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Topic: SS1 Proper Logs
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Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
yeah, he will have to test or post his save, I actually don't have one that would be far enough into the game, and logs from the first deck seem to work fine for me with the old mod.

new mod working ok for the little bit I've checked.


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
Yep, it's fixed now. So what caused the "compatibility" issue? Is the Mac format different from the DOS one?


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
Yep, it's fixed now. So what caused the "compatibility" issue? Is the Mac format different from the DOS one?

I don't know how Gigaquad has modified the resource file. But whatever and however Gigaquad's modified it: The formating was probably off and the SP couldn't handle it anymore. The SP loads text resourcefiles differently than the old versions of the game, which caused the issue. For example: Terse text is completely ignored when the SP loads text resources. My guess is that some of the terse bits seaped into it.

My modified text resource file is especially tailored to the sourceport and can't be used with anything else. It was entierly made from scratch, using only the transscript Gigaquad's provided as well as modern tools.

I'm glad that it is fixed tho!

Please let me know if I should open a new topic or if you want to add my modified mod to the original post from Koyla.
I will release it on moddb anyway by giving credit and link to this forum.


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
uploaded to the first post as Proper_Logs_SSEESP_1.05 (as it is a direct continuation of the previously available SSEESP version, and we don't want to confuse all the people who already have 1.04). thanks for the update.


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
Okay, I will download it and release it on moddb with a direct link here so that people can find it at two locations. Unless you strictly don't want that. Let me know.


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
it's perfectly fine, all I would recommend is keeping the name and version numbering the same, to (again) prevent confusion.
Acknowledged by: 3RDplayer


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
I would also highly recommend to change the transcript file as well and post the one I provided. Since the numbering in gigaquads transcript are wrong and not conform with the numbering by resource address. This lead to confusion when editing the log with hacked. Since hacked considers the first resources address of mails as 0.


Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
right - attached to the first post as well.
Acknowledged by: 3RDplayer


  • Company: N/A
Re: SS1 Gigaquad Enhanced log texts mod
First of all, really cool mod and I am glad it exists.

Second, tried to make a version of this mod with female pronouns for SHODAN but can't seem to get it working (but that is in its own thread)

Third, you don't know how useful this mod was when editing the wiki. Seriously, thanks to this mod I have now documented in writing all SS1 logs with all three variants. Took me all afternoon but I got it done.


updated to 1.06, just one download for all SS1 builds, and masculine references to Shodan removed from those few logs that had them (both audio and text).

mod name officially changed to Proper Logs to avoid confusion.


Is "Fixed Logs" already taken by some other mod?


no, it was "enhanced" originally. was kind of using "proper" for the new SP releases, so I was thinking might as well make it official. eeh do I want to switch it now? don't know.

is "proper" improper for some reason? technically, "fixed" would imply something was broken, the original texts however aren't broken, they just aren't.. proper, when you take the audio clips into consideration.

ADaOB Logs then?


I guess it's an issue, though admittedly a minor one, of marketing. For a complete newbie to System Shock, who's noticed that the log text often doesn't match the audio, this would be considered an error, to be "fixed" by a mod. So "System Shock Fixed Logs" would very clearly be what they were looking for. Pull them in with the title, then lay out the subtleties in the description.

"Proper" in English is more about conforming to a higher ideal of form or behavior. Like, "Now this is a proper sandwich", or "Don't cut spaghetti with your fork, it's not proper", or "It's not really a proper merry-go-round unless there's a dung beetle on it."

What makes a thing "proper" can be vague and subject to individual opinion, so if I saw any mod with "Proper" in the title I'd be immediately suspicious that the author was trying to push some sort of personal agenda on the game.


well yes, world domination has always been the final goal, weren't it?

anyway, realized the source port version has been using "proper logs" from day one (script file, modfolder name), so I think I'll leave it alone for now. maybe redo the next release if I see there's confusion about the mod name in the meantime.
Installed new version. Some logs have letters after the final dot for seemingly no reason. like just "b" or "m"
http s://imgur.com/a/SPIqPKW

Remove the space between the p and the s. guests not allowed to post external links


thanks, will check tomorrow. what build are you using? doesn't seem to be the source port.


there are 2 versions out there, the Classic which uses the SHlink wrapper, and the latest one, which is the source port.

either way, drop a save somewhere.

//no issue with my GOG SS1EE source port. the Stack email is one of the first ones so I actually used it to test all SS1 builds, and it was ok everywhere. so yeah, I'll need more details on your setup.
[NOartifacts.PNG expired]
« Last Edit: 10. November 2022, 10:10:50 by voodoo47 »
It's really strange. I completely reinstalled the game, changed the system locale to us english (thinking it could be the reason), and yet the problem still persists, and what's more, there are different extraneous symbols depending on the mod order (I have fire extinguisher and rad noise fixes). I also have a GOG version. It persists across saves and seems to be some negative interaction with the mod given that everything is fine when I disable it.

I played with these problems for some time and I think I got a garbled portion of a much later email (lansing/rebecca-6) on research in the early game. Maybe the text is getting corrupted or something?


aha, GOG uses an older version of the port, will check (nope, it does not, not anymore. so that is not it, unless you are deliberately using an older standalone build. in that case, update). is the issue gone when you disable this mod?

also yes, random text corruption has been reported with the NDS source port (iirc just the map notes, but still sounds too familiar to be unrelated).

//tried to mess around with multiple mods at the same time, still no text corruption, however found out that Shodan Faces is not compatible with DOS Faces. kinda makes sense - iirc, only one bitmap mod can be active at the same time.

//so unless you can share a save, and/or confirm the problem does not exist when the mod is disabled, I'll write it off as random corruption not related to mods.
« Last Edit: 03. December 2022, 20:11:21 by voodoo47 »


should be "my", right? will fix soonish. feel free to report more issues if found in the meantime.

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