) as to dispel any doubt that you should spank them.
I have updated the beta to version 8. You can download the full version on Moddb:

And a patch from the previous version to the current one, on my dropbox:

Updated subs: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=6277.msg83130#msg83130

Playtest reports are still very welcome! :D
« Last Edit: 26. January 2015, 00:21:00 by xdiesp »


I'm a bit worried that I have mesed up my installation, because I can't use (unused) recharger anymore
I'm a bit worried that I have mesed up my installation, because I can't use (unused) recharger anymore

It happens because of the patch, but nothing else should go wrong. Specifically it should only happen on maps you've already visited, the ones on the next map shouldn't do that.

666c5a446ec57System Shocked

@ xdiesp

Next time your at your ModDB page, here's a suggestion and a fix for the description of 2015 Mode.

"2015 Mode

This addon streamlines combat to make it feel more like the one in vanilla.     vanilla "what" ?
Enemies take from damage from correct and incorrect weapon types.

Extract the contents of the archive in the main folder of System Shock Infinite.
To uninstall, reapply the latest patch."

Every little bit helps, and this is really little. No need to add me to your readme's credits list.  :)
« Last Edit: 05. February 2015, 13:00:27 by System Shocked »
Good call, it was supposed to say "take double damage from" and "in the vanilla game". Fixed!
Acknowledged by: System Shocked


Some more stuff...

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unn_atropos: well done! I've added a datapad close to the replicator at the hangars, the one you hack to generate the bomb. It should help realizing that you can destroy it, to help the Many.

[Book.jpg expired]
Here is a WIP version of the next patch, with no movies to keep the size down. Features:

  • Bugfixes;
  • That extra level visited in the Hacker End;
  • Non-linear Command deck: the Shuttles quest is optional, and can be done before or after the bridge.

This way you can use the Tear whenever you want. It is still necessary to backtrack to Ops and Engineering, to open the umbilical to the Rickenbacker. However just like previously in 2.0, you don't have to also return to the bridge and fight the Korenchkin psi reaver (you fight another, at the end of the first bridge run). The archive includes a savegame right before taking the elevator to Command.

The following is a temporary version of the Beta 9 patch. It includes the new tears, the reworked difficulty settings, bugfixes and more. It's only temporary as I haven't been able to properly test it on a full playthrough yet, which is important as in theory the script behind the difficulty settings might cause slow downs or worse.


The full Beta 9 patch will also contain a new movie, and new text-only logs that "novelize" the movies.


i fear I'm some patches behind, but will post some stuff nontheless.
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as far as ceiling eggs go, pretty much ALL of them are screwed in one way or another on the orig/ADaoB maps. the fix consists of setting them up as regular eggs (eggtripwire->egg, no funny stuff with tweq traps and similar) and make sure grub and swarm archetypes (-182,-183) have NVStartUnrotated script assigned (SS2tool already does this to any shock2.gam it finds).
unn_atropos: thank you, very informative report as always. These untriggered eggs really slipped through the cracks! :P About the last screenshot with the antenna: it is a Heavy target, I'll to state it more clearly. It has to be, because the trigger for the Many's sabotage subquest works off splash damage from explosions.

I'm still working on the new logs stored inside the infinite memory chips, I should be posting them tomorrow for proofreading.


attracts turrets: healing marie will make hacked turrets get out and aiming at her
houdini: nothing wrong here, as modells tend to hover in air, but it just looks so awesome^^
log0625: ends after "suspicious"
message: the killed reaver was Swiderik, right? So then it should be his portrait and name on it. Also, I didn't hear the "Rebecka, no time, get into the pod!" sound. Is that intentionall?
tram prooved: healing on any moving surface won't work. Don't know if ther is some way to prevent this from happening.
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Well done! The hovering corpses bug should already be fixed: as for the summoned Maries, I'm afraid that's one of their limits. Everything else I can do: the gravity one is hilarious, I'll make the objects fall down if you blow up the door.


doors.jpg: You could try to copy the original design over to the new door
should-say-destroy-OR-harvest: It would be nice to have some reaction when you harvest. In Sys 2 Shodan talks to you after every five eggs. Here she could say something like "what are you doing?" or "Stop that". There are several soundfiles from sys 1 and 2 to choose from. Maybe also have the mass/Korenchkin say "Well done" or something...
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[male-body-has-delacroix-log.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 19. February 2015, 00:32:17 by unn_atropos »
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