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Topic: SS2 CyberBlutch Rebirth 05
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It look like I messed up the installation. (Didn't copy all files somehow) Assassin model was missing in the folder.



always extract/load via the manager if you can, this will avoid such problems.


I wish we had a compilation mod or installer of sorts.

You know, you select some mods to install from the list and the installer downloads and installs the latest version. You could select things like unoffical patches, graphical mods etc. You could section options based on how close they are to the vanilla or how recommended they are. Would be cool and more accessible to the new players.


full tool integration with the website has been suggested before, while not impossible, it certainly is not happening any time soon.

what we have right now works well enough for 99% of people, the rest can always get support on the forums.


Well, it would have been cool and it would make things a lot easier, but I see your point.
 Hi do I have to install every part of rebirth : 1,2 ,3 etc... or do I need only latest no 5 to get everything? Thanks


no, you only need the latest package.


After I installed this mod, I can no longer pickup items from corpses or enemies. When I click on them, I see the item(s) they hold (nanites, vodkas, etc.) but when I click on the items itself, nothing happens.

If I disable this mod, it's working again.


that sounds.. impossible, as the mod does not modify mechanics in any way. running the game from program files? running the original game or a fan mission? is this happening only with shotgun hybrids? start by posting your ss2tool.log and ss2bmm.log.

full dissection will be necessary here, probably - copy your entire SS2 folder to your desktop, delete the DATA folder, zip the SS2 folder up, and upload to gdrive (or any other filesharing sire), post the link.
« Last Edit: 21. August 2021, 07:34:57 by voodoo47 »


Hello voodoo47,

I am using the Steam version of SS2 (fully patched with NewDark) using SS2 Blue ModManager v1.16.1 to install/activate the mods (the mods are in .ss2mod format). I launch the game from the modmanager too. The game is installed on another HDD (not the default installation folder in Steam). I run the original game/mission.

With the mod activated, I see that the Pipe hybdrids are different, so I know the mod works, but I can't pickup any items from them (or from corpses).


Hi again,

I just activated the mod again, put it on the top of the priority list and everything works now, i don't know what happened.


would be interesting to find out - as mentioned, I don't see how this could be happening. what other mods were you/are you using, and what priority? share the logs if you can. are you able to break it again if you change the priority again?

are all corpses affected (all killed enemies, and also the corpses already placed in the levels)?
.ss2mod? Sounds like ancient mods being used.
Acknowledged by: Kolya


yep. also, fully patched with ND, what does that mean - using just the steam build? or extracted the raw ND package on top of that? or SS2tool patched (which is what really should have been done if one wants to load mods).

as mentioned, odd things going on (I still see no way how Rebirth could affect the UI in that way), that's why I have asked for logs (or even better, the entire SS2 install folder minus DATA).


Fully patched with ND means that the game on Steam is the updated version, fully patched for modern systems, compared to the retail (CD version), it also adds widescreen support.

Check PCGamingwiki's site, you will find all the information about the Steam version of SS2 (retail and digital).

SS2Tool doesn't work with that version, that's why I have to use another SS2 mod manager tools and most of of them use the .ss2mod format. What I do is simply change the .zip extension for .ss2mod and after, I can add the mod with the mod manager.

I used the guide on play-old-pc-games dot com to setup SS2 with mods on my computer

This mod + 3 others that I use are there.

As i said, the mod works fine now, it was a one time issue (probably a keyboard bind messed up the left clic on the mouse.


the tool does work with the steam version, and has to be applied if you want to load mods properly. so yeah, the problem was most likely caused by using outdated tools and files. go here: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4447


Even if the tool works fine with the steam version, there is no need to use,


    Essential patcher which integrates the NewDark patch and fixes various issues.
    Latest versions automatically disable the intro video for you (if you wish to re-enable it for whatever reason, add always_play_intro to the cam.cfg or cam_ext files).
    SS2Tool requires Vista or later due to included Rsync, however NewDark runs on 2000/XP or later. One can patch it on a Vista machine then transfer it to an older machine. Digital versions already include NewDark and compatibility fixes for modern systems however the tool is still necessary for proper mod support.

As I said, The Steam version of SS2 is already patched with NewDark, and this tool mostly fixes problems that are not present in the Steam version, only on the retail one.

Even without the mods I installed 2 days ago, the game runs fine.


um, we kind of are the people who put together the tool, the mods, the mod manager, AND the steam build. we do know what works with what, how, and whether something is required or not.

so here is the official disclaimer: the steam build is ready to go if you don't care about mods. if you want to load mods, use SS2tool to patch up your SS2 install, this will install the mod manager, load the required 3rparty scripts and resources, and make sure everything is up to date. this is required for most mods to work properly.

while you can just drop the modmanager into the steam install, you will only be able to load pre-NewDark (very old) mods, almost everything made in the last decade will work only partially, or not at all. you would have to load the scripts and resources into your install manually to remedy the situation. this is NOT recommended (as it's pretty much impossible to do it right if you are a regular user).

to make it short, you wanna load mods? patch up with the tool, download the latest versions of the mods, set them up according to the linked guide, and you are good. do anything else, you are on your own.
« Last Edit: 23. August 2021, 22:17:42 by voodoo47 »
Listen to the man Dancsi39. I wrote SS2Tool and Voodoo created the Steam build and tons of mods. We know what we're talking about.


Ok, i understand all this, thanks.

I use this mod manager, that is mentionned on this page : https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4447 (SS2 Blue Mod Manager v1.16.1) and 2 mods that are also on that page (Rebirth 0.5, SHTUP-ND) + SS2 Straylight ADaoB and SS2 Schatten SHMUP, added/installed with the blue mod manager then activated them I launched the game from there.

I didn't installed SSTool in order to get the mod manager, I installed it manually, that's why I said that I don't need to use it.


that mod combination actually probably is going to work without major issues (putting that weird inventory problem aside). maybe. but still, why would you use ADaoB, if you can use SCP?


Is it possible for just one mod not to work? I've been trying to install Rebirth for a couple of hours and I can't make it work. I'm on Linux (the game works flawlessly), I have the GoG version, and I'm using dmm to install the mods. Everything is working correctly so my OS shouldn't be the problem. I have tested Secmod and SCP, both with many texture mods and they are working fine, everything shows up in my game, but rebirth isn't getting applied so the old low poly models are the only thing left unmodded. I even tried a fresh installation and apply only rebirth to no avail.


depending on how you are loading it - with the modmanager, it's pretty much impossible that one properly loaded mod would work and the other one not, unless linux is doing something crazy like clipping the modpath inside cam_mod.ini because it thinks it's too long. anyway, try to load just Rebirth and nothing else, and maybe make the modfolder name as short and simple as possible (Reb5 for example), see what happens.

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