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Topic: System Shock remake and System Shock 3
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So it's made of copper? When the damage isn't too big you can clean it. Start with regular warm water and a sponge or rag to clean the cola rest from it. Make sure not ti drown it. After that use steelwool or even better a fiberpen to remove the oxidation.


So it's made of copper? When the damage isn't too big you can clean it. Start with regular warm water and a sponge or rag to clean the cola rest from it. Make sure not ti drown it. After that use steelwool or even better a fiberpen to remove the oxidation.

I tried that long ago the traces are too damaged so I need to make a new one.
Thanks anyway dude.
Ah, just checked it out what kind of keyboard it is. (Was on smartphone before and don't like browsing with it that much.)
There are companies who print new foils for keyboard, I just don't know where you live so better look for it yourself.
Or if the damage isn't too bad and you wan't to repair it yourself you can get a conductive silver ink pen and redraw it yourself. But a pen like that would be around the same price as a replacement foil and I'll guess it wouldn't be as durable on the connecting parts.


Ah, just checked it out what kind of keyboard it is. (Was on smartphone before and don't like browsing with it that much.)
There are companies who print new foils for keyboard, I just don't know where you live so better look for it yourself.
Or if the damage isn't too bad and you wan't to repair it yourself you can get a conductive silver ink pen and redraw it yourself. But a pen like that would be around the same price as a replacement foil and I'll guess it wouldn't be as durable on the connecting parts.

A friend said he can get me a nice solid sheet, all i need to do etch it.


One of the key ingredients in SS3 actually being good, aside from a dash of salt, is if the publisher actually leaves the developer the frack alone.

Yes...I said frack.
It was the publishers who made Bioshock too easy. They said that they didn't want the game to encourage the player to kill the Little Sisters (i.e. if the game were seen to encourage the player to kill children then it would get a *lot* of bad publicity from people who didn't understand that the game wasn't encouraging you to do so, you were given the choice of killing them to make your survival easier (since if you kill them then you get more Adam, which you needed to help you through the game) or saving them and so gaining less Adam and so making your journey through Rapture harder), so they forced the game's developers to reward you for saving the Little Sisters, meaning that you now get almost as much Adam for saving them (when you take into account the gifts from Tenanbaum) as you do for harvesting them, plus Tenanbaum's gifts include things that you can't get if you harvest the Little Sisters. So they removed the moral choice from the game, basically, which weakened part of the game's atmosphere.

I don't know who's idea it was to put ammunition and money every where in Rapture, though. Part of a survival horror game is having to watch your ammunition count, otherwise it's not a survival horror, it's a shooter. Doom, Half-Life, Singularity, The Suffering, etc, all contain horror, and you can easily die in any of them, but they aren't survival horror (as such) because you always have enough ammunition to fight past/through any situation. And in Bioshock, the same was true, even though Bioshock's atmosphere cried out to be used for a survival horror. Instead, you quickly max out all of the ammunition, medical packs, EVE, and money that you can carry, and even though you can't max the Adam (I think, I've never tried), if you choose then you can end the game with some still to spare.

Bioshock 2 (a superb game, much better than the first Bioshock, or Bioshock: Infinite) fixed many of the flaws of the first game, but sadly not this. It's areas of Rapture are still littered with everything you need to destroy every enemy in the game. It's great if you see the game as a first person shooter, terrible if you want it to be a survival horror game.


I don't know who's idea it was to put ammunition and money every where in Rapture, though. Part of a survival horror game is having to watch your ammunition count, otherwise it's not a survival horror, it's a shooter. Doom, Half-Life, Singularity, The Suffering, etc, all contain horror, and you can easily die in any of them, but they aren't survival horror (as such) because you always have enough ammunition to fight past/through any situation. And in Bioshock, the same was true, even though Bioshock's atmosphere cried out to be used for a survival horror. Instead, you quickly max out all of the ammunition, medical packs, EVE, and money that you can carry, and even though you can't max the Adam (I think, I've never tried), if you choose then you can end the game with some still to spare.

Bioshock 2 (a superb game, much better than the first Bioshock, or Bioshock: Infinite) fixed many of the flaws of the first game, but sadly not this. It's areas of Rapture are still littered with everything you need to destroy every enemy in the game. It's great if you see the game as a first person shooter, terrible if you want it to be a survival horror game.

Ironically this is also part of the problem with System Shock 2. Death needs to cost more nanites, certain enemies(I'm looking at you Rumblers) need to actually be able to hit you, you need to find less nanites, less health restoring items, less ammo, some weapons(I'm looking at you standard weapons and the laser pistol's overcharge) need to do less damage, med stations need to cost more nanites to heal, needs less anti-tox hypos, etc.

In other words the overall span between the different difficulty settings needs to be widened. :cyborg:
Warren Spector joins OtherSide Entertainment:

I've loved working with students as Director of the Denius-Sams Gaming Academy in the University of Texas' Moody College of Communication," Spector said. "But when the opportunity to have a bigger role in bringing Underworld Ascendant to life, as well as playing in the System Shock universe once again, helping to bring these games to a 21st century audience, I just couldn't say no. Working on System Shock was one of the most fulfilling things I've done in my career and it's hard to describe how much I'm looking forward to sharing with players what SHODAN has been up to since the last game was released.
Very interesting! Not impressed with anything he did after DX1 but him back at UU and SS feels good.
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


Kolya I think we need a "crying with delight" smiley!
Good. Otherside can use financial expertise.


Call me a shameless fanboy, but Warren Spector's return to the form makes me think that the is a new validation on Underworld Accession and System Shock 3. He's got a good autonomy-based gameplay mindset.
 How do you know if he's returning to form before you've seen his new work?  :/


How do you know if he's returning to form before you've seen his new work?  :/

Because I'm taking a break from my usual cynical scepticism and trying blind optimism for a change. Like all of you though, I just hope it's good. I hope it's really good.
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Look at all the shit we never thought would happen... blind optimism is seeming less and less stupid every day.
Acknowledged by 2 members: icemann, Learonys
Look at all the shit we never thought would happen... blind optimism is seeming less and less stupid every day.
I don't know 'bout that but it's nice to get a glimmer of sunshine every once in a while.
Next thing, Peter Molyneux joins them and suddenly we play as shodan.
Romero and Molyneux can do the multiplayer if they like but please, please keep them away from the singleplayer - and the money!!!

Edit: And the PR!
« Last Edit: 18. February 2016, 07:20:02 by fox »


Look at all the shit we never thought would happen... blind optimism is seeming less and less stupid every day.

Thanks to Kickstarter for the most part though not entirely. Not that I'm complaining :).
Next thing, Peter Molyneux joins them and suddenly we play as shodan.

And adds eight years to the dev cycle...


...and after we clicked through to her last cube we sort of get nothing...
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