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Nightdive said they will want to do a kickstarter for Shock Remake. What do you want them to offer up?

$1 'Hey thanks.' Basically access to the kickstarter updates and so on.

$15 should get you a digital copy of the game, possibly with a few bonus items like interviews and artwork or something.

$30 Game + Soundtrack.

$50 for a physical boxed version.

$75 Nicer boxed version with physical goodies.


I do want them to limit the amount of swag so they can focus on the game. Maybe offer beta access or something.
« Last Edit: 11. September 2016, 07:32:25 by Moderator »
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
I'm really not sure yet if I want to pledge, actually. I made it a principle not to and this would be the first exception. I guess I'll wait and see how it goes and if I feel it's really necessary for more people to push it, I'll chime in. But I'd much rather wait for the final release and see if they live up to their promises and my expectations.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Stretch goals would be a poor fit for a project like this. It's not like they can promise more enemies or more areas like other game Kickstarters can. It's by definition a nearly 1:1 remake of SS1, so it's predetermined what weapons, enemies, areas, etc there are going to be. No more, no less.

I made it a principle not to...
That's kind of a bizarre thing to be pinning any principles to. I've Kickstarted a few things, always reputable names and/or well-run campaigns, and have always gotten exactly what was promised.
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Good for you and I don't say crowdfunding is generally a bad thing (for smaller projects with a real niche target group) but for games and given the current crowdfunding policies, I really don't like it. It's entirely trust and faith based and I'm having a very hard time with that. I don't pre-order or buy season passes either, out of the same reasons.

In light of many failed or even fraudulent kickstarters and underwhelming releases (often by "legit" developers or publishers), I do not find it bizarre at all to be cautious with my money.

On the other hand, I'll happily buy it full price if they deliver a good product I want to have - these days I always wait for some user reviews before I buy a game. I can live very well with something not materializing because too few people backed it. I can also live without another SS remake and sequel but because it's one of a handful of franchises that really are exceptionally dear to me, I might break my own rule here. What I've seen and read from Night Dive and Otherside so far did look good enough to consider it.
« Last Edit: 31. March 2016, 19:26:39 by fox »
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
I already mentioned a playable intro ("Citadel before the fall") in the other thread. That's one of the few content additions I could think of which do not clash with the nature of the remake as such. When it comes to the usual stretch goals (new additions to the team, a professional soundtrack, more levels, etc.) you see on Kickstarter, Night Dive is already more or less covered I'd say. What they can offer in the campaign is probably determined by how much stuff they'd want to fund in advance and how much they expect fans to pay for. The base game will come no matter what afaik.
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Reward Tiers can fuck off. If I am to give a dev team my money, which is unlikely for the same sensible reasons Fox mentioned, then I am to give you money to develop a fucking game, not fiddle around with merchandising contracts and the like. What are you, game devs or retailers? Then there is the lesser evil when backers get to influence some aspect of the game, which can sometimes get very silly. Small things like names listed in the credits with thanks is fine though, it's little distraction and thanks should be given anyhow.

Stretch goals are fine, with an ideal model this would be all the incentive that's needed.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
I pretty much care only about the core game, and the editor/modding tools. maybe about the proposed enhanced gameplay mode where they'd run wild with modifying and adding game mechanics.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Remember the "Get Killed by SHODAN" contest they ran for SS2? Something like that might make for a juicy high-end backer reward. Plenty of room on Citadel for an extra dead guy.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Nameless Voice, Hikari


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
To the original question:

I would say a level editor, but then again this should be provided regardless, as level creation tools need to be created either way. So this should be given away freely with the game. Helps to build a good thriving community that will live on long after the games release.

So beyond that:
* Additional content - Like maybe have the stuff you see happen in the games intro be playable instead.
* Improved gfx and audio
Acknowledged by: Hikari
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
System Shock pinball. And I mean a real one.
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Why is my first thought those 'office cubical worker drone' playset minifigs... except citadel and more horrifying?

You know, instead of detailed resine cast statues.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
@Hikari: Lego System Shock?  lol


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
The original version of SS1 as a collectable mini-game.

Dracula X Chronicles on the PSP did the same thing, to good effect.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
I actually would love to see full shockception in SS3 - hacking the game player (SS3 has got to have one, right?) would allow you to play full SS2, which also has a game player, and hacking that would allow you to play full SS1 from within SS2 from within SS3.
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
That's a nice thought and it's going stay that way.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
It wouldn't be the first time though that a game included the full version of its predecessor as an easter egg. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure let you play the original 2600 version, and I believe one of the Monkey Island sequels let you play the original (something to do with the programmer realizing that one of the animations was bigger than the entire original game).
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
[...] and I believe one of the Monkey Island sequels let you play the original (something to do with the programmer realizing that one of the animations was bigger than the entire original game).
That was Day of the Tentacle letting you play the full version of Maniac Mansion on the PC of one of its characters.


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
That's cool but that was when games were built from scratch. I doubt that Unity (or any current game engine) provides a feature to render the output of another application, let alone allowing you to control that application.
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Trivia time!
You were correct about the animation, though, which indeed comes from Monkey Island 2, and it's gorgeous (sorry about the SE music):

And yes, it's bigger than the whole Maniac Mansion game, as explained in this great post-mortem by Ron Gilbert himself:
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Apparently every level of the new Doom-game is going to feature a hidden classic level, too:


Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Well...Shodan did recreate part of Citadel in System Shock 2.  I could see her doing that again someday.
Re: What do you want for Reward Tiers and Stretch Goals?
Apparently every level of the new Doom-game is going to feature a hidden classic level, too:

Like in Wolfenstein: The New Order

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