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Topic: System Shock 3 - first concept art Read 9678 times  



Shodan will be back (duh!)
Sys 1 hacker will be back
Goggles will be back
also Rebecca Lansing and Rebbeca Sutton (of course they mean Siddons)

The game's gonna tell the story why Shodan wanted to destroy earth (which was kind of already established in Sys 1 ??!??)
The ruins of Citadel are shown in the concept art, so I suspect, that we will go there again. //with the Von Braun that I noticed just now (looks kind of small in comparison)
A bit puzzled by the large TriOp stamp on Shodans forhead...
« Last Edit: 30. August 2016, 19:30:42 by unn_atropos »


I'm not sure what this "System 1" game is that you keep referring to.
Then I'd say, 'this thing is so big' and the response was '1994.' ... So it was an eye-opening experience just in terms of how far games have come since then.
That's how far we've come? Making small easy games with better UIs?
Oh well, it's just PR talk. But this stood out for me. Apart from Bec's last name of course.
Acknowledged by: Nameless Voice
Huh, what? *rubs eyes* That SHODAN image looks hideous, story seems to be all over the place (could be good/bad sign, not enough information), interview is much too short. I'll go back to bed until the KS campaign starts.


For some reason, I didn't expect anything better.


Huh, what? *rubs eyes* That SHODAN image looks hideous, story seems to be all over the place (could be good/bad sign, not enough information), interview is much too short. I'll go back to bed until the KS campaign starts.

Actually, that SHODAN art is gorgeous :heart:. That is suppose to be SHODAN in Rebecca's body, I'd imagine. Though I would like to see SHODAN with a modern graphical take on what she looked like in SS2 at some point in the game :) . I know it is a bit disconcerting seeing SHODAN wearing someone else face, but the end of SS2 already pretty much set that up even if LGS and Irrational back in the day had made SS3. It's not like her face didn't change between 1 & 2 either. Maybe she will do some nano-tech face shifting in-game? Heh, Spector even said... "Arturo has been working on our version of Shodan, which is going to be interesting and different from what people expect. I expect it will infuriate some people but definitely get people talking."*

My only real complaints thus far are...

Why isn't Citadel Station nearly completely debris? The explosion wouldn't have left THAT much intact.

Oh please no, don't tell me they are going to have us revisit Citadel Station. I don't want SS3 to be a slightly modified re-remake of SS1. Just make the damn game take place on Earth.

I agree with unn...wth is with that TriOp stamp on her forehead? O_o

Spector says..."In System Shock 3 I want to explore Shodan's motivations," said Spector. "In the first two games her plan was to destroy humanity because, with the removal of her ethical constraints by the hacker in the first game, she's going insane. But we never explained why she wants to destroy humanity. So we're going to be exploring the idea of a super intelligence and what would motivate a super intelligent AI." ...erm, because she is a super intelligent alien minded AI that has a God complex and views humans as so much bacteria? What is there to explore? Why do I have the feeling that they are going to have the merging with Rebecca help her to understand :heart:  :lulu: lurve :lulu: :heart:, *barf*. Nnnnot...that I'm totally opposed to that :paranoid: , but dear God they'll do it WRONG I just know it.

Spector says..."Back when we made System Shock, cyberpunk was still at its height in terms of popularity and cultural significance and it was a big inspiration. Nowadays, cyberpunk is a little less current. I've learned over the years that it's foolish to try to convince people to become interested in something they don't care about, so we're finding things that people are interested in today." ...this has me worried because it sounds like they are going for pop culture, rather than looking at gaming theme genres that people like...cyberpunk is one of them.

*I wonder...and it is probably inevitable...just how much SS3 is going to oversexualize her. I mean, look at Rebecca's face she is wearing. It's 7 of 9 all over again. :cyborg: <-> :lulu:

*Also that either before or especially after this game is released Rule 34 of SHODAN is going to go OVER 9000.

All that being said, like with the SS1 remake, we will just have to wait and see. It is really easy to jump to conclusions, I think, because sometimes people find it fun or funny. All in all, what I've seen of SS3 isn't enough and what I've seen of the SS1 remake is flawed but good thus far, just needs some tweaks. 8)


I agree with most of the posts mentioned here. But looking at the blue particles coming from the station, it almost looks to me as if the station is being made, not destroyed. This brings me to the idea that the Von Braun's FTL drive will return to be an important part of the story, so (cautiously saying) I think we could expect this to come back.

Looking at SHODAN's face, and the first thing that came to mind was a receptionist telling me "How can i help you, sir?". She looked way too friendly, Shock2's version didn't exactly have baby cheeks and didn't look as if she had too much make-up on her face. TriOp logo doesn't make fully sense, but i'm not gonna get too nitpicky.

"I've learned over the years that it's foolish to try to convince people to become interested in something they don't care about, so we're finding things that people are interested in today."

Nooooo... :( You design games, it's your job to convince us that your games are interesting! Don't take the easy route, show those oblivious gamers that don't care about 90's cyberpunk that they can be wrong on this!


I don't think they'll be able to come up with a good reason for the original hacker to meet the surviving crew of the Von Braun, it will just be some random handwave.
If I had to guess you won't play as either the hacker or marine in this game and they'll show up to be your advisors instead, having two main protagonists from earlier games and both settings from earlier games available is giving the game a way bigger "sequel" feel than SS2 ever had.
They still haven't made up their mind over whether the game will be more of an RPG or not, I always assumed Spector would make something like Deus Ex here, which is like a middleground between SS1 and SS2 as far as RPG elements, I don't know why he's so skittish of the idea of a more RPG-focused SS1, that's pretty much what his Deus Ex was mechanically, much more than SS2.


I agree with most of the posts mentioned here. But looking at the blue particles coming from the station, it almost looks to me as if the station is being made, not destroyed. This brings me to the idea that the Von Braun's FTL drive will return to be an important part of the story, so (cautiously saying) I think we could expect this to come back.

Looking at SHODAN's face, and the first thing that came to mind was a receptionist telling me "How can i help you, sir?". She looked way too friendly, Shock2's version didn't exactly have baby cheeks and didn't look as if she had too much make-up on her face. TriOp logo doesn't make fully sense, but i'm not gonna get too nitpicky.

"I've learned over the years that it's foolish to try to convince people to become interested in something they don't care about, so we're finding things that people are interested in today."

Nooooo... :( You design games, it's your job to convince us that your games are interesting! Don't take the easy route, show those oblivious gamers that don't care about 90's cyberpunk that they can be wrong on this!

You know, I forgot to mention it in my post earlier, but if you look closely at her eyes, I think she has TriOp logos in them too. I hope the whole TriOp logo everywhere on her is just for show/symbolism/forshadowing. :/

No one(sane) wants SS3 to take place on Citadel Station remade...most Shock fans have expressed an interest for it to take place on Earth. Earth in this dystopian cyberpunk variation looked interesting and could have interesting locales for SS3.

Now that you mention about her looking/sounding like a receptionist...sorta like the way she sounded in the beginning of the first SS...the welcome mail? Oh...no...no...IF THEY DO TIME TRAVEL FOR SS3 I QUIT LIFE! :lordy:

I don't think they'll be able to come up with a good reason for the original hacker to meet the surviving crew of the Von Braun, it will just be some random handwave.
If I had to guess you won't play as either the hacker or marine in this game and they'll show up to be your advisors instead, having two main protagonists from earlier games and both settings from earlier games available is giving the game a way bigger "sequel" feel than SS2 ever had.
They still haven't made up their mind over whether the game will be more of an RPG or not, I always assumed Spector would make something like Deus Ex here, which is like a middleground between SS1 and SS2 as far as RPG elements, I don't know why he's so skittish of the idea of a more RPG-focused SS1, that's pretty much what his Deus Ex was mechanically, much more than SS2.

Actually, Deus Ex and SS2 were the same in that regard, the only difference in the RPG systems overall shtick between the two games being that Deus Ex didn't have attributes or psionics to level like SS2, but instead had Augs to compliment the skill system. Deus Ex's tech/combat skills were all mashed together in the same skill menu basically. It wasn't a middleground or dumbed down, it was just arranged and set up differently.

To be honest, throwing in a lot of former game characters might be totally going overboard. Then again it might be awesome. It just depends on how they approach it. It will probably be a contrivance that brings them all together though.

My biggest concern right now is that the game won't take place on Earth...that they are just going to retread the previous games by having it take place on Citadel and the Von Braun again, since there is pretty much nowhere else they can go realistically other than the aforementioned retreads or Earth. I'm pretty sure people(sane) would be against retreads :droid: ...and, you know, the possibility they might do :carnage: time travel :carnage: . Maybe a colony in the Sol system as a setting?

There is another concern you all should be worried about...are they going to do a Hacker/Goggles-Marine CO-OP setup for this game? Fear that possibility because it would probably lead to the game being designed in a terrible manner. :/

Like I said before, this is all just ranting/speculation. We literally know nothing about SS3 other than the concept art, really. I've learned over the years that concept art lies both on the good side and bad side of things. It's just concepts obviously. Sometimes people think of weird and unusual outside the box concepts when trying to get a solid idea. 8)


You can't deny Deus Ex is a much softer RPG than SS2, it doesn't lock you out from using weapons, items and skills like SS2 and it doesn't have RPG-like "attributes" either that affect many things at once, all the skills affect just one thing. SS2 also has about half the spellbook from Ultima Underworld jammed in as Psi, while the augs from Deus Ex are pretty much just SS1 Hardware.
Deus Ex has stronger roleplaying potential (in the traditional sense), dialogue options and relatively strong C&C. It's only softer in depth of character progression systems, otherwise it's more of a roleplaying game than SS2.
Acknowledged by: Marvin


...while the augs from Deus Ex are pretty much just SS1 Hardware.
Most of the augs are more like spells/psi powers, because you have to manually activate them.


I'm not a fan of a SS game taking place on Earth. Only way i'll see such a game going is Skynet style with a Tracer Tong ending (with different motivations and methods off course), which sounds better for a 2020 CoD game than SS3 imo.


Deus Ex has stronger roleplaying potential (in the traditional sense), dialogue options and relatively strong C&C. It's only softer in depth of character progression systems, otherwise it's more of a roleplaying game than SS2.

Yeah, character building is all I'm talking about.

Most of the augs are more like spells/psi powers, because you have to manually activate them.
There is the aspect of all the automatic hardware like the envirosuit in SS1 but you still need to activate or micromanage a fair bunch. You also find augs lying around like hardware instead of learning them by using points (in DX3 in contrast you do learn them like spells/psi powers, the character building is more traditional in that sense)


You can't deny Deus Ex is a much softer RPG than SS2, it doesn't lock you out from using weapons, items and skills like SS2 and it doesn't have RPG-like "attributes" either that affect many things at once, all the skills affect just one thing. SS2 also has about half the spellbook from Ultima Underworld jammed in as Psi, while the augs from Deus Ex are pretty much just SS1 Hardware.

Actually, it does lock you out from using weapons to a degree...not so much like SS2 does but still in Deus Ex the difference between an untrained weapon skill and one at master is...chasm like.

Deus Ex has stronger roleplaying potential (in the traditional sense), dialogue options and relatively strong C&C. It's only softer in depth of character progression systems, otherwise it's more of a roleplaying game than SS2.

The only thing really missing are the attributes. Which I agree is half the 'RPG leveling' aspect in some cases, but yeah I agree that in terms of being an RPG, storywise Deus Ex is much better in that regard.

Technically though, SS2 was more about the survival horror experience than the overall story, even though that was important.

Most of the augs are more like spells/psi powers, because you have to manually activate them.

I didn't think of it that way...that's actually more reasonable.

I'm not a fan of a SS game taking place on Earth. Only way i'll see such a game going is Skynet style with a Tracer Tong ending (with different motivations and methods off course), which sounds better for a 2020 CoD game than SS3 imo.

Not...really. :/

There's a lot of potential for the game to be on Earth. Just look at the cityscape in the beginning and ending of SS1. Think of city outskirts as well. Industrial quarters, businesses, towers, slums, underground areas like the sewer, etc. Plenty of ideas for locales and places to wrap the game around.

666ca7f4912f3Nameless Voice

That's how far we've come? Making small easy games with better UIs?
Oh well, it's just PR talk. But this stood out for me. Apart from Bec's last name of course.

This was the main thing that struck me in the interview too.

Yes, look how far we've come.  How far backwards.
Huge games with lots to explore and actual challenge, compared to simple on-rails games where you just follow the quest arrows along the straightforward path laid out by the developers.

If someone asked me why the game was so hard, I'd say "because back in in 1994, we could actually get away with making a hard game", not "because back in 1994 we didn't know that making our game hard might reduce our market."
If someone asked me why the game was so large, I'd say "because back in 1994, the levels were so simple that they could be much bigger on the current hardware, as opposed to today when levels are complex, need a lot of memory, and have to be split into tiny segments so that they will run on low-spec console hardware."
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
Yes, look how far we've come.  How far backwards.

Ah, good. I wasn't certain what camp you fell into.

I don't have much hope for this game based on that quote. It's Spector, Church, Pacotti...should be the second coming, but their mentality has changed. Well, Spector's certainly has anyway.
If I had to guess you won't play as either the hacker or marine in this game and they'll show up to be your advisors instead, having two main protagonists from earlier games and both settings from earlier games available is giving the game a way bigger "sequel" feel than SS2 ever had.

It might be possible if we're chasing Shodan as Rebecca, we'll playing as Tommy in SS3


Spector says..."In System Shock 3 I want to explore Shodan's motivations," said Spector. "In the first two games her plan was to destroy humanity because, with the removal of her ethical constraints by the hacker in the first game, she's going insane. But we never explained why she wants to destroy humanity. So we're going to be exploring the idea of a super intelligence and what would motivate a super intelligent AI." ...erm, because she is a super intelligent alien minded AI that has a God complex and views humans as so much bacteria? What is there to explore? Why do I have the feeling that they are going to have the merging with Rebecca help her to understand :heart:  :lulu: lurve :lulu: :heart:, *barf*. Nnnnot...that I'm totally opposed to that :paranoid: , but dear God they'll do it WRONG I just know it.

It might be possible if we're chasing Shodan as Rebecca, we'll playing as Tommy in SS3



There are so many things I want to say but am afraid to type the words.  I'm extremely concerned about the stuff I'm seeing, hearing and the direction this game appears to be going in at the moment.

One of the more frightening things is that comment about giving people today what they are interested in.  That almost guarantees we're going to get crap because I see humans as devolving with time and their interests becoming ever more fleeting and superficial.

On the other hand that assessment is a tad ignorant and over-simplistic.  Spector seems to be rationalizing several priorities correctly so I'd like to see where he goes with it.
« Last Edit: 31. August 2016, 17:36:22 by RocketMan »


Spector seems to be rationalizing several priorities correctly so I'd like to see where he goes with it.

Exploring SHODAN'S motivations is not really something that needs to be done because as I mentioned...don't we already know that? Honestly the only thing that I can see is that her insanity is going to be stabilizing due to the Rebecca merger, based on what Spector has said...which will probably lead to in-game innuendo jokes about defragmentation and cleaning hard drives. :/

I could just be worried for no reason :paranoid: .

Though I'm totally all aboard for SHODAN getting her data fixed and being a little more like Helios though. Of course that will probably make this the final Shock game as that would remove SHODAN as the villain. I'm not sure what else they could do afterwards anyway except have a different 'evil' AI or bring back the Many(probably the better route) somehow.

You make one damn joke about 'getting her data fixed' and I SWEAR :what:...


Rebecca IS hot...  with shodan inside her, she'd be even hotter.  Dunno if I'm gonna want to put a bullet in her... maybe a tube steak  :happyjoy:

That'd surely cause a system shock.  Har har har.


Rebecca IS hot...  with shodan inside her, she'd be even hotter.  Dunno if I'm gonna want to put a bullet in her... maybe a tube steak  :happyjoy:

That'd surely cause a system shock.  Har har har.


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