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Finally, a reminder that this Wednesday (February 25.) from 3-5 pm ET we will be running the second in our series of OtherSide plays LookingGlass Twitch sessions, this time playing the classic System Shock 2.

That is 9 pm for €pe, right?


pretty sure I'm not missing that one.
Why would they let that asshole Sessler on their stream? Anyway, will definitely catch up with that on Thursday.


He moderated a game magazine called x-play. Only thing I know about this is the Splinter Cell coop theater. Don't know about his connection to OtherSide and Looking Glass...

Will someone do a recording of the stream?


He moderated a game magazine called x-play.
He moderated a magazine? WTF??

Adam Sessler was the co-host (along with Morgan Webb) of the video gaming show X-Play. He's a pretty cool, knowledgeable, old-school gamer, and generally well-regarded in his opinions. So of course Marvin hates him.


He moderated a magazine? WTF??[...] video gaming show X-Play.
Yeah, meant that.

Some personal opinion on the stream:
I liked that they gathered around a lot of big names. And there were some more in the chat, I'm sure, but I'm always to dim to recognize people. Also it was a nice bonus that they were giving out steam (and gog?) keys.

I did not expect something like the (great) System Shock 1 stream but some dialog between fans and developers.
But actually it felt more like three parts talking to themself: the guy who played, the guests who talked to each other and the fans chatting on their own. Would have been nice to hear the developers talk about the content that was going on in the game instead of the stuff you can read in every interview. The moderator could have thrown in some more questions from the chat.
Additionaly the abilty to post links in the chat was disabled, so if you wanted to share some info you had to use PM or dissected adresses like systemshock dot org.

Nonetheless it was a entertaining stream and I hope it gathered some additional attention for the kickstarter. About 47300$ should be doable!
« Last Edit: 26. February 2015, 00:20:03 by unn_atropos »


I'd have considered the guys at RetroGamer far better magazine people. They did an article on the System Shock series a fair while back.
generally well-regarded in his opinions.

Bioshock: Infinite Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jchIi-vR_js

Among other things...
« Last Edit: 29. April 2015, 03:21:01 by Join usss! »
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Pro tip: Never assign someone the Shodan monologue from System Shock 2 if you ever expect them to ring at 2am...
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