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Topic: System Shock 1 with Mac assets?
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Yeah, I'm sorry. I did not mean for it to sound like that. In retrospect, it's a pretty stupid thing to say. Obviously, feel free to use as much of your time as you want, I'm basically just a bystander here in this situation. I did not mean to annoy you (as I obviously must've done judging by the reaction). Sorry again
I'm sure it was borne from impatience - and trust me, I'm just as keen to see this working.  I don't know if anyone else has time to look at this but I've been prodding away and although I don't have a solution yet there has been progress.
Acknowledged by: Kolya



So I can finally see what's going on here. The Hacker is being confronted by a Cyborg Warrior. Is that a brain on a body behind him or is it a blue virus mutant?
  Sounds about right. Also it looks like the cell on the security level with the double X-doors, the one with the hidden passage with goodies.

So I can finally see what's going on here. The Hacker is being confronted by a Cyborg Warrior. Is that a brain on a body behind him or is it a blue virus mutant?
Notable retouching in the low res image: Transparencies in the pelvis of the cyborg have been covered up and the hacker has gained some scratches. Also his hair has been flipped for some reason.
Unfortunately his hair has also become indistinguishable in the low res version. For years I thought it was some kind of electric spark.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
I did as well. Definitely has that spark-like look. I'm not sure why they screwed up the DOS screen - but has there been any progress toward getting these higher-res assets into the game?
Also the Hacker's torso has been changed a lot: Slimmer (look at his left arm, his torso is ridiculously broad in the hires image), lower beltline, different shadowing.
I don't think I've ever read this thread before. Were the higher-resolution images ever put into System Shock Portable, or System Shock Enhanced Edition?


no, as it was not possible to integrate them into the pc game at that time if memory serves.
I could imagine these assets appearing in one of the remakes though.
no, as it was not possible to integrate them into the pc game at that time if memory serves.

I see, thanks.

Maybe when the System Shock source is released then they can be merged in that and made optional for people using the resulting Windows (and other) source port.


no...if memory serves.
Ah I see what you did there.
Hey! Stop skiving and get back to finishing Citadel, or I'll dock your wages.

And given that you're being paid nothing for it, that means you'll end up owing me money.

Hmmm, I could end up rich AND have a nice new port of System Shock!
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