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Topic: SSR: Who has decided to back it and why?
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I donated $350 since I believe a lot of work is being put into this by the demo and most of the original members on board with the remaster are really enjoying what they are creating so far. This remake is 100% better than the original in every way possible, If you really don't think so you are just stubborn. This can bring in a whole new wave of people who never even heard of system shock before and be able to experience the first installment with modern controls. The game will not die.

I want that big box so bad... having my dead corpse on the ship will be a cool little addition too..
Acknowledged by: Hikari


This remake is 100% better than the original in every way possible, If you really don't think so you are just stubborn.
Stop saying dumb things as if you actually believe them.


Stop saying dumb things as if you actually believe them.

Better Graphics
Better Controls
Better Environment
Better Audio
Better Combat
Better Detection
Better Mechanics
Better Optimized

Get your head out of your ass, you are ridiculous.
Better Optimized

SSR is not optimized for DOS at all.
Acknowledged by 2 members: voodoo47, icemann
Ooooh. There's a new Boxcar on the hype train. And he's not going to stop before he gets to the station!
Better Graphics
Better technical quality of graphics. Art direction, so and so. +/-0

Better Controls
The original already has a mouselook mod. This one has that, but adds handicapping animations.

Better Environment
How? It's an exact replica of the 1994 version with more polygons, shinier shaders, and higher resolution textures. As somebody said before, it feels like a 'video game world', because unlike the original which intended to depict just a space station, the reboot intends to depict an old video game's space station.

Better Audio
I'll give you that, discounting the music.

Better Combat
You like swinging a log while submerged in molasses?

Better Detection
Better hit detection? How?

Better Mechanics
Like the handicapping animations and tiny buttons you have to aim at to use objects and machines?

Better Optimized

Get your head out of your ass, you are ridiculous.
It is you who appears to have his head twedged deep into his backside. Somebody on this forum voiced his thoughts on the reboot, both negatives and positives, and you immediately told him he 'needs help', probably  because you stopped reading a few lines into the negatives and had a knee-jerk reaction. I guess anyone who doesn't see the Emperor's new clothes is an unappreciative arsehole in your book.
« Last Edit: 09. July 2016, 08:17:26 by Aurora »
Acknowledged by 2 members: icemann, Learonys


Better technical quality of graphics. Art direction, so and so. +/-0
The original already has a mouselook mod. This one has that, but adds handicapping animations.
How? It's an exact replica of the 1994 version with more polygons, shinier shaders, and higher resolution textures. As somebody said before, it feels like a 'video game world', because unlike the original which intended to depict just a space station, the reboot intends to depict an old video game's space station.
I'll give you that, discounting the music.
You like swinging a log while submerged in molasses?
Better hit detection? How?
Like the handicapping animations and tiny buttons you have to aim at to use objects and machines?
It is you who appears to have his head twedged deep into his backside. Somebody on this forum voiced his thoughts on the reboot, both negatives and positives, and you immediately told him he 'needs help', probably  because you stopped reading a few lines into the negatives and had a knee-jerk reaction. I guess anyone who doesn't see the Emperor's new clothes is an unappreciative arsehole in your book.

I take one thing back, the detection is not better, its harder however much more realistic.

To you saying I am an asshole for saying that poster needed help. Yes I did read it and its all completely stupid shit that is so tiny it doesn't affect the gameplay and he takes no consideration that ITS A DEMO NOT THE FULL GAME!!! He makes only a couple good points. I underlined the ones i agree with.

Excess bloom usage
Excess reflectivity
Excess saturated lighting (colored lighting should be subtle for main lights)
Poor lighting contrast
Hideous inventory (white squares?), I know it's temporary (let's hope!)
Inventory blocks view
Inventory blurrs view
Inventory is too large (same complaint as original game, oops!) < ------ Repeating himself to make list longer
Inventory is missing slots for 5 more weapons (7 total)
Object info text is too small in the inventory
Movement restricting handrails everywhere
Ladder climbing takes away control
Ladder climbing prevents shooting while on ladders
Ladder handrails are excessively large  < ------ Fantastic point, wow, they should really get on making those handrails smaller!  :lordy: :lordy: :lordy:
Repair bot scale is a little too small
Doors can only be used by tiny buttons instead of whole door
Tiny fiddly usage of keypads
Tiny fiddly usage of puzzle panels

Tiny fiddly buttons
Sparqbeam sounds awful
Sparqbeam beam is too large
Sparqbeam effects are too flashy
Sparqbeam gives no indication of cooldown for overheating
Sparqbeam only has two settings of intensity
Pipe swing is like molasses, even slower than original
Servbot attack distance for short arm swings seems too long
Servbot doesn't fall over
Locational damage difference for humanoid mutant (head hits hurt it more)  < ------ Face palm
Getting hurt creates random rectangles/squares on the screen, what kind of cheap hardware is this cybernetic interface anyway, can't take a little bump?  :rolleyes:
Crates look generic and nothing like original crates
Gore is a tad excessive, M rating instead of T, severely restricted target audience
Too much horror theme elements, not enough cyber punk elements
Violin music is just wierd, cliche creepy
Head bob is excessive  < ------ Even if this is in the final game, 99% of games allow you to just disable.
No prone (can of worms...opened!)
Generic looking main menu < --------- Are
Title font not very cyberpunk < --------- You
Point filtering on textures conflicts with style < --------- Fucking serious
Fall damage occurs at too low a height
Horrible control stealing sluggish out of character item pickup animations
Sluggish weapon switching
Muffled Rebecca Lansing email
Unnecessary, character-altering changes to critical-to-story dialogue < ------- ITS NOT EVEN THE FULL FUCKING GAME!!!
The System Analyzer DOES NOT MONITOR BIOMETRICS!!  :lordy: that would be the Biological Systems Monitor,
 System Analyzer tells you station status <---- same here.


Just want to add They have a year and an a half to fix 90% of this dudes dumb complaints on a DEMO (not even the final game)

The demo is just a DEMO not the whole game, jesus christ people.


so? we are aware that the final product will be different, but the demo is the only thing currently available, so we have nothing else to analyze.

also, you are pretty much the only person complaining here, the rest are just voicing concerns and opinions about various aspects of the demo (hoping to help out NightDive people by providing feedback, I might add).
Acknowledged by: Kolya


Don't make eye contact. Just keep walking.
Acknowledged by 3 members: icemann, Hikari, JosiahJack
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