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Outside creative consultants include Doug Church, game director on the original System Shock game.
How about putting a big fucking asterisk in that title?
What? I feel I'm missing something here.


How about putting a big fucking asterisk in that title?
Wut.  Is.  Your.  Problem?

[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource GamesPress.]
Austin, TX, August 30, 2016 – OtherSide Entertainment is proud to announce the formation of its Austin development studio and that studio’s first project, System Shock 3, the latest in the series of classic, award-winning System Shock games.

Since its official inception in July, the studio has assembled its core team, made up of industry veterans under the guidance of Creative Director and Studio Manager, Warren Spector.

Warren Spector (Creative Director, Studio Manager)

The System Shock 3 team is being led by 33-year industry legend, Warren Spector, winner of several game of the year awards and honored with four lifetime achievement awards for his contributions to gaming. Warren played a key role in bringing the original Underworld and System Shock games to life and was also behind the seminal Deus Ex series, as well as Disney Epic Mickey and Disney Epic Mickey: The Power of Two.

Sheldon Pacotti - Design Director

In his 22-year career in the game industry, Sheldon has proven himself to be a multidisciplinary developer whose past experience includes stints as lead writer on Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War, on which he played a critical role. He also has credits as lead programmer and lead designer on many other projects. Among the games he has worked on are Auto Assault and America’s Army. He comes to OtherSide with an unparalleled academic background, with degrees in mathematics and literature from MIT and Harvard.

Arturo Pulecio - Art Director

Arturo brings to the project more than 14 years of hands-on experience in every aspect of video game art. Among the titles he has worked on are Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online, Wizard 101, and both Disney Epic Mickey games.

Jason Hughes - Tech Director

Jason Hughes is a 21-year veteran industry technologist and generalist with deep knowledge of game systems. In a career that includes Wing Commander, Star Wars, and Disney Epic Mickey, Jason has everything from AI to graphics under his belt and has built multiple indie studios from scratch, operating both as founder and core technical leader.

All of these team leaders have worked with Spector before on games including Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Disney Epic Mickey, and Disney Epic Mickey: The Power of Two.

In addition, the team is consulting with members of the original System Shock teams within OtherSide Entertainment, including creative director Paul Neurath ( System Shock, System Shock 2), lead designer Tim Stellmach ( System Shock, Thief: The Dark Project) and art director Nate Wells ( System Shock 2, BioShock).

Finally, OtherSide Austin will engage the talents of Terri Brosius, the voice behind the System Shock series’ malevolent AI, SHODAN, and concept artist Robb Waters ( System Shock, BioShock). Outside creative consultants include Doug Church, game director on the original System Shock game.

To receive future updates on System Shock 3 as they become available, please register for our newsletter here. And stay tuned for an upcoming announcement regarding the game engine that Otherside Entertainment will be using to create the world of System Shock 3 and other titles.
« Last Edit: 31. August 2016, 20:47:13 by Zanderat »
Wut.  Is.  Your.  Problem?
Asterisk as in "New Hires at Otherside Doug Church On Board!*"

* as a creative consultant, not a person of any consequence.


Must be tough to go through life always seeing the glass as half empty rather than half full...... 

You do know that Doug Church works at Valve, currently.  To me, it is a huuuge thing that he is involved at all.  Look, you have Warren Spector, Paul Neurath, Doug Church, Terry Brosius, et al.  And now Doug is consulting.  What more do you want?   :rolleyes:
Asterisk as in "New Hires at Otherside Doug Church On Board!*"

* as a creative consultant, not a person of any consequence.

Well that was kinda difficult to understand from your scarce reaction. Anyway, it's good to have him on board where ever this ride is going.


always seeing the glass as half empty rather than half full...... 
that looks like positive thinking from where I stand.


How about putting a big fucking asterisk in that title?
New * Hires * at * Otherside * Doug * Church * On * Board!
Acknowledged by 2 members: Zanderat, Learonys
A glass is neither half full nor half empty but a domestic accident waiting to happen.

//Ohh, it's full of stars!
Am I the only one who clicked the link in OP's post, hoping for some kind of high resolution picture? Why the eff didn't he attach it, if there's a hires image? Oh "hires", I get it. Nevermind.
Those are some eggcelent coops.


Asterisk sounds a lot like the name of an eldritch abomination. :cthulhu:

New * Hires * at * Otherside * Doug * Church * On * Board!

See, Marvin has been infected by your snarkassness. :D

A glass is neither half full nor half empty but a domestic accident waiting to happen.

//Ohh, it's full of stars!

There is no glass. It is not the glass that is half empty or half full...but oneself. 8)

I wonder if glass cups can bend?

Also offers coop gameplay!

Redneck Rampage is an awesome game.

See, you both have been infected by my insanity. :aii:

*counts* Wait there are three of you.

Those are some eggcelent coops.


See, you both have been infected by my insanity. :aii:
No, we're just mocking you.
Acknowledged by: Drone-Dragon


No, we're just mocking you.

Dat's so kool! I always wanted my own mocking bird! :happyjoy:

665b169f83dd8Nameless Voice

Asterisk sounds a lot like the name of an eldritch abomination. :cthulhu:

Acknowledged by 2 members: Drone-Dragon, Zanderat
Must be tough to go through life always seeing the glass as half empty rather than half full...... 
I get by, one day at a time.

You do know that Doug Church works at Valve, currently.  To me, it is a huuuge thing that he is involved at all.  Look, you have Warren Spector, Paul Neurath, Doug Church, Terry Brosius, et al.  And now Doug is consulting.  What more do you want?   :rolleyes:
Him quitting his job at Valve and starting to work on SS3 of course.

You know what's funny? Two people in that list today are producers, one is now a "creative consultant" and one is a voice actress. At least they seem to have aquired a lot of talented designers with the newest batch but I guess Doug generates more clicks.

New * Hires * at * Otherside * Doug * Church * On * Board!
« Last Edit: 01. September 2016, 09:08:47 by Marvin »
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