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Topic: SSR Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage Read 5820 times  


This was emailed to me today by Robb Waters and I have to say that I was utterly floored.  This looks absolutely amazing!

« Last Edit: 11. September 2016, 07:31:57 by Moderator »
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
I'm not one to gush about or prioritize such things at all, but since there's little gameplay to judge at the moment: can we just appreciate how INSANELY good this looks, visually speaking? Both on a technical level and that of art direction? And it's only pre-alpha. I'd almost suggest focusing less on visuals to make me confident there's extensive work being done on gameplay. Speaking of the little gameplay there is, the method of inputting doorcodes is truly simulated, with no UI overlay. Love it.

I've a cautious question for NightDive regarding the soundtrack though. Just how subtle is "subtle"? System Shock 2 subtle (variable subtlety, and is excellent) or Dead Space/Bioshock subtle (boring/way too subtle, doesn't add much to the experience).
« Last Edit: 15. March 2016, 04:52:00 by Join usss! »
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
seems to be cool but it also looks so much like bioshock and hard reset
a remake that is nearly going to drop into a shit...
lets hope they dont ruin it


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Now I see why it smells like Bioshock a lot. He was pretty much right, it's very ironic taking inspiration from games which were inspired by original game.

665afcab05be1Nameless Voice

Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
My main issue is that it looks like they're copying the original game's boxy level design too closely.  The boxy design was a limitation of the times SS1 was made, and definitely something I would have liked to see improved upon in a remake.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Enchantermon, Hikari


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
I don't see it.  To me it looks exactly like the original but with decent graphics.  It is surprising (to me) how true they stayed to the original design.


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Disagree.  It is a remake.  I am sure some levels will be redesigned.  But the iconic levels needs to stay familiar looking.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Looks perfect, can't even add anything. It's strange they decided to call it "remastered edition" though, i think even the changes we've seen in the video already justify a full blown remake label.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
remember all the plot in ss1
not only the levels and graphics

« Last Edit: 15. March 2016, 20:12:02 by voodoo47 »


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
To me it looks exactly like the original but with decent graphics.  It is surprising (to me) how true they stayed to the original design.
Disagree.  It is a remake.  I am sure some levels will be redesigned.
Take your meds.


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
My main issue is that it looks like they're copying the original game's boxy level design too closely.  The boxy design was a limitation of the times SS1 was made, and definitely something I would have liked to see improved upon in a remake.
Keep in mind that today complex level design in FPS games is perhaps non existent at this point. I think no one treat level designers seriously since 2000. Besides, first System Shock still to this day has very complex level design which only few games can beat.

Do they have original level designers? If not, I'd rather prefer original level design over some linear garbage on the level of typical new console FPS games or even horror games. If they have level designers who worked on the first game, they're welcome to improve level design.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
I have more to say after I 3watch a few times to take in the details but just at a blush:

Is it just me or do all the surfaces look so hyperreflective that they look like they just got hosed down?

The view outside of the window is pretty.

I hope the level design isn't entirely boxy all the time, but can understand if it is in points (especially medical.)

I do not like the hard to hear echoyness of that welcome to citadel message, hard to understand especially when doing other things.

I like the mutant redesign. Dislike how glossy the pipe looks. Seriously wtf can we tone down the gloss finish on everything please?

The UI looks decent, but I don't see anything for how inventory is managed.

Me and several of my buddies are hyped.


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
I was hoping for redesigned levels as well; not immensely, just where it makes sense. But there still could be plenty of that; we've only seen a little.
I also hope that they're going to tone down some of that glossy look. Maybe some of that is due to unfinished lighting or something, though. I just found it annoying in Bioshock and equally as annoying here.

Besides that, I think they're on the right track. The GUI looks great and the level overall has a much spookier ambiance, which is great.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
I love this. It looks amazing. Just like the original game - a very strange and exciting place to play in.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Can anyone get either of the following?

As high a resolution as possible snapshot of the system shock logo with citadel station in the background from the video.

The header image to the article that looks like art for the updated version of SHODAN.

I wish to have these for wallpaper rotation.

Edit: Got the SHODAN art image. Imgur rehost since it's a douchbag stunt to steal bandwidth plus minimizes goatsee down the road (Hey anyone remember when Jason Scott Goatsee'd myspace? Like EVERYONE reused a stylesheet that linked to an image on his site.)
« Last Edit: 16. March 2016, 00:50:31 by Hikari »
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Ya I came up wit hthe same thought of 'hey wonder how hard it'd be to find it in the sourcecode to the page' thought like two seconds after I asked.

Thanks guy especially for Citadel. That is also going in my wallpaper bag. It looks spiffy.


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Take your meds.


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Yeah, as you already pointed out, most surfaces seem extremely reflective, but there is quite a lot of bloom and other prost-processing shenanigans in general. I assume that they just tried to cover up some wip graphics, which is perfectly fine by me, it is a pre-alpha after all. What I will say is that with this amount of space on the keypad display having three-digit codes seems slightly rediculous. I like the effect of the cameras, though. With the game being this dark it would be almost impossible to find them without help, and these rasterized beams make a lot more sense than for example the solid cone of light in Bioshock.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Current theory about the cameras is the red laser thing is either shodan actively scanning a thing (IE You) or it's your cyber rig giving you the thing's sight line which, oh hey, conveniently points out where the camera is so you can smash its face in.


Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
What I will say is that with this amount of space on the keypad display having three-digit codes seems slightly rediculous.
No, it really doesn't. A well-designed security keypad should support a wide variety of code lengths.
Acknowledged by: Hikari
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
What I will say is that with this amount of space on the keypad display having three-digit codes seems slightly rediculous.
It is weak from a security standpoint but so are the mechanical door locks of your home. Most people simply are lazy when in comes to security. Most popular password of 2015: "123456", followed by "password" - that should tell you something about the way people think.

About the red camera light: my mental justification for that would be that it's been integrated in order to comply with some privacy protection laws. Like the warning signs many countries require for video surveilled areas.
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
The question that is making me excited about this game is, will NightDive have enough money, and enough assets and inhouse tools from this remake to consider giving the same treatment to SS2? I think it would be a minor jump in art direction, and mostly in the level design. Kind of makes we wish for the same treatment for Thief games (which's levels could be redesigned very liberally, as long as they kept them all - but that's a pipedream for a developer with the rights)

  :lordy: :lordy: :lordy:
Re: Pre-Alpha SS1 Remake Video Footage
Won't happen. Square Enix / Eidos hold the rights of Thief. Not completely impossible that they jump on the bandwagon should these remakes turn out profitable though. Afaik, the Final Fantasy-series got a couple of remakes too, recently.
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