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Topic: SSR Music
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  • Company: Night Dive Studios
>Get out of here with that shit.

>Furthermore It's not even generation-specific; 60s, 80s, whatever, they'll always have better mainstream quality than that of today. 

So basically lewronggeneration then. Got it.

>I have a right to it.

Not saying you don't. I'm saying your opinion is based on rose-tinted goggles from an era you didn't live in. Music isn't objectively worse or better now.
Acknowledged by: Dj 127
I'm not saying anything is objectively better or worse. Again, it's my opinion & tastes. I'm am not qualified to even attempt to take an objective stance on the matter.

I'm saying your opinion is based on rose-tinted goggles from an era you didn't live in

Yes, because the 60s had Beiber, Rihanna, Drake, Pharrell, Psy, Meghan Trainor, Crazy Frog etc equivalents dominating the airwaves. Music shouldn't make you irritable, it's supposed to do the opposite goddamn it.

That's precisely my advantage: I wear no goggles and I listen to a wide range of music on a daily basis. You may not make use of the vast library at your disposal and sheepishly only listen to contemporary music, and thus have no point of reference for comparison, but I don't.
« Last Edit: 07. July 2016, 21:31:03 by Join usss! »
Well I listen to old and new music and while my roots are certainly in the 60s, I regularly find good contemporary music. The thing that people tend to forget is that in all decades the airwaves were full of shitty music. A lot of it is mercifully forgotten, some you just get used to somehow. For every song you cherish today there were dozens of terrible ones. Leon Bridges - Coming Home (2016)
Acknowledged by: Learonys


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Most of the music I listen to is stuff from Bandcamp or from Digitally Imported, with a significant overlap between the two. I don't listen to OTA radio. It helps if you don't immediately assume the worst about me based on the limited info I've provided you. All I've done in your case is extrapolate lewronggeneration from your posts, which wasn't far off from how you see things.

The issue I have is that you declare your taste in music as though it's a fact and not an inherently subjective viewpoint.

>providing he sticks to the old school drum & bass breaks and hasn't moved forward with the times into mediocrity.

How can anyone argue against this? You've already set your view out there as though anything new is "mediocre".

Acknowledged by: Dj 127
Today, the shittiness is at its peak. Yeah there's plently annoying music not of this generation, I haven't forgotten all the eurodance shit of the 90s, for instance.

Quote by Synthanasia:
The issue I have is that you declare your taste in music as though it's a fact and not an inherently subjective viewpoint.

How can anyone argue against this? You've already set your view out there as though anything new is "mediocre".

It's music, must every statement on the matter be preceded with "in my opinion". You're just butthurt because you like the music I'm slating. Browse the thread an take note of how many people stated their opinion without defining it as such. People claimed the orchestra music was generic, someone said the intro remix was shit, and so on.

I also posted a track from 2016 with a thumbs up in a different thread just a couple weeks ago.

"inherently subjective viewpoint"

^there we go. No need to state "in my opinion" every other paragraph in that case, is there. Piss off.

« Last Edit: 07. July 2016, 22:24:27 by Join usss! »


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
>Today, the shittiness is at its peak.

>You're just butthurt

>Piss off.

Are you vying for the Edgelord of Systemshock.org Award? It's a shame your view on music is so narrow that anyone critiquing your publicly accessible opinions seems to irritate you.
Acknowledged by: Dj 127
It's a shame your view on music is so narrow that anyone critiquing your publicly accessible opinions seems to irritate you.

This doesn't even make sense. You weren't critiquing the opinion itself, you were taking issue that it was stated as fact (even though every other damn opinion in this thread is too) simply because you are butthurt.

Piss off back to 4chan.


There should be a rule of the internet that the first person to use "butthurt" in any argument automatically loses.
Acknowledged by 2 members: voodoo47, Hikari


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
>This doesn't even make sense. You weren't critiquing the opinion itself, you were taking issue that it was stated as fact (even though every other damn opinion in this thread is too)

It makes plenty of sense. I explicitly said there's no way to argue against your opinion, especially if it's presented as a factual statement.  What am I going to tell you if I argue that I think your musical opinions are silly?

"Your opinions are wrong."

Okay, well, that doesn't really open up any potential discourse. Neither does "99% of modern music sucks."

I think you'd do well to open yourself up to the possibility that you're not only wrong, but in also need of expanding your musical horizons. It's not black and white. There's plenty of shitty music and good music in every era.
Acknowledged by: Dj 127
Neither does "99% of modern music sucks".

Nice strawman. I never said that. And I really don't need to broaden anything. 

Except maybe that smile on your face. :awesome:


If robot kid is in charge of the music, I have no concerns. 

...hell, if robot kid is in charge of my breakfast, I have no concerns!

I gotta add too, goddamn Kick keeps scoring more points with me with updates like this, that bastard.
« Last Edit: 08. July 2016, 16:39:18 by RocketMan »
Acknowledged by 2 members: Synaesthesia, Hikari


You guys have also managed to get yourself another achievement! Great job! As such, you guys get to have a cozy little time with me on our Twitch stream while I do some sound design for System Shock! I’ll be streaming next Tuesday (July 26) at 6pm PST. Hopefully my new synth modules come in the mail before then, so we can explore them together!
This music for remake is created really crappy as for generic pseudo amnesia horror. There is no futurism in sound and no real energy and refresh in music. Energy is gone. Original motives are gone.  This violin random note bunch of notes make this overall atmosphere crap including that grapic decisions which changed some of environment into some kind of metal sewer based most in blue colors - all these flat lighty surfaces based on random  colors, mostly light panels gone. Music need to be recreated on base of original tracks. Original tracks are memorable, industrial and mostly feel like electronic, cyberpunk and hacking. That pseudo violin art is joke. Totally destroying impact of gameplay and environment. I know someone who can make it 1000x times better with style of game with 100% electronic and industrial sounds. https://soundcloud.com/variax-operations/variax-operations-liquid-ice-surreal-l
Of cource this post is about soundtrack for new SS1 Remake (Citadel Station)
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