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Topic: SSR: Who has decided to back it and why? Read 3991 times  

I decided to back the System Shock kickstarter and here's why: For a long time I considered NightDive little more than a smart venture that bought up old game IPs, threw in everything the respective game communities had worked out over the years and sold it for a quick buck and the paeans of spoonfed consumers. I thought that was all NightDive would ever amount to.
But they surprised me by hiring Otherside to create SS3 as well as trying their hand on a System Shock remake, reboot, whatever. They did what I would have liked to do with this IP (in my dreams :rolleyes:). And for that alone they deserve my respect. Finally someone is trying to  do something with this awesome IP and it's not EA or TakeTwo but some guys whom I can finally believe to be passionate about this game series beyond mere words.
I liked the demo although I see it has problems. Some of the stretch goals are not what I would have chosen. And I hope they realize soon enough that System Shock is a great game of its own, not just a minor predecessor to the mighty SS2. On the other hand I'm actually glad that this game is in the hands of a young and passionate team with lofty goals, just like SS2 once was. It might go terribly wrong but it might also become a great entry of its own in this game series. I think they deserve that chance. And I deserve it too.  :)
Acknowledged by 7 members: Nameless Voice, Synaesthesia, icemann, Join usss!, Vae, Zanderat, Interstellar Marine


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
I backed it because I grew up with System Shock. I work as a professional 3D artist because of System Shock. I hold two jobs in my field because the game gave me the inspiration to do what I do now.

$150 is a pittance compared to the amount of fun I've had doing work that I enjoy.

If my money can go toward helping other developers have the same fun I do, then I consider it a worthy investment - especially if the game has even a small chance of having my voice influence its development.


I backed it because I'll take most any chance to get a modern version of my beloved System Shock. I can't tell you how many times I've cursed at the screen each time a new "remake" was announced that was NOT System Shock.

I picked 150$ mostly because that's what I can reasonably afford to throw at it - and the demo convinced me it wasn't just a cheap cash-grab. If it had been a "visuals/UI" upgrade only, I'd have gone with a lower tier.


Although I wasted many (many!) more hours on Doom and Heretic back then, System Shock had and has more value to me. This also continues into my work as a programmer. While I didn't become a game developer, my previous and current fan projects make me realize I loop back to System Shock again and again. So, backing a serious (corporate) group on that felt natural to me.
I was simply too slow to get the "write your own death log" level.
While I was gaming around the time of the original System Shock, I don't think I really paid any attention to it in '94/'95. After playing a few hours of the more recent Enhanced Edition and really playing it, I am as intrigued by it as I was when I first played System Shock 2 shortly after it's re-release on GOG.

Anyway, even though the ~$150 is a bit steep for the 'big box' version, I try to get to that backer level on almost all the games I have backed that offered it. First, it gives ~70-80% of the net money to the actual developers (after KS takes their cut), while the remaining 'feelies' they can design and produce as development continues. And I get a great new big box and supporting bits! :D

I've always loved the little extras in games like this; large, thought-out universe, and sometimes the paper manuals and such give it such a cohesive whole, y'know?


Backed it at $150.00 because, you know, System Shock.

Seriously, this is as good a shot that we will have at a remake done right.  Kick is obliviously a fan (those who think he is in it only for the money, have no clue as to the realities of the business).  NDS is working with Warren S. and Paul N. as consultants and have hired Chris Avellone.   The other options, as I see it are either no remake or worse, EA notices the interest and attempts to buy the license back from NDS.   
Early bird, because i played the demo and liked where the things are going.
Also because i'm caving another *shock game and this is the one.
Backed and very happy to!  Impressed as hell by the demo, think the team seems committed and love the universe, and I can't wait to play this!


Anyone else fund it a bit disheartening that this thread has waaay less posts than the "why you didn't back it" thread?    :rolleyes:


I'd like to think that our value doesn't lie in a fistful of dollars.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Hikari, Join usss!
Cyberpunk in a nutshell:

Society says you are your pocketbook/wallet/credstick. We tell them to fuck off because they are full of shit.
I'd like to think that our value doesn't lie in a fistful of dollars.

And this thread is half as old as the"...not back it?" thread too.


I'd also like to think that if they're short $100000 that they'd release the damn thing anyway and pay the difference.  It's not like people always used to pay up front for a product that hadn't been made yet.  Kickstarter is a nice little hedge and I'm fine with the idea of it but you can't be so risk averse that you refuse to do any work that hasn't been completely paid for in advance.
What nobody wants to admit is that the base level is usually not nearly enough for what you're trying to achieve, people are just scared to ask for the actual amount upfront which can be two or three times higher. 900k gets you a team of ten to fifteen people working one and a half years if absolutely everything else (workstations, special equipment, rent, marketing, server costs, ...) is payed for and nothing goes wrong, specifically the project being completed on time which would be a first for a Kickstarter video game. Night Dive will have to dig into their own funds one way or the other, no matter what.
« Last Edit: 05. July 2016, 17:49:08 by Marvin »


True.  I suppose I was a bit too shortsighted on that one.  Nevertheless, if the total cost is going to be 3 x 900k or something like that, I figure it shouldn't all hinge on 100k.

665b20088dadbNameless Voice

I thought no actual money gets taken from the backers unless the project reaches its goal?

If the Kickstarter doesn't reach $900k, they can't just try to make the game with $850k, because they won't actually get any of the money at all.

(Of course, they could back the remaining amount with their own money, and then immediately pay themselves back.)
(Of course, they could back the remaining amount with their own money

That's also exactly what has been said here,  so yes.

They're gonna make it without a problem though..

Backed at $30. Not been very impressed with most KS projects i have to say (i have backed maybe 30 or so over the years.).. Hope this one delivers.
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
(Of course, they could back the remaining amount with their own money, and then immediately pay themselves back.)
Which has been done before. Not that they need it since they're going to land at 1.2kk+.


Just curious.  Why the high target?
Sudden family expense so I've had to move from chipping $80 into the cup today to waiting to see how things are on the last week. Here's hoping i can squeek in because this is a project I want to support.


Considering how much it's been going up by daily, I'd say that it will hit the target in the next few days.

Just hoping it doesn't go to $1.3 mil or higher.

Reading the Kickstarter updates get's me concerned enough about changes as it is.
Personally I'm hoping we hit the stretch goals.  I get that some don't want any changes, but I'm personally open to 'em as long as they do them with care, and I think an expanded Citadel could be really cool.  But really, I'll have a ton of fun either way, I'm sure.
I'll be chipping in something, though not a huge amount. I've backed half a dozen or so KS projects and haven't had a dud yet. The pitch is pretty slick and I'll be interested to see how things turn out.

I'm also not worried either way about the RPG stretch goals and the like. They'll work well or not (if they even get included) and if not I can always play the dos version again.

(On the other hand, I tend to think that they'd probably make more money with the base tier at $25, games like Pillars of Eternity/ Divinity OS/ Wasteland2 were massive, original rather than remakes, and cheaper)
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