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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
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Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
groovy, actually.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
And yet you have never explained/justified why you do that. I mean, I know why you do it-- because you're literally crazy/insane/bonkers/wackadoodle. But it would be amusing/hilarious to hear why you think you do it.
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Note to self: Make space station protocol droid explode when its personal space is violated.
Although I think that you think that this is out of the scope of SCP, it still would be very awesome if there was some kind of reaction of it. One could make him say one of the fitting things that there is already protocol droid audio for. E.g.:
"I don't mean to be rude, but something seems amiss."
"May I help you?"
"Do you need help with something?"
"Xerxes won't like this."

6662c032ed430System Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
And yet you have never explained/justified why you do that. I mean, I know why you do it-- because you're literally crazy/insane/bonkers/wackadoodle. But it would be amusing/hilarious to hear why you think you do it.

It's done for a very normal/simple reason. Being contrite and in getting to/making a point in as many few words as possible. Why else?


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Oh of course, because adding MORE redundant words helps you make a point in as FEW words as possible.

I was right, you are batshit insane.
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
It's done for a very normal/simple reason. Being contrite and in getting to/making a point in as many few words as possible. Why else?
Don't you mean "concise"?
And why can you not just connect your phrases with an "and" instead of a "/"? It would still be wordy but a bit more readable.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Or go full German like the normalsimple guy he is.
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
That's not how German word composition works. In German the last word in a compound word is the one that gets modified by the previous words. The last word therefore defines the general meaning, gender and number. That's much like in English, only that the words get contracted into one, eg: Nichtraucher vs. non-smoker.

System Shocked however is often using word pairs that address slightly different aspects of the same thing, that's not a specification. Sometimes it's obviously unnecessary wordiness like "areas/levels". Sometimes he even gets it right: "Historically and unfortunately". And sometimes his ambivalism is completely unreadable: "fair/unfair and/or praise/criticism".

A sign of someone who knows how to write is that they use the exact words that describe what they want to say and nothing more. Giving the audience the opposite of every noun or adjective as well muddles your point and sounds condescending. As if we didn't know the opposite of "praise" and how to use it.

6662c032edd3cSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Don't you mean "concise"?
And why can you not just connect your phrases with an "and" instead of a "/"? It would still be wordy but a bit more readable.

Yes, the word "concise" also works and may be more applicable/correct in this case/instance.

I prefer using "/" in some cases because I know that it pisses-off ZylonBane.  :D

And Kolya, I appreciate your comments and showing some examples of my mis-use of using "/" .  I'll try to be more accurate/selective in the future so that using "/" is more applicable/substantive.
« Last Edit: 21. December 2016, 22:41:15 by System Shocked »


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
I'm pretty sure everything you post does.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Trying to fix anything about his brain is like trying to carve a concrete block with a water pistol.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
that actually would work, provided enough time.

6662c032ee26fSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Trying to fix anything about his brain is like trying to carve a concrete block with a water pistol.

Consider using the new "Concrete Block Destroyer II" water pistol, just released for Xmas 2016?  It's far more accurate/destructive.

« Last Edit: 21. December 2016, 23:09:36 by System Shocked »


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
I'd go for one of these. it would blow your mind (literally).


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
I'm new to this, so please just murder me if I should have found this somewhere else... There are several areas that allow you to get stuck. There was one early on in floor 1 or 2 that I don't remember, then a small square cutout with water in the wall of a hallway of floor 3, and now I got stuck outside the invisible box during the first Shodan meeting in Dr. Polito's office.

Great job on the mods otherwise... I'm playing for the first time and it's amazing and looks excellent.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
yes, you can get stuck at places, but you need to try really, really, really hard, so this shouldn't be a problem for 99.9% people. anyway, saves would be nice - I think I know what place on hydro you mean (a steamy water corner right before the corridor with eggs), but obviously no idea about the early ones.

would really like to know how did you manage to get stuck at the Shodan scene, that place might need extra proofing if it's something easily replicable.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
I'd really like to see gameplay video of these people getting stuck. I suspect it's about as accidental as people who "accidentally" get their head stuck in a pickle jar, or "accidentally" stuff a pool ball in their mouth.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
I'm thinking improper cam_ext modifications (or forced gpu control panel settings) causing the physics timings to go all haywire (making the invisible walls not block the player when they should). asked for a video, so maybe we'll see.

just for the record, there is simply no way one could simply fall out of the room just like that unless something went very, very wrong.

//user was actually running the vanilla map where you can fall out the room if you are swift enough and know exactly where to run, so mystery solved.
« Last Edit: 12. January 2017, 12:48:20 by voodoo47 »
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3



Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
last time I've read about such an "accident", it was about someone reaching for something high up while being naked, and then falling down from a chair onto a potato, getting it stuck, well, NOT in their mouth to say it nicely.

yeah right.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
Wow... so much love, and for the record it wasn't a potato it was a bedpost... I was trying to change a lightbulb. This time I was trying to run the game using the save I started before I downloaded all the mods... then forget about not having installed SCP because it says it requires a new game and didn't want to start over... then commenting on the SCP thread about how things weren't fixed. Annnyway, back to mah hole.
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Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
I love the "/" conversation you folks are having: it's hilarious. I edit, and compose, policy and procedure documents for a large organization. Based on my job-related skills, experience, and philosophy, I agree with  ZylonBane's and Kolya's criticisms of your "/" use. However, I do think it's valid to mis-use the "/"  because "it pisses-off ZylonBane." Cheap entertainment, you know? But I counsel that ZylonBane's and Kolya's criticisms  of your "/" use are correct, and that I think those criticisms are excellently stated.  Anyway, I came here looking to learn how to mod SS2, and you folks are providing that plus fun I didn't expect. Thanks for all of it!


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 3
well yeah, if you put smart people and annoying people into the same (virtual room), hilarity ensues.

'nyway, will clean a bunch of offtopic posts up in a while, in a (futile) attempt to keep the topic technically oriented.
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