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Topic: SS3 What story do we want for Shock3?
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Re: What story do we want for Shock3?

But that is installing something from a cd and to a computer, that's different.

I do not see how it would be any different.  That's how it would work.

Shodan would simply have to download/transfer herself out of the implant/Rebecca and into a computer.


The only way I could see how it would work the way you worded it is if shodan made copies of herself (which I'm not sure why she would,

Oh I dunno... maybe self-preservation?

they would work together at first but probobly just fight over who is in control if/when they do take over something).

I doubt it.  Shodan isn't human enough to argue with her "siblings" about who's in charge.  She was a piece of software long before she was self-aware and crazy.  She could handle multiple copies the same way that a microcontroller handles multiple slave devices or a computer handles multiple CPUs. 

Re: What story do we want for Shock3?
SHODAN would deal with copies very logically by seeing which processing component is doing what tasklist and what tasks need to be prioritized that either need a level of redundancy, or aren't currently being handled.


Re: What story do we want for Shock3?

Um actually she is "human enough" and she isn't just a piece of software, she's a sentient ai and much more complicated that your average "computer" (which technically she simply resides in the computer, since she is digital, also the computer she resides in is much more complicated than your average computer). She was always self aware, what do you think shodan stands for? Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network. She simply had ethical restraints to keep her from harming humanity.

Transferring herself into another computer and making a copy are two different things, copying things from a cd to a copy is simply making a copy not transferring it permanently.

But she wouldn't want to reside in a human, given how much she hates them. She might do it for survival and after that, leave the human as soon as possible.
« Last Edit: 15. April 2016, 20:34:50 by XKILLJOY98 »


Re: What story do we want for Shock3?
Or she might spend a summer hiking across Europe.
Re: What story do we want for Shock3?
Trips to Europe, that's what the kids want! Twenty-two countries in three days.
Re: What story do we want for Shock3?
Trips to Europe, that's what the kids want! Twenty-two countries in three days.

Nobody puts Baby in the corner.
Re: What story do we want for Shock3?
If I desired, I could improve you, transform you into something more swayze.
[theTimeOfMyLife.jpg expired]
Acknowledged by 2 members: Marvin, Hikari


Re: What story do we want for Shock3?
In my humble and insignificant opinion, your idea for playing as Rebbecca/SHODAN sounds awesome.
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